» Health & Fitness » 100 Weight Loss Tips - PDF eBook Book Free Download, Shanika Lakmali [read my book .txt] 📗

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will soon begin to feel those muscles tightening.

Tip #82: Do breathing exercises to tone your midsection. It is amazing how breathing properly and with your entire diaphragm can actually help to tighten your abdominal muscles. Most people breathe way too shallow as it is and oxygen is good for the brain.

Tip #83: Experiment with yoga. Yoga is a great way to lose weight and reduce your stress levels. Yoga teaches you how to control your muscles and gain more control of your individual muscles groups.

Tip #84: Lift weights. Strength training burns more fat than people give it credit. When you work on building muscle, they begin to burn fat to fuel muscles growth. Do be aware that when you gain muscle, your scale may not be an accurate tool in determining weight loss because muscle weighs more than fat.

Tip #85: Massage your partner. You can exert yourself a little bit and at the same time you will be able to complement them on the weight they have lost if they have been working out with you.

Tip #86: Take the stairs two at a time instead of one at a time. This causes you to have to exert yourself more and increases your heart rate.

Tip #87: Take your dog on a walk. Chances are that if you're not getting enough exercise, neither is your pet. Or, let your dog take you on a walk. For once in his life, let him lead you where he wants to go and as fast as he wants to get there. It could be a good workout for the both of you.

Tip #88: Join a dancing class. This could be ballroom dancing where you learn dances like the tango, salsa or fox trot. These dances are fast paced and will get you moving. Even slow ballroom dancing is a lot of exercise and will definitely tone your legs. Or, you can take an aerobic dance class. How many dancers do you know that are overweight?

Tip #89: Lean against the wall so that your face is close and then use your hands to push your body away. Do this three or four times to stretch.

Tip #90: Swim whenever you can. Swimming is a great way to get your cardio exercise and it's low to no impact on your joints, which is great for people who have osteoporosis or joint problems.

Tip #91: Try playing tennis or basketball. Playing games are a great way to get into shape. It's also more fun to workout with someone else in a competitive atmosphere. You will be more driven to push yourself and you'll burn more calories, just don't overdo it.

Tip #92: Always start your workout with a warm up of about 5-10 minutes and end with a cool down of 5-10 minutes. Your body needs to reach a certain heart rate level before it will respond well to the rest of the workout.

Tip #93: Don't carry your wireless phone or cell phone with you. If it rings, go walk for it. There are so many conveniences in life and we always have everything we need at our fingertips, but this is obviously bad for the waistline.

Tip #94: If you're standing around, stretch your legs a bit by standing up on your toes and then gradually drop to your heals. You can also flex your buttock muscles as well, but maybe when nobody else is looking.

Tip #95: Before going to bed, undress and stare at yourself in front of the mirror. Take note of what areas you need to improve on and what areas are your best assets. Taking a self-inventory can keep you motivated in your workout endeavors. Also, don't forget to complement yourself on any new muscle tone you may have or other improvements you've made.

Tip #96: Don't slouch in your chair. Try to sit up straight and erect at all times. Slouching is bad for your back and gives you a flabby figure. Make it a point to always sit and stand with good posture.

Tip #97: Most people would like to target their stomachs and get rid of that area all together. Unfortunately, we can't spot reduce. But, one thing you can do is a breathing exercise to help tighten those stomach muscles.

Breathe in air as strong as you can and tuck your stomach at the same time as much as you can. Hold it for a few seconds and then slowly let it out. Don't let it out so fast that your belly flops out. This is not good. Try to breathe like this whenever you think about it, about 50-60 times a day is ideal. This will help you to lose at least an inch within 20 days or so.

Tip #98: Use a chart, such as the one below to assist you in your weight loss endeavors. This chart shows you how many calories each of these common exercises burn, based on 20 minutes.


Calories Burned



Stationary Bicycling


Actual Bicycling


Running at 5-6 mph




Swimming Laps


Brisk Walking


Weeding and Cultivating Your Garden


Sex (Yes, sex can be exercise too)


Basketball – shooting baskets to playing a game


Golf – carrying clubs, no cart


Golf – carrying clubs, based on 2 hours of play instead of 20 minutes




Water Skiing


Ice Skating – general


Cross Country Skiing, 2.5 mph, light effort


General Skiing


Scuba Diving


Whitewater rafting, kayaking or canoeing


Flag or Touch Football


Horseback Riding – Trotting


Martial Arts




Volleyball – 6 to 9 person team


Volleyball – Beach


Tennis – singles


Tai Chi


*Your results will depend on how much you currently weigh as well. If you're looking for an accurate calculation based on your body weight and details of the exercise you are performing go to at

From this chart you can see that walking is a great way to get exercise. If you're too busy to do any of the other exercises, a good walk is a good start.

Tip #99: Don't discourage yourself from exercising and eating right by wearing clothes that don't fit. If you're a medium, wear a medium. Wearing the wrong types of clothes can make you appear larger than you really are. This includes workout wear as well. If you wear clothes that fit now, you get to go shopping later for smaller clothes and you can sell your slightly worn larger clothes in a consignment shop or you can take them to Goodwill to be given to someone who can use them.

Getting Started

Now that you understand how to get started, here's a little more information on losing weight and keeping it off and it all begins with what you eat.

Fat and weight loss is such an important aspect in our life today because we are fatter now than we have ever been. The word "weight loss programs" will catch the attention of anybody listening in on a conversation or watching television. In fact, that's one of the most popular keywords searched on the Internet today.

The main reason that we are so overweight is because of our relationship with food. In our society, we tend to concentrate on quantity. We simply want as much as we can get instead of the best food that we can get. Quantity always beats out quality, when it should be exactly the opposite of that.

Once you've decided to lose weight, it can be difficult to determine where exactly you should get started. If you have a strong resolve to get going and to lose weight, it is possible. You just have to figure out how to say "no."

Everybody is different. You're not going to find another person who has the same metabolism as you or who burns fat the same way as you. You may weigh exactly the same as a person next to you, but if you both were to start an exercise and diet program you both might not have the same results two weeks or even a month later, even if you did everything the same exact way each day. In saying this, it's important to realize that not everybody utilizes food in the same way either. What may cause one person to gain a pound may not do the same to another. The same is true in losing weight. If you're a married woman and you and your husband are working out together and let's say he gives up soda and loses five pounds from stopping his intake of soda and you don't lose one pound, that shows you that you and your husband are not necessarily going to see the same results, even if you're eating and exercising in the exact same way.

The bottom line is that today's society has to work a lot harder than societies of the past. Sixty years ago women and men were thin because they had to work. Manual labor was a requirement or you wouldn't be able to eat. You had to go gather eggs from the hen house if you want eggs, you had to go milk the cows for fresh milk and you had to plow the fields to grow your vegetables. If you wanted beef, well you had to know a little something about fattening up a calf and getting it butchered. That's the way life was back then and technology has taken away all of this manual work. So, instead we have to watch what we eat and we have to go make ourselves exercise. If we don't we don't have a reason to move half the time.

It is very important to understand that you weight loss goals are very dependent on how much you are willing to work at it. It is the one thing in life that you have to do manual labor to achieve if you want to see results.

Generally, people do not need to worry about weight loss until their twenties, but with the fast food lifestyle that we live today this is not necessarily the case anymore. Many of our children are obese because they eat too much fast food and processed foods. When you're grocery shopping for yourself and your family read the ingredients of what you are eating. If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it. Processed foods cause us to have cravings and cravings cause us to gain weight. This is particularly important to understand if you are ever going to be effective at losing weight and keeping it off.

Watching your diet alone is not going to make you lose weight though. The proper diet has to be paired with the proper amount of exercise as well. The solution is an exercise regiment that will give your body the exercise it needs to burn fat and calories efficiently. If you don't move, it's like you're in hibernation and your body just packs on the pounds, particularly around your waistline.

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