» Health & Fitness » Of Natural and Supernatural Things, Basilius Valentinus [best romance novels of all time TXT] 📗

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in the generation of Metals, as likewise no one Spirit of all the Metals can be set backwards, because of necessity they accord together from the lowest to the highest degree, and must agree together, as a Metal is perfect in the great Earth, so should the transmutation & augmentation succeed in the little world; understand it after this manner, that all the degrees from the meanest to the highest Metal must be passed through in all perfection, even as the Metals must finish their course, from Saturn unto Gold, as concerning the permanency of Colour and Body, notwithstanding that Saturn possesses the highest place in the highest Region, wherein the stars reign and perform their Course.

The generation of Tin in and above the Earth, is brought to light even as Man is and other Animals, which are originally nourished and fed by the Mothers Milk; there is no Diet to be found on Earth more fit for the nourishment of all men than Milk; for its best part is chiefly an Animal Sulphur, which yields the Nourishment. Even in like manner Tin is nourished by its Metallick Sulphur, which likewise feeds it with the greatest acceptation, it assumes in and to it more heat than Saturn, therefore is Jupiter more digested & broiled, whereby its Body likewise is more fixt and permanent in the degree of Salt.

He causes in his Dominion and Reign, that good Rule be observed, and Justice done to all men in his Court. The Spirit of Tin is a Preserver from all Distempers & Accidents whereby the Liver is consumed or put into malady; its Spirit is naturally to be compared unto Honey in Taste, its Mercury being made volatile, gains a venomous quality; for it purges violently, and penetrates through by force, therefore it is not alwayes to be advised, that its opened Mercury should be used alone and simply, but if a Correction precede, there may an excellent benefit succeed, being used in those distempers and diseases, which are immediately subject to its Influence, that is, when its venomous volatility is taken away, and set in a better and fixeder state, which resists the poison.

The Vulgar Physician cannot understand this Description; for this Art and knowledge proceeds not from the bare Talking, but from Experience; the common Physician hath the foundation and egress in speaking, but our Preparation hath its Rise from speaking, and then its foundation first of all out of a certain trial, which manifests it by Experience, and this is firmed upon hard Rocks by manual Operations, but the other stands upon moving Reeds & Sand; wherefore in reason that which is strong and immoveable, made by Natures hand, ought to be prefer'd before bare Speeches, which proceed only from an inconstant phantastical speculation, because the Work alwayes will praise the Master.

At present I do not indeed speak according to my own Poetical manner, nor after such a way as I directed my stile, when I treated of the wonderful generation of the seven Planets in my occult Philosophy, nor after a Magical or Cabalistical manner and custom; much less do I observe the method which teaches, and diligently marks the Mystical, Secret and Supernatural Arts, to wit, of Hydromancy, Æromancy, Geomancy, Pyromancy, Nigromancy, and the like: But my present purpose and intent is directed to reveal Natures Secrets, that all the Lovers of Art, and the Children which seek and desire wisdom, may by Gods Grace, Blessing, and Permission, easily understand, observe, mark, and likewise after diligent observation learn, & retain something that is beneficial; this concerns the generation of Metals in two parts, in the great and in the little World, as likewise what is the true Medicine contained in the inward part of those Metallick and Mineral Forms, which must be apprehended and made moveable by their dissection that their first beginning may be made notoriously visible in three distinct things; Then is Nature stript, and her secret parts discovered by laying off her temporal Cloathing, and all the secret Virtues, Powers, and, Operations revealed for Mans Health. My Persecutors, and, indiscreet Physicians will now tell me, thou talkest much of Geese, and knowest not a Duck; who knows whether all what thou writest be true? I will stick where I am, and remain by what I have tried, and bears the sway among all my Associates and Physitians; so shall I not be deceived, and am assured that I shall not need to take paines to learn any new Matter. He that is of such a resolution, may remain with the Ducks; for he is not worthy of a roasted Goose, nor to learn what is concealed in Nature.

But this in truth I acknowledge, and confess it before the Supreme Trinity, speaking it to the hazzard of that most Noble Ecclesiastical Jewel, that all what I have wrote, and yet shall write in this point, is all true, and shall be found to be no otherwise in truth: But that every ignorant, or vulgar person, which are haters and persecutors of this Mystery, do not well, fully, and clearly understand my Writings at first; alas! that cannot I help; pray unto God for his Grace, and ye Persecutors for pardon, labour without repining, read with understanding, then will no Mystery be withheld from you, but will be very easie for you to find out. I moreover admonish, that the finder of this gift of God, above all things give thanks unto God day and night without ceasing, with all reverence and due obedience, from the bottom of his heart; because no Creature can yield sufficient praise which may recompense so great a benefit; but Diligence is known by a right and true industry according to our capacity. I have done my part, which I hope to justifie before God and the World; for what my Eyes have seen, my Hands felt, and apprehended by an undeceived Judgment, that shall no man take from me in this Life; only Death, which is the determiner of all things.

This my Speech hath indeed had no force to poure forth from it what is written by me herein; but what I have done is not out of curiosity, nor out of a desire of vain and transitory Glory; but I have been induced thereunto by the Command of Christ the Lord, that his Glory and Goodness in eternal and temporal Matters, should not be concealed from any man, but to the praise, honour, and glory of his holy everlasting Name, that it might be exalted, acknowledged, and revealed in his Majesty by reason of his Highness and Almightiness, through the confirmation of his wonderful Deeds! And secondly, I have been led thereunto by Love and Charity towards my Neighbour, for his good as for my own, and to heap burning Coals on my Enemies heads. And last of all, that all Opposers may know, what erroneous waies others have gone against me, and whether I am most of all to be condemned, or they adjudged most just in what hath been written most truly of the concealments of Nature; & likewise that the supremest Mystery may not quite be suffocated in darkness, nor be drowned in overflowing waters, but be delivered out of the deep and filthy mire of the Ideotish Crew by the right appearance of the true Light, and obtain many witnesses by the spreading abroad of a sure, true, and right Confession, who may follow me in the Writings of Truth. In my Nativity of the twelve Signes in the Zodiack, Sagitary and Pisces were allotted unto me; I was born under Pisces, for I was in Waterishness before my Life, but Sagitary set an Arrow to my Heart, whereby I lost my Waterishness, and by the heat I became worthy of the dry Earth; and although at the first the Earth was turned by the Water into a soft substance, yet you must understand that the Water was consumed by the heat of the drying Air, so that all the soft Matter of the Earth went away, and by this drying up was dignified with a Hardness; whereby thou Learner, and much Understander should carefully observe and take good notice, that Tin is subject to all the four Elements, as also to the other principal Planets; which Elements received their Center from above, and are generated as others.

To conclude, I let you know, and give you to understand, that if thou extract out of Benevolent Jupiter its Salt and Sulphur, and lettest Saturn flux well with it, Saturn assumes a fixt body unto it, purges it self, and becomes clear thereby, there being a full change and real transmutation of Lead into good Tin, which may be found to the height by a durable infallible proof. And though you may think this to be false, yet you must take notice, that seeing the Salt of Jupiter only by its Sulphur is made more corporal, yet likewise it hath obtained an efficacy and power to penetrate Saturn, the basest and most volatile Metal, and bring it to a melioration of its Equals, as you will find it in reality.

Chap. IX. Of the Spirit of Saturn, or Tincture of Lead.

Saturn to generate his Metal Lead, is placed in the upper Heaven above all Stars, but he possesses the lowest and vilest degree in the under-parts of the Earth, even as the supreme Light of Saturn is mounted aloft in the highest supremacy of all the Celestial planets, so hath its Children of the lower Region succeeded it in Kind; and Nature hath permitted that Vulcan should conduct them to their like, if Saturn be content; for the upper light gives occasion thereunto, having generated an unfixt Body of Saturn, penetrated with open pores, that the Air can pass through this Saturnine Body, that the Air can keep it aloft, but the fire can quickly assault it, because the body is not compact by reason of its unfixedness, so that it must decay, which must be in all points observed by him that will attain to the search of it; for there is a great difference between the fix'd and unfix'd bodies, and of the causes of their Constancy and Inconstancy. And though Saturn hath an especial ponderosity above other Metals, yet observe, when they are poured forth together, after their union in the Flux, the other Metals alwaies settle at the bottom, even as it likewise comes to pass in the pouring of Antimony through with other Metals, whereby it is evident, that the other Metals fall through equally, and are more compact than Saturn, for it must give place and preheminence to the other Metals, leaving the victory with them; for it must vanish and be quite consumed with the unfixt inconstant Metals; in it all the three properties of the three principles are most course; and because its Salt is very fluxible above that of other Metals and Planets, so is its Body more fluxible, inconstant, unfixt, and volatile, than any other Metallick Body. As Saturn steps to its regeneration, so know that in like manner, as common Water is forced by the natural coldness, by the change of the Heavens, whereby it becomes a coagulated Ice, in like manner is it to be made evident, that by reason of the great coldness which is found to be in the Salt of Saturn above other Salts; Saturn is also coagulated and made corporal; Ice dissolves into water by heat; so likewise the coagulated Saturn is made fluxible by Fire, it hath most of

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