» Health & Fitness » A Manual of the Operations of Surgery, Joseph Bell [suggested reading .txt] 📗

Book online «A Manual of the Operations of Surgery, Joseph Bell [suggested reading .txt] 📗». Author Joseph Bell

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accident or in operation. Catgut seems to be the best medium, and cases are on record in which, even after months of separation and subsequent paralysis, improvement has followed an operation for refreshing and joining the divided ends.


Dr. Solis Cohen has recently (in a paper read before the Philadelphia College of Physicians, April 4, 1883) collected the notes of sixty-five cases of excision of the entire larynx. Fifty-six of these were done for cancer, and the remainder for sarcomata, papillomata, etc. Of the fifty-six done for cancer, forty are reported as having died, either shortly after the operation from shock or pneumonia, or a few months later from recurrence of the disease. In two instances the disease had recurred, but death had not been reported when the paper was read. Fourteen remain in which neither death nor recurrence had been reported. Dr. Cohen's conclusion is that laryngectomy does not tend to the prolongation of life, and thinks that the greatest good to the greater number appears better secured by dependence on the palliative operation of tracheotomy.

Abdomen, operations on, 222. Abernethy on ligature of external iliac, 8. Adams on anatomy of common iliac, 4. on hip deformity, 133. Ægineta, Paulus, on excision of joints, 108. Allarton on median lithotomy, 269. Amputation and excision contrasted, 113. Amputation at ankle-joint (Syme's), 78. of anterior portion of foot (Hey's), 73. of arm, 62. at elbow-joint, 61. through femur, condyles of, 92. of fingers, 51-54. of fore-arm, 58. at hip-joint, 102. at knee-joint, 92. of penis, 286. at shoulder-joint, 63. at tarsus (Chopart's), 75. at thigh, 94. double primary of thigh, 106. of toes, 69. at wrist-joint, 56. Amussat's operation, 252. Anchylosis of elbow, excision for, 122. Ankle-joint, excision of, 137. Annandale on staphyloraphy, 203. Anus, artificial, operation for, 252. artificial, removal of, 254. Arendt, ligature of external iliac, 12. Astragalus, excision of, 145. Auchincloss on ligature of subclavian, 36. Avery, hard palate, fissures of, 203. Barwell on excision of ankle-joint, 139. on excision of tongue, 199. Baudens on amputation at elbow-joint, 61. on amputation of anterior portion of foot, 75. on amputation at knee-joint, 92. Bauer on recto-vesical lithotomy, 272. Begbie, Dr. Warburton, on paracentesis thoracis, 220. Bell, Benjamin, on amputation, 49. on amputation of ankle, 86. on amputation of thigh, 96. Bell, Sir Charles, on ligature of femoral, 22. Bell, George, on supra-pubic lithotomy, 271. Bell, John, on ligature of gluteal, 14. Bey, Gaetani, on amputation above the shoulder-joint, 70. Bigelow, Dr., on litholapaxy, 276. Billroth, Dr., on fissure of palate, 200. Bladder, puncture of, 284. Bonnet on radical cure of hernia, 245. Botal on amputation, 47. Bowditch on paracentesis thoracis, 221. Bowman's operation, lachrymal canal, 153. Brachial, ligature of, 242. Brodie, Sir B. C., on lithotomy, 262. on lithotrity, 274. Bromfield, amputation of leg, 86. Brown, Baker, ovariotomy, 231. Bryant, on excision of joints, 112. Buchanan, Dr. A., on lithotomy, 269. Buchanan, Dr. G., on excision of tongue, 198. Buchanan, Dr. M., on excision of ankle, 140. Buck's operation for anchylosis, 136. Butcher, ligature of subclavian, 35. excision of joints, 110. excision of wrist-joint, 128. excision of knee-joint, 135. excision of metacarpals. 142. Campbell, Professor, on ligature of gluteal, 15. Carden's amputation at condyles of femur, 50, 94. Carmichael on ligature of gluteal, 14. Carnochan on neurectomy, 300. Carotid, ligature of common, 28. ligature of external, 32. Cataract operations, 160. Celsus on amputation, 48. on excision of joints, 108. Chamberlaine, on ligature of axillary, 40. Chassaignac on tracheotomy, 206. Cheiloplastics, Syme on, 178. Cheselden on amputation, 49. on lithotomy, 260. Chopart's amputation, 75. Civiale on lithotrity, 275. Club-foot, operations for, 297. Cock on œsophagotomy, 216. paracentesis thoracis, 220. on puncture of bladder, 285. Colles on ligature of brachial, 44. Cooper, Sir Astley, on ligature of aorta and iliacs, 3, 10. on perineal section. 276. Cornea, puncture of, 159. staphylomatous, excision of a, 168. Corelysis, 170. Crampton, Sir Philip, on excision, 119. Crichton on lithotomy, 262. Critchett's operation of iridesis, 169. operation for staphyloma, 172. Croft, Mr., on hip disease, 132. Culbertson on excision of hip, 132. Cullerier on phymosis, 287. Curling on operation for artificial anus, 253. Cusack on treatment of brachial aneurism, 43. Davies, Redfern, on radical cure of hernia, 244. Davy's (Mr. Richard), lever, 105. Desault on ligature of axillary, 40. Dieffenbach on excision of upper jaw, 191. Dieulafoy's aspirateur, 284. Dionis' amputation of leg, 87. Dubrueil, amputation at wrist, 57. Duncan, Mr. J., on artificial anus, 254. Dupuytren on ligature of iliac, 11. on ligature of subclavian, 36. amputation at elbow-joint, 62. removal of artificial anus, 254. on bilateral lithotomy, 268. Durand, case of hæmorrhage from iliac, 12. Durham on thyrotomy, 215. Dzondi on radical cure of hernia, 246. Elbow-Joint, amputation at, 62. Ellis on anatomy of iliac arteries, 6. Ectropium, 152. Entropium, 151. Erichsen on excision of hip, 130. Esmarch on excision of joints, 110. Excision and amputation contrasted, 112. Excision of ankle-joint, 138. of astragalus, 145. of elbow-joint, 118. of hip-joint, 128. of jaw, upper, 188. of jaw, lower, 191. of knee-joint, 133. of mamma, 216. of scapula, 139. of shoulder-joint, 115. of testicle, 290. of tongue, 197. of tonsils, 203. of wrist-joint, 125. Eye, operations on, 151. Eyeball, extirpation of the, 173. Eyelid, tumours on the, 152. Fayrer, Sir J., on tracheotomy, 212. on radical cure of hernia, 248. Femoral, ligature of, 18. superficial, ligature of, in Scarpa's space, 19. in Hunter's canal, 21. Femur, amputation through condyles of, 92. Fergusson, Sir W., on ligature of subclavian, 38. on amputation at shoulder-joint, 70. on excision of joints, 110. on excision of upper jaw, 191. on excision of lower jaw, 195. on fissures of palate, 201. on lithotomy, 262. Filkin on excision of joints, 110. Fingers, amputation of, 51. Fissures in the palate, soft, 200. in the palate, hard, 202. of anus, 292. Fistula, salivary, operations for, 192. in ano, operation for, 291. Fore-arm, amputation through the, 58. ligature of vessels in, 44. Forster, Mr. Cooper, on gastrotomy, 224. Furner, ligature of both subclavians, 38. Gastrectomy, 224. Gastrostomy, 223. Gastrotomy, 223. Gersdorf, Hans de, on amputation, 48. Gerdy on radical cure of hernia, 246. Gilbert, amputation above the shoulder-joint, 68. Gillespie on excision of wrist-joint, 128. Gluteal, ligature of, 12. Gosselin on colotomy, 253. Graefe on strabismus, 158. on cataract operations, 166. or iridectomy, 171. Green on ligature of subclavian, 38. Greenhow on excision of os calcis, 144. Greenslade on Bowman's operation, 156. Gritti's amputation, 93 Gross on amputation at elbow-joint, 61. on amputation, 81-87. on excision of hip, 132. on lithotomy, 262. on rhinoplastic operation, 178. on excision of lower jaw, 192. Guérin, Jules, on amputation of toes, 76. on operation for strabismus, 158. Guersant on excision of tonsils, 205. Guillemeau on amputation at knee-joint, 91. Gurlt's statistics, 118, 124. Hæmorrhoids, operations for, 294. Hæmatocele, operation for, 289. Hamilton on rhinoplastic operations, 177. Hancock on excision of hip, 130. on excision of ankle, 138. on excision of os calcis, 144. Harelip, operations for, 183. Harrison on anatomy of iliac, 6. on brachial aneurism, 44. Hart, Mr. Ernest, on flexion of limbs, 24. Heath's case of aneurism of innominate, 28. Heine on excision of hip, 130. Hernia, strangulated inguinal, 232. strangulated femoral, 237. strangulated umbilical, 242. strangulated obturator, 243. radical cure of, 244. Heurtloup on lithotrity, 274. Hey on amputation, 48, 73. Heyfelder on excisions, 110, 130. Hildanus, Fabricius, on amputation, 47, 91. Hip-joint, amputation at the, 102. excision of, 128. Hippocrates on excision of joints, 108. Hodgson, statistics of aneurism, 12. ligature of axillary, 40. Hodge on excisions 112, 132. Hoin on amputation at knee-joint, 92. Holmes on excision of hip, 130, 132, 144. Holt's operation for stricture, 279. Howse, Mr., on gastrotomy, 224. Hughes, Dr. on paracentesis thoracis, 220. Huguier on colotomy, 253. Hunter on ligature of femoral, 21. Hutchinson's statistics, 20. Hydrocele, operation for, 288. Iliac, ligature of common, 3. ligature of external, 7. Iliac, ligature of internal, 6. Innominate, ligature of the, 26. Iridectomy, 171. Iridesis, 169. Jacobson on cataract operations, 166. Jäger on excision of hip, 130. James, Mr., on ligature of aorta, 3. Jameson on radical cure of hernia, 246. Jaw, excision of upper, 188. excision of lower,
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