» History » The History of England, from the Accession of James the Second - Volume 4, Thomas Babington Macaulay [early readers .txt] 📗

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among the Lexington papers, a valuable collection, and well edited.

FN 559 Monthly Mercury for January 1695. An orator who pronounced an eulogium on the Queen at Utrecht was so absurd as to say that she spent her last breath in prayers for the prosperity of the United Provinces:-"Valeant et Batavi;"-these are her last words-"sint incolumes; sint florentes; sint beati; stet in sternum, stet immota praeclarissima illorum civitas hospitium aliquando mihi gratissimum, optime de me meritum." See also the orations of Peter Francius of Amsterdam, and of John Ortwinius of Delft.

FN 560 Journal de Dangeau; Memoires de Saint Simon.

FN 561 Saint Simon; Dangeau; Monthly Mercury for January 1695.

FN 562 L'Hermitage, Jan. 1/11. 1695; Vernon to Lord Lexington Jan. I. 4.; Portland to Lord Lexington, Jan 15/25; William to Heinsius, Jan 22/Feb 1

FN 563 See the Commons' Journals of Feb. 11, April 12. and April 27., and the Lords' Journals of April 8. and April is. 1695. Unfortunately there is a hiatus in the Commons' Journal of the 12th of April, so that it is now impossible to discover whether there was a division on the question to agree with the amendment made by the Lords.

FN 564 L'Hermitage, April 10/20. 1695; Burnet, ii. 149.

FN 565 An Essay upon Taxes, calculated for the present Juncture of Affairs, 1693.

FN 566 Commons' Journals, Jan. 12 Feb. 26. Mar. 6.; A Collection of the Debates and Proceedings in Parliament in 1694 and 1695 upon the Inquiry into the late Briberies and Corrupt Practices, 1695; L'Hermitage to the States General, March 8/18; Van Citters, Mar. 15/25; L'Hermitage says

"Si par cette recherche la chambre pouvoit remedier au desordre qui regne, elle rendroit un service tres utile et tres agreable au Roy."

FN 567 Commons' Journals, Feb. 16, 1695; Collection of the Debates and Proceedings in Parliament in 1694 and 1695; Life of Wharton; Burnet, ii. 144.

FN 568 Speaker Onslow's note on Burnet ii. 583.; Commons' Journals, Mar 6, 7. 1695. The history of the terrible end of this man will be found in the pamphlets of the South Sea year.

FN 569 Commons' Journals, March 8. 1695; Exact Collection of Debates and Proceedings in Parliament in 1694 and 1695; L'Hermitage, March 8/18

FN 570 Exact Collection of Debates.

FN 571 L'Hermitage, March 8/18. 1695. L'Hermitage's narrative is confirmed by the journals, March 7. 1694/5. It appears that just before the committee was appointed, the House resolved that letters should not be delivered out to members during a sitting.

FN 572 L'Hermitage, March 19/29 1695.

FN 573 Birch's Life of Tillotson.

FN 574 Commons' Journals, March 12 13, 14 15, 16, 1694/5; Vernon to Lexington, March 15.; L'Hermitage, March 15/25.

FN 575 On vit qu'il etoit impossible de le poursuivre en justice, chacun toutefois demeurant convaincu que c'etoit un marche fait a la main pour lui faire present de la somme de 10,000l et qu'il avoit ete plus habile que les autres novices que n'avoient pas su faire si finement leure affaires.- L'Hermitage, March 29/April 8; Commons' Journals, March 12.; Vernon to Lexington, April 26.; Burnet, ii. 145.

FN 576 In a poem called the Prophecy (1703), is the line

"when Seymour scorns saltpetre pence."

In another satire is the line

"Bribed Seymour bribes accuses."

FN 577 Commons' Journals from March 26. to April 8. 1695.

FN 578 L'Hermitage, April 10/20 1695.

FN 579 Exact Collection of Debates and Proceedings.

FN 580 L'Hermitage, April 30/May 10 1695; Portland to Lexington, April 23/May 3

FN 581 L'Hermitage (April 30/May 10 1695) justly remarks, that the way in which the money was sent back strengthened the case against Leeds.

FN 582 There can, I think, be no doubt, that the member who is called D in the Exact Collection was Wharton.

FN 583 As to the proceedings of this eventful day, April 27. 1695, see the Journals of the two Houses, and the Exact Collection.

FN 584 Exact Collection; Lords' Journals, May 3. 1695; Commons' Journals, May 2, 3.; L'Hermitage, May 3/13.; London Gazette, May 13.

FN 585 L'Hermitage, May 10/20. 1695; Vernon to Shrewsbury, June 22. 1697.

FN 586 London Gazette, May 6. 1695.

FN 587 Letter from Mrs. Burnet to the Duchess of Marlborough, 1704, quoted by Coxe; Shrewsbury to Russell, January 24. 1695; Burnett, ii. 149.

FN 588 London Gazette April 8. 15. 29. 1695.

FN 589 Shrewsbury to Russell, January 24. 1695; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary,

FN 590 De Thou, liii. xcvi.

FN 591 Life of James ii. 545., Orig. Mem. Of course James does not use the word assassination. He talks of the seizing and carrying away of the Prince of Orange.

FN 592 Every thing bad that was known or rumoured about Porter came out on the State Trials of 1696.

FN 593 As to Goodman see the evidence on the trial of Peter Cook; Cleverskirke, Feb 28/March 9 1696; L'Hermitage, April 10/20 1696; and a pasquinade entitled the Duchess of Cleveland's Memorial.

FN 594 See the preamble to the Commission of 1695.

FN 595 The Commission will be found in the Minutes of the Parliament.

FN 596 Act. Parl. Scot., May 21. 1695; London Gazette, May 30.

FN 597 Act. Parl. Scot. May 23. 1695.

FN 598 Ibid. June 14. 18. 20. 1695; London Gazette, June 27.

FN 599 Burnet, ii. 157.; Act. Parl., June 10 1695.

FN 600 Act. Parl., June 26. 1695; London Gazette, July 4.

FN 601 There is an excellent portrait of Villeroy in St. Simon's Memoirs.

FN 602 Some curious traits of Trumball's character will be found in Pepys's Tangier Diary.

FN 603 Postboy, June 13., July 9. 11., 1695; Intelligence Domestic and Foreign, June 14.; Pacquet Boat from Holland and Flanders, July 9.

FN 604 Vaudemont's Despatch and William's Answer are in the Monthly Mercury for July 1695.

FN 605 See Saint Simon's Memoirs and his note upon Dangeau.

FN 606 London Gazette July 22. 1695; Monthly Mercury of August, 1695. Swift ten years later, wrote a lampoon on Cutts, so dull and so nauseously scurrilous that Ward or Gildon would have been ashamed of it, entitled the Description of a Salamander.

FN 607 London Gazette, July 29. 1695; Monthly Mercury for August 1695; Stepney to Lord Lexington, Aug. 16/26; Robert Fleming's Character of King William, 1702. It was in the attack of July 17/27 that Captain Shandy received the memorable wound in his groin.

FN 608 London Gazette, Aug. r. 5. 1695; Monthly Mercury of August 1695, containing the Letters of William and Dykvelt to the States General.

FN 609 Monthly Mercury for August 1695; Stepney to Lord Lexington, Aug. 16/26

FN 610 Monthly Mercury for August 1695; Letter from Paris, Aug 26/Sept 5 1695, among the Lexington Papers.

FN 611 L'Hermitage, Aug. 13/23 1695.

FN 612 London Gazette, Aug. 26. 1695; Monthly Mercury, Stepney to Lexington, Aug. 20/30.

FN 613 Boyer's History of King William III, 1703; London Gazette, Aug. 29. 1695; Stepney to Lexington, Aug. 20/30.; Blathwayt to Lexington, Sept. 2.

FN 614 Postscript to the Monthly Mercury for August 1695; London Gazette, Sept. 9.; Saint Simon; Dangeau.

FN 615 Boyer, History of King William III, 2703; Postscript to the Monthly Mercury, Aug. 1695; London Gazette, Sept. 9. 12.; Blathwayt to Lexington, Sept. 6.; Saint Simon; Dangeau.

FN 616 There is a noble, and I suppose, unique Collection of the newspapers of William's reign in the British Museum. I have turned over every page of that Collection. It is strange that neither Luttrell nor Evelyn should have noticed the first appearance of the new journals. The earliest mention of those journals which I have found, is in a despatch of L'Hermitage, dated July 12/22, 1695. I will transcribe his words:-"Depuis quelque tems on imprime ici plusieurs feuilles volantes en forme de gazette, qui sont remplies de toutes series de nouvelles. Cette licence est venue de ce que le parlement n'a pas acheve le bill ou projet d'acte qui avoit ete porte dans la Chambre des Communes pour regler l'imprimerie et empecher que ces sortes de choses n'arrivassent. Il n'y avoit ci-devant qu'un des commis des Secretaires d'Etat qui eut le pouvoir de faire des gazettes: mais aujourdhui il s'en fait plusieurs sons d'autres noms." L'Hermitage mentions the paragraph reflecting on the Princess, and the submission of the libeller.

FN 617 L'Hermitage, Oct. 15/25., Nov. 15/25. 1695.

FN 618 London Gazette, Oct. 24. 1695. See Evelyn's Account of Newmarket in 1671, and Pepys, July 18. 1668. From Tallard's despatches written after the Peace of Ryswick it appears that the autumn meetings were not less numerous or splendid in the days of William than in those of his uncles.

FN 619 I have taken this account of William's progress chiefly from the London Gazettes, from the despatches of L'Hermitage, from Narcissus Luttrell's Diary, and from the letters of Vernon, Yard and Cartwright among the Lexington Papers.

FN 620 See the letter of Yard to Lexington, November 8. 1695, and the note by the editor of the Lexington Papers.

FN 621 L'Hermitage, Nov. 15/25. 1695.

FN 622 L'Hermitage Oct 25/Nov 4 Oct 29/Nov 8 1695.

FN 623 Ibid. Nov. 5/15 1695.

FN 624 L'Hermitage, Nov. 15/25 1695; Sir James Forbes to Lady Russell, Oct. 3. 1695; Lady Russell to Lord Edward Russell; The Postman, Nov. 1695.

FN 625 There is a highly curious account of this contest in the despatches of L'Hermitage.

FN 626 Postman, Dec. 15. 17. 1696; Vernon to Shrewsbury, Dec. 13. 15.; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary; Burnet, i. 647.; Saint Evremond's Verses to Hampden.

FN 627 L'Hermitage, Nov. 13/23. 1695.

FN 628 I have derived much valuable information on this subject from a MS. in the British Museum, Lansdowne Collection, No. 801. It is entitled Brief Memoires relating to the Silver and Gold Coins of England, with an Account of the Corruption of the Hammered Money, and of the Reform by the late Grand Coinage at the Tower and the Country Mints, by Hopton Haynes, Assay Master of the Mint.

FN 629 Stat. 5 Eliz. c. ii., and 18 Eliz. c. 1

FN 630 Pepys's Diary, November 23. 1663.

FN 631 The first writer who noticed the fact that, where good money and bad money are thown into circulation together, the bad money drives out the good money, was Aristophanes. He seems to have thought that the preference which his fellow citizens gave to light coins was to be attributed to a depraved taste such as led them to entrust men like Cleon and Hyperbolus with the conduct of great affairs. But, though his political economy will not bear examination, his verses are excellent:-

pollakis g' emin edoksen e polis peponthenai tauton es te ton politon tous kalous te kagathous es te tarkhaion nomisma Kai to kainon khrusion. oute gar toutoisin ousin ou kekibdeleumenios alla kallistois apanton, us dokei, nomismaton, kai monois orthos kopeisi, kai kekodonismenois en te tois Ellisim kai tois barbarioisi pantahkou khrometh' ouden, alla toutois tois ponerois khalkiois, khthes te kai proen kopeisi to kakistu kommati. ton politon th' ous men ismen eugeneis kai sophronas andras ontas, kai dikaious, kai kalous te kagathous, kai traphentas en palaistrais, kai khorois kai mousiki prouseloumen tois de khalkois, kai ksenois, kai purriais, kai ponerois kak poneron eis apanta khrometha.

FN 632 Narcissus Luttrell's Diary is filled with accounts of these executions. "Le metier de rogneur de monnoye," says L'Hermitage, "est si lucratif et paroit si facile que, quelque chose qu'on fasse pour les detruire, il s'en trouve toujours d'autres pour prendre leur place. Oct 1/11. 1695."
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