» History » Early Kings of Norway, Thomas Carlyle [read an ebook week txt] 📗

Book online «Early Kings of Norway, Thomas Carlyle [read an ebook week txt] 📗». Author Thomas Carlyle

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La Vendee War.

BONNEMERE, Aubin, at Siege of Bastille.

BOUILLE, at Metz, account of, character of, troops mutinous, and Salm regiment, intrepidity of, marches on Nanci, quells Nanci mutineers, at Mirabeau’s funeral, expects fugitive King, would liberate King, emigrates.

BOUILLE, Junior, asleep at Varennes, flies to father.

BOURDEAUX, priests hanged at, for Girondism.

BOYER, duellist.

BREST, sailors revolt, state of, in 1791, Federes in Paris, in 1793.

BRETEUIL, Home-Secretary.

BRETON Club, germ of Jacobins.

BRETONS, deputations of, Girondins.

BREZE, Marquis de, his mode of ushering, and National Assembly, extraordinary etiquette.

BRIENNE, Lomenie, anti-protestant, in Notables, incapacity of, failure of, arrests Paris Parlement, secret scheme, scheme discovered, arrests two Parlementeers, bewildered, desperate shifts by, wishes for Necker, dismissed, and provided for, his effigy burnt.

BRISSAC, Duke de, commands Constitutional Guard, disbanded.

BRISSOT, edits ‘Moniteur,’ friend of Blacks, in First Parliament, plans in 1792, active in Assembly, in Jacobins, at Roland’s, pelted in Assembly, arrested, trial of, guillotined.

BRITTANY, disturbances in.

BROGLIE, Marshal, against Plenary Court, in command, in office, dismissed.

BRUNSWICK, Duke, marches on France, advances, Proclamation, at Verdun, at Argonne, retreats.

BUFFON, Mme. de, and Duke d’Orleans, at d’Orleans execution.

BUTTAFUOCO, Napoleon’s letter to.

BUZOT, in National Convention, arrested, retreats to Bourdeaux, end of.

CABANIS, Physician to Mirabeau.

CABARUS, Mlle., and Tallien, imprisoned.

CAEN, Girondins at.

CALENDAR, Romme’s new, comparative ground-scheme of.

CALONNE, M. de, Financier, character of, suavity and genius of, his difficulties, dismissed, marriage and after-course.

CALVADOS, for Girondism.

CAMUS, Archivist, in National Convention, with Dumouriez, imprisoned.

CANNON, Siamese, wooden, fever, Goethe on.

CARMAGNOLE, costume, what, dances in Convention.

CARNOT, Hippolyte, notice of, plan for Toulon, discovery in Robespierre’s pocket.

CARPENTRAS, against Avignon.

CARRA, on plots for King’s flight, in National Convention.

CARRIER, a Revolutionist, in National Assembly, Nantes noyades, guillotined.

CARTAUX, General, fights Girondins, at Toulon.

CASTRIES, Duke de, duel with Lameth.

CATHELINEAU, of La Vendee.

CAVAIGNAC, Convention Representative.

CAZALES, Royalist, in Constituent Assembly.

CAZOTTE, author of ‘Diable Amoureux,’ seized, saved for a time by his daughter.

CERCLE, Social, of Fauchet.

CERUTTI, his funeral oration on Mirabeau.

CEVENNES, revolt of.

CHABOT, of Mountain, against Kings, imprisoned.

CHABRAY, Louison, at Versailles, October Fifth.

CHALIER, Jacobin, Lyons, executed, body raised.

CHAMBON, Dr., Mayor of Paris, retires.

CHAMFORT, Cynic, arrested, suicide.

CHAMP-DE-MARS, Federation, preparations for, accelerated by patriots, anecdotes of, Federation-scene at, funeral-service, Nanci, riot, Patriot petition, 1791, new Federation, 1792.

CHAMPS Elysees, Menads at, festivities in.

CHANTILLY Palace, a prison.

CHAPT-RASTIGNAC, Abbe de, massacred.

CHARENTON, Marseillese at.

CHARLES I., Trial of, sold in Paris.


CHARTRES, grain-riot at.

CHATEAUBRIANDS in French Revolution.

CHATELET, Achille de, advises Republic.

CHATILLON-SUR-SEVRE, insurrection at.

CHAUMETTE, notice of, signs petition, in governing committee, at King’s trial, demands constitution, arrest and death of.

CHAUVELIN, Marquis de, in London, dismissed.

CHENAYE, Baudin de la, massacred.

CHENIER, Poet, and Mlle. Theroigne.

CHEPY, at La Force in September.

CHOISEUL, Duke, why dismissed.

CHOISEUL, Colonel Duke, assists Louis’s flight, too late at Varennes.

CHOISI, General, at Avignon.

CHURCH, spiritual guidance, of Rome, decay of.

CITIZENS, French, demeanour of.

CLAIRFAIT, Commander of Austrians.

CLAVIERE, edits ‘Moniteur,’ account of, Finance Minister, arrested, suicide of.

CLERGY, French, in States-General, conciliators of orders, joins Third Estate, lands, national, power of, &c.

CLERMONT, flight of King through, Prussians near.

CLERY, on Louis’s last scene.

CLOOTZ, Anacharsis, Baron de, account of, disparagement of, in National Convention, universal republic of, on nullity of religion, purged from the Jacobins, guillotined.

CLOVIS, in the Champ-de-Mars.

CLUB, Electoral, at Paris, becomes Provisional Municipality, permanent.

CLUGNY, M., as Finance Minister.

COBLENTZ, Emigrants at.

COBOURG and Dumouriez.

COCKADES, green, tricolor, black, national, trampled, white.

COFFINHAL, Judge, delivers Henriot.

COIGNY, Duke de, a sinecurist.

COMMISSIONERS, Convention, like Kings.

COMMITTEE of Defence, Central, of Watchfulness, of Public Salvation, Circular of, of the Constitution, Revolutionary.

COMMUNE, Council-General of the, Sovereign of France, enlisting.

CONDE, Prince de, attends Louis XV., departure of.

CONDE, Town, surrender of.

CONDORCET, Marquis, edits ‘Moniteur,’ Girondist, prepares Address, on Robespierre, death of.

CONSTITUTION, French, completed, will not march, burst in pieces, new, of 1793.

CONVENTION, National, in what case to be summoned, demanded by some, determined on, Deputies elected, constituted, motions in, work to be done, hated, politeness, effervescence of, on September Massacres, guard for, try the King, debate on trial, invite to revolt, condemn Louis, armed Girondins in, power of, removes to Tuileries, besieged, June 2nd, 1793, extinction of Girondins, Jacobins and, on forfeited property, Carmagnole, Goddess of Reason, Representatives, at Feast of Etre Supreme, end of Robespierre, retrospect of, Feraud, Germinal, Prairial, termination, its successor.

CORDAY, Charlotte, account of, in Paris, assissinates Marat, examined, executed.

CORDELIERS, Club, Hebert in.

COURT, Chevalier de.

COUTHON, of Mountain, in Legislative, in National Convention, at Lyons, in Salut Committee, his question in Jacobins, decree of, arrest and execution.

COVENANT, Scotch, French.

CRUSSOL, Marquise de, executed.

CUISSA, massacre of, at La Force.

CUSSY, Girondin, retreats to Bourdeaux.

CUSTINE, General, takes Mentz, retreats, censured, guillotined, his son guillotined.

CUSTOMS and morals.

DAMAS, Colonel Comte de, at Clermont, at Varennes.

DAMPIERRE, General, killed.

DAMPMARTIN, Captain, at riot in Rue St. Antoine, on condition of army, on state of France, at Avignon, on Marseillese.

DANDOINS, Captain, Flight to Varennes.

DANTON, notice of, President of Cordeliers, and Marat, served with writs, in Cordeliers Club, elected Councillor, Mirabeau of Sansculottes, in Jacobins, for Deposition, of Committee, August Tenth, Minister of Justice, after September massacre, after Jemappes, and Robespierre, in Netherlands, at King’s trial, on war, rebukes Marat, peace-maker, and Dumouriez, in Salut Committee, breaks with Girondins, his law of Forty sous, and Revolutionary Government, and Paris Municipality, retires to Arcis, and Robespierre, arrested, tried, and guillotined.

DAVID, Painter, in National Convention, works by, hemlock with Robespierre.

DEMOCRACY, on Bunker Hill, spread of, in France.

DEPARTMENTS, France divided into.

DESEZE, Pleader for Louis.

DESHUTTES massacred, Fifth October.

DESILLES, Captain, in Nanci.

DESLONS, Captain, at Varennes, would liberate the King.

DESMOULINS, Camille, notice of, in arms at Cafe de Foy, on Insurrection of Women, in Cordeliers Club, and Brissot, in National Convention, on Sansculottism, on plots, suspect, for a committee of mercy, ridicules law of the suspect, his Journal, trial of, guillotined, widow guillotined.

DIDEROT, prisoner in Vincennes.

DINNERS, defined.

DOPPET, General, at Lyons.

DROUET, Jean B., notice of, discovers Royalty in flight, raises Varennes, blocks the bridge, defends his prize, rewarded, to be in Convention, captured by Austrians.

DUBARRY, Dame, and Louis XV., flight of, imprisoned.

DUBOIS Crance bombards and captures Lyons.

DUCHATEL votes, wrapped in blankets, at Caen.

DUCOS, Girondin.

DUGOMMIER, General, at Toulon.

DUHAMEL, killed by Marseillese.

DUMONT, on Mirabeau.

DUMOURIEZ, notice by, account of him, in Brittany, at Nantes, in La Vendee, sent for to Paris, Foreign Minister, dismissed, to Army, disobeys Luckner, Commander-in-Chief, his army, Council of War, seizes Argonne Forest, Grand Pre, and mutineers, and Marat in Paris, to Netherlands, at Jemappes, in Paris, discontented, retreats, beaten, will join the enemy, arrests his arresters, escapes to Austrians.

DUPONT, Deputy, Atheist.

DUPORT, Adrien, in Paris Parlement, in Constituent Assembly, one of a trio, law-reformer.

DUPORTAIL, in office.

DUROSOY, Royalist, guillotined.

DUSAULX, M., on taking of Bastille, notice of.

DUTERTRE, in office.

EDGEWORTH, Abbe, attends Louis, at execution of Louis.

EGLANTINE, Fabre d’, in National Convention, assists in New Calendar, imprisoned.

ELIE, Capt., at Siege of Bastille, after victory.

ELIZABETH, Princess, flight to Varennes, August 10th, in Temple Prison, guillotined.

ENGLAND declares war on France, captures Toulon.

ENRAGED Club, the.

EQUALITY, reign of.

ESCUYER, Patriot l’, at Avignon.

ESPREMENIL, Duval d’, notice of, patriot, speaker in Paris Parlement, with crucifix, discovers Brienne’s plot, arrest and speech of, turncoat, in Constituent Assembly, beaten by populace, guillotined, widow guillotined.

ESTAING, Count d’, notice of, National Colonel, Royalist, at Queen’s Trial.

ESTATE, Fourth, of Editors.

ETOILE, beginning of Federation at.

FAMINE, in France, in 1788-1792, Louis and Assembly try to relieve, in 1792, and remedy, remedy by maximum, &c.

FAUCHET, Abbe, at siege of Bastille, his Te-Deums, his harangue on Franklin, his Cercle Social, in First Parliament, motion by, doffs his insignia, King’s death, lamentation, will demit, trial of.

FAUSSIGNY, sword in hand.

FAVRAS, Chevalier, execution of.

FEDERATION, spread of, of Champ-de-Mars, deputies to, human species at, ceremonies of, a new, 1792.

FERAUD, in National Convention, massacred there.

FERSEN, Count, gets Berline built, acts coachman in King’s flight.

FEUILLANS, Club, denounce Jacobins, decline, extinguished, Battalion, Justices and Patriotism.

FINANCES, serious state of, how to be improved.

FLANDERS, how Louis XV. conquers.

FLANDRE, regiment de, at Versailles.

FLESSELLES, Paris Provost, shot.

FLEURIOT, Mayor, guillotined.

FLEURY, Joly de, Controller of Finance.


FORSTER (FOSTER), and French soldier, account of.

FOUCHE, at Lyons.

FOULON, bad repute of, sobriquet, funeral of, alive, judged, massacred.

FOURNIER, and Orleans Prisoners.

FOY, Cafe de, revolutionary.

FRANCE, abject, under Louis XV., Kings of, early history of, decay of Kingship in, on accession of Louis XVI., and Philosophy, famine in, 1775, state of, prior Revolution, aids America, in 1788, inflammable, July 1789, gibbets, general overturn, how to reform, riotousness of, Mirabeau and, after King’s flight, petitions against Royalty, warfare of towns in, European league against, terror of, in Spring 1792, decree of war, France in danger, general enlisting, rage of, Autumn 1792, Marat’s Circular, September, Sansculottic, declaration of war, Mountain and Girondins divide, communes of, coalition against, levy in mass.

FRANKLIN, Ambassador to France, his death lamented, bust in Jacobins.

FRENCH Anglomania, character of the, literature, in 1784, Parlements, nature of, Mirabeau, type of the, mob, character of.

FRERON, notice of, renegade, Gilt Youth of.

FRETEAU, at Royal Session, arrested, liberated.

FREYS, the Jew brokers, imprisoned.

GALLOIS, to La Vendee.

GAMAIN, Sieur, informer.

GARAT, Minister of Justice.

GENLIS, Mme., account of, and D’Orleans, to Switzerland.

GENSONNE, Girondist, to La Vendee, arrested, trial of.


GEORGET, at taking of Bastille.

GERARD, Farmer, Rennes deputy.

GERLE, Dom, at Theot’s.

GERMINAL Twelfth, First of April 1795.

GIRONDINS, origin of term, in National Convention, against Robespierre, on King’s trial, and Jacobins, formula of, favourers of, schemes of, to be seized? break with Danton, armed against Mountain, accuse Marat, departments, commission of twelve, commission broken, arrested, dispersed, war by, retreat of eleven, trial and death of.

GOBEL, Archbishop to be, renounces religion, arrested, guillotined.

GOETHE, at Argonne, in Prussian retreat, at Mentz.

GOGUELAT, Engineer, assists Louis’s flight, intrigues.

GONDRAN, captain of Guard.

GORSAS, Journalist, pleads for Swiss, in National Convention, his house broken into, guillotined.

GOUJON, Member of Convention, in riot of Prairial, suicide of.

GOUPIL, on extreme left.

GOUVION, Major-General, at Paris, flight to Varennes, death of.

GOVERNMENT, Maurepas’s, bad state of French, French revolutionary, Danton on.

GRAVE, Chev. de, War Minister, loses head.

GREGOIRE, Cure, notice of, in National Convention, detained in Convention, and destruction of religion.

GUADET, Girondin, cross-questions Ministers, arrested, guillotined.

GUARDS, Swiss, and French, at Reveillon riot, French refuse to fire, come to Palais-Royal, fire on Royal-Allemand, to Bastille, name changed, National origin of, number of, Body at Versailles, October Fifth, fight, fly in Chateau, Body, and French, at Versailles, National, at Nanci, French, last appearance of, National, how commanded, 1791, Constitutional, dismissed, Filles-St.-Thomas, routed, Swiss, at Tuileries, ordered to cease, destroyed, eulogy of, Departmental, for National Convention.

GUILLAUME, Clerk, pursues King.

GUILLOTIN, Doctor, summoned by Paris Parlement, invents the guillotine, deputed to King.

GUILLOTINE invented, described, in action, to be improved, number of sufferers by.

HASSENFRATZ, in War-office.

HEBERT, Editor of ‘Pere Duchene,’ signs petition, arrested, at Queen’s trial, quickens Revolutionary Tribunal, arrested, and guillotined, widow guillotined.

HENAULT, President, on Surnames.

HENRIOT, General of National Guard, and the Convention, to deliver Robespierre, seized, rescued, end of.

HERBOIS, Collot d’, notice of, in National Convention, at Lyons massacre, in Salut Committee, attempt to assassinate, bullied at Jacobins, President, night of Thermidor, accused, banished.

HERITIER, Jerome l’, shot at Versailles.

HOCHE, Sergeant Lazare, General against Prussia, pacifies La Vendee, HONDSCHOOTEN, Battle of.

HOTEL des Invalides, plundered.

HOTEL de Ville, after Bastille taken, harangues at.

HOUCHARD, General, unsuccessful.

HOWE, Lord, defeats French.

HUGUENIN, Patriot, tocsin in heart, 20th June 1792.

HULIN, half-pay, at siege of Bastille.

INISDAL’S, Count d’, plot.

INSURRECTION, most sacred of duties,

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