» Health & Fitness » Mother's Remedies, Thomas Jefferson Ritter [reading well .TXT] 📗

Book online «Mother's Remedies, Thomas Jefferson Ritter [reading well .TXT] 📗». Author Thomas Jefferson Ritter

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Prostration, Nervous 280
Pruritis 495
Pseudo-Leukaemia 252
Psoriasis 79
Pulse 642
Purifier, Blood (Herb Remedies) 422
Purpura 253
  Symptoms 253
    1. Symptomatic Purpura 253
    2. Type Arthritic Purpura 253
Purpura Haemorrhagic 253
  Symptoms 253
  Treatment 254
Pyelitis 160
  Symptoms 161
  Treatment 161
  Diet 161
Pyemia 223
  Symptoms 223
  Local Treatment 223
  General Treatment 223
Quinsy 190
Radway's Pills 488
Rash, Nettle 89
Rash, Nettle (Herb Remedies) 442
Rash, Prickly Heat 76
Raspberry Shrub 646
Raspberry Vinegar 647
Rectal Douche 641
Rectocele 514
Rectum, Abscess around the 151
Rectum, Diseases of the 136
Rectum. Neuralgia of the 137
Relief for Asthma (Rare Prescription) 465
Remittent Fever 228
Renal Calculus 161
Respiration (Breathing) 642
Resuscitate the Drowned, To 397
Retina 347
Retina, Inflammation of the 355
Retinitis, Albuminuric 355
Rheumatism 678
  Liniment sent us from a Gentleman in Canada 678
Rheumatic Arthritis 314
Rheumatism Articular 317
Rheumatism Chronic 321
Rheumatism, Chronic (Herb Remedies) 414, 434, 435, 440
Rheumatic Fever, Diagnosis of 4
Rheumatic Rever (Articular Rheumatism) 317
  Causes 317
  Predisposing 318
  Condition 318
  Symptoms 318
  Fever 318
  Mothers' Remedies 318
    1. Salicylate of Soda Treatment 319
    2. Cotton Excellent for Inflammatory 319
  Prevention 319
    1. Physicians' Causes 320
    2. Hot Fomentations 320
    3. The Following is Good 320
    4. A Prescription 320
    5. A Layer or Two of Gauze Saturated with Methylsalicylate 320
    6. Internal 320

  7. Dr. Hare Recommend 320
    Nursing 321
    Diet 321
Rheumatism, Gonorrheal 236
Rheumatism, Gonorrheal (Herb Remedies) 429, 430
Rheumatic Gout 314
  Rheumatic Anthritis

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