» Health & Fitness » Optimality Of I Potentiality, Santosh Jha [the false prince txt] 📗

Book online «Optimality Of I Potentiality, Santosh Jha [the false prince txt] 📗». Author Santosh Jha

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is using the same ‘media’ of neurons and hormones through subconscious communication through languages of physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and inert thoughts. However, these processes are not felt or registered by conscious self as they are happening in subconscious domain of our consciousness.

What scientists and health guardians keep telling us is that our body’s subconscious, auto-mode or innate in-built mechanism for Allostatic processes for restoration of Homeostatic equilibrium is too stressed in contemporary times as body-mind system entropy has escalated to unprecedented heights. Therefore, we all have to ‘Consciously’ intervene in our own Homeostatic process and be aware about ‘Aware-Personal’ initiatives to help strengthen the Allostatic adjustments. And how we can do this? Yes, simply by consciously using the same media and communication plexus that our body-mind system has by installing aware personalized inputs so that our own auto-process of Allostatic routine is bolstered and Homeostasis is restored and sustained.

We simply have to be conscious at two levels – first, be aware of the subconscious process of our internal media and what communication is going on and secondly, intervene consciously to correct and input new conscious communications so that the subconscious media is altered and managed to our desired goal of life and living. This means, we have to train ourselves to rise to the level of self-awareness where we can receive signals or communications from our subconscious body-mind layers about the emerging entropic conditions. And then, have the conscious initiatives of behavioral and thought adjustments to correct and restore the homeostasis.

It is important to mention here that our body-mind media is always in constant communication with our subconscious self. The neural or hormonal signals do express themselves in some physical ways or at least in emotional psychological ways. The consciousness at its highest levels of awareness has this ability to sense out the signals and realize about something wrong or troubled going on inside our body and mind. If we are in a state of peace, poise and receptive awareness mode, we can realize that the same media of neural and hormonal plexus communicates to subconscious state about a homeostatic crisis and it is communicated through same communication plexus of language, thoughts and emotions to our conscious self. However, as we do not have the required mind training to ‘sense out’ the communication, we fail to diagnose wrongs and troubles.

It is believed that human brain is so complex and it has such a structure of having a cooperative symmetry of different layers evolved in millions of years, it is a marvel of cosmos. Human brain has structures and functionalities that make it capable of sensing even small changes in homeostatic equilibrium. However, the trouble is that our body-mind media of neural and chemical plexus communicates through a language to our consciousness, which an individual has to master with persevered practice. The communication is happening all the time but our consciousness must be trained for deciphering it.

Since thousands of years, humanity has understood the need for a person to accept that the first duty we have is to be aware of ‘Why And How We Are What We Are’. Self-Awareness has always been considered a virtue that everyone should extend highest priority to. However, in contemporary milieus and cultures, average person is so little informed and aware about self and one’s own body-mind mechanisms and processes that he or she fails to sense out what his or her body-mind system is trying to communicate. Also, the constant flux of life-living never makes our consciousness to settle in for receptive-mode awareness.

In this book we are essentially trying to focus on a probable hypothesis that our body-mind media and its communication plexus is a potent two-way process. It probably can and does communicate current and evolving body-mind realism to consciousness and as a reverse process, our consciousness probably can and does communicate to our body-mind structures, using the same media platform of neural and hormonal plexus. The two-way communication structures are language, thoughts and emotions and every individual probably can use them to sense out troubles and also correct them.

It is here also relevant to mention about a newly emerging creditable science of Epigenetics. It is a fast emerging scientific process that is being experimented with so many other related ideas to work out a model of ‘Conscious-Enterprise’ for personal wellness and excellence. Epi-Genetics literally means something ‘above’ genetics. This is interesting because earlier, there was this popular scientific belief that we are basically a fixated genetic code and it cannot be changed. Epigenetics is a science that accepts that even though genetic structures remain the same, the way our genes express themselves can be altered by environmental factors. There is this related modern scientific concept of Neuroplasticity, which we shall detail later in this book.

Epigenetics now delve into aspects of behavioral and psychological elements of our consciousness that have power and ability to alter genetic expressions. Without going into details of its complex and serious scientific descriptions, what we wish to derive out of this new science of new millennium is that part, which we are discussing in this book. This relates to the strongly emerging hypothesis that our internal linguistic communication, thoughtfulness of aware self and guided emotions together can create a phenotype, which has the potential to alter the way our genetic structure expresses itself. Genetic expressions are very crucial to our wellness and excellence in the sense that our genes express themselves in two ways – activate communication and suppress communication to cells. This in turn decides how our cells of different organs make relevant proteins that work to maintain our body-mind Homeostasis by initiating the Allostatic processes.

What we have to take out of this mention of Epigenetics science is a hypothesis that the primary ‘Media’ of genome and cellular plexus can be used by a ‘Conscious Communication’ to alter the content and intent of cellular expressions. Epigenetics primarily dealt with intervention by chemicals to alter the genetic expressions and cellular communication. However, recent expansion of researches is dealing with how emotional, psychological and thought milieus can affect the body’s own chemical communication to effect the neural-hormonal expressions for a specific change in body-mind homeostasis. We have outlined this idea of Epigenetics to open up our awareness towards this probability, which happens to be the core content of this book. I humbly suggest you to keep in touch with current and future advancements into researches in this field.

Now, we come down to the singular issue, for which this book has been initiated. We have come this far, talking about all those issues that help us hypothesize a probability that we can see and accept as ‘Conscious Enterprise’ to use the ‘Media’ and ‘Communication’ plexus of our body-mind to achieve whatever wellness and success goals we set for our life and living. So, we now have to zero down to basics of what possibly can be the ‘Mechanism’ and ‘Process’ of this ‘Conscious Enterprise’ of ‘Media-Management’ of Consciousness layers.

It may seem to us that from what we have discussed so far, it is very much clear that there is this media of electrochemical and chemical structures present in our bodies that have a wired process of communication, which we are not aware of as everything is happening in subconscious or unconscious layers. What we have to do is to be aware, be in higher conscious mind state and consciously input such physical, emotional, behavioral, thought and psychological elements that communicate to our subconscious mechanism the specific goal we wish to achieve. This is broadly what we said at the very start of the book.

That process is first to be aware as what probably is going on in subconscious state to understand where and what the troubles are. Then, consciously bring up the subconscious mind to an audience with conscious self and introduce the desired communication we wish for a specific goal. Then sustain this communication of ‘Conscious’ to ‘Subconscious’ in an intense mix of behavioral, emotional and physical signals so that the subconscious ‘Media’ owns this process and begins its wired ‘Communication’ plexus towards attainment of our desired goals. This broadly was what happened in all my four experiments that we have discussed at the start of this book. The conscious signaling had all the right mix of elements of physical language (Wordings of song), thoughts (connect to my departed father as savior), emotions (the wails and tears) and psychology (intangible mental state of painfulness and incapacitation). That probably together worked as right ‘Conscious-Enterprise’ to the ‘Media’ of my body-mind to unleash the communication for emergency situation, requiring immediate intervention of all possible Allostatic process to restore the missing Homeostasis of my body.

This process of body-mind ‘Media-management’ seems easy and also appropriately effective as it seems that the conscious self is doing nothing magical or mysterious but simply using the same and already existing system and network of auto-mode ‘Media’. It also may seem like the media is a piece of paper and there are already something written on it. The media is there and the communication etched on it is something the body-mind follows or enacts, accepting it as ‘Script’ of life and living. Then, the conscious self, the ‘Aware-I’ can bring up this piece of paper and use one’s own dark pen to write some lines on the paper so that the same ‘Media’ has a ‘modified’ or altered communication and the body-mind readjusts its enactments to the consciously introduced changes. However, it is not that simple and easy. Why? We shall elaborate that.

The easy part of the ‘Conscious-Enterprise’ of ‘Media-Management’ is probably the first step of summoning the subconscious for an audience with the conscious self or ‘Aware-I’. Globally, there are innumerable spiritual traditions that are popular with billions of people, which facilitate this audience. This is broadly the singular technique of what we know as ‘Meditation’. Meditation processes may have different physical and psychological techniques to bring the wavering ‘I’ to a higher conscious state. Some techniques focus on strengthening the higher consciousness whereas some reiterate on the importance of your conscious self summoning the subconscious domain to watch what’s happening there.

The classic Yoga meditation is probably the most evolved and holistic idea about conscious self being in linearity with not only other layers of self but also every element in the milieus inside and outside body and mind. Yoga is overall a rather holistic life-living concept but most people see and accept only the Meditation part in yoga. Yoga is much beyond meditation and exercises. The other meditation traditions of Oriental world Like Zen methods and Vipasna also restrict themselves to the art and science of conscious self focusing on all other layers of consciousness. As this is only the first step towards communication process with media of body and mind and therefore an easy attainment for an average person, millions of men and women in contemporary world are into meditation. The cardinal mistake and trouble with meditation spiritualism is that it takes us to a stage of ‘preparation’ for a certain journey but leaves us there.

Meditation is just preparing and being ready for some enterprise that is not easy and certainly not simple. First, one must know with utmost clarity as to why and for what he or she is preparing or readying by doing the meditation. Secondly, there should also be clarity on what it takes for the success of the next level enterprise – that is what we have talked earlier. This enterprise is Media-Management of conscious communication for attaining specific goals of life and living. This enterprise requires persevered practice and pre-hand preparation of specific nature. We talk about it next.



Do kindly allow me to tell you a true story. That shall help understand a few things. Way back, when computers had just begun to penetrate our work spaces, I was struggling with latest software that was introduced in media offices. I complained to my colleague, who was genius with computers and the software I was

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