» History » Plain and Proper, M J Marlow [best desktop ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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puzzling out her feelings that she jumped as Dominique laid her hand on Marianne’s cheek. The woman’s knowing look made her blush even more deeply.
“You finally realize how much you care for the man, ma petite,” Dominique told her. “He will do whatever he must to get you away from here.”
“But will he succeed?” Marianne asked. Dominique nodded and the girl did not know whether to be terrified or intrigued. She was still in a trance as Dominique helped her to bed.
“She is going to dream of handsome young men with warm brown eyes,” Dominique told Henri and Stephanie when she left Marianne sleeping. “She is going to worry about him,” she continued as she accepted a drink from one of the maids. “That is not good.”
“He is a fortunate man to be loved by such a girl,” Stephanie laughed. She saw Henri’s look and laid her hand on his cheek. “She could not be in better hands, my dear. He will not hurt her.”
“She is a child,” Henri protested. “She does not understand men like Gerard. He could confuse her so much that she allows him liberties he should not take.”
“He is her husband, Henri,” Stephanie reminded her husband. “Quit being such an old woman and come to bed.”

The days passed and Marianne found Gerard incorporating himself into her life. He was her primary dance partner. He took her riding or strolling in the gardens, always under the watchful eyes of her guardians and the ladies, of course. It soon felt like he had always been there and she was quite happy about it. Until she was summoned to the Emperor’s apartments and found Gerard standing there, looking quite pleased with himself. The Emperor looked from the confused girl to the eager young man and he saw the match. It was a good choice, he had decided. Talavers was an Italian estate, and the girl would be even further away from English hands. The Compte and his family had promised that they would never allow her to return to England as long as it could be prevented and he knew them well enough to trust their word. He came over to kiss Marianne on the cheek.
“Our young friend, Gerard di Talavers, has asked for my permission to take you as his mistress,” Napoleon informed her bluntly. “We are pleased to inform you that we have given our permission. You shall go to his bed this very night.” Marianne could not speak, she was too angry. He had no right to present this to her as if it were already agreed to. Napoleon turned to Gerard. “Take your beautiful bed mate with you, Gerard.”
Marianne curtsied and turned to run. Gerard bowed and followed her. She did not stop until they were in the gardens. Gerard turned her to him and was not surprised when she slapped him across the face. He kissed her then, too caught up in the need to calm her to think straight. He felt her stiffen in shock and knew he should let her go. But he did not let up and then she was whimpering and struggling in protest. When he finally let up, she looked stunned and dazed. She touched her fingers to her lips and then burst into tears and ran. Stephanie looked up as Marianne came rushing out of the gardens crying. She held out her arms and glared at Gerard whose appearance behind her told the woman exactly what had transpired.
“He - he told me I had to become the Compte di Talaver’s mistress, Madame,” Marianne sobbed. “Like he had the right to do such a vile thing!”
“Vile?” Gerard choked. He was actually quite hurt until he remembered that he was taking his own wife as his ‘mistress’ to keep her close and safe. “Madame,” he turned to Stephanie; “I suggest you explain the way of things to your young charge. She seems to think she has a choice when the Emperor has decided what her future will be.”
“You hurt his feelings, ma petite,” Stephanie laughed in delight as Gerard bowed stiffly and stormed off. She pulled out a kerchief and handed it to Marianne. “Come now; dry your tears. Tell me why you find the idea of being the mistress to a young man you are obviously quite fond of vile?”
“I am a married woman!” Marianne finished her reasons a few moments later. “No one has the right to dishonor that bond, even the Emperor of France!”
“Oui, ma petite,” Stephanie smiled at the girl fondly. She stroked Marianne’s hand. “He kissed you, didn’t he?” Marianne blushed and looked down. “I recognized the stunned expression and the tears from my days as an innocent.” She raised Marianne’s eyes to hers. “Tell me, ma petite; did you enjoy it when he kissed you?”
“It frightened me,” Marianne told her honestly. Stephanie raised her eyebrows. “I was confused and excited and terrified, all at the same time.” Her eyes glistened with tears. “But it does not matter, Madame;” Marianne cried in protest. “I will not go to another man’s bed! I belong with my husband.”
“Ma petite,” Stephanie laughed at her. “He does not care that you have a husband.” She put her arm around Marianne’s shoulders and they headed to the apartments. “You will want your woman,” she nodded over at Dominique. “Your lover will provide other servants for you as needed.”
Henri and Gerard looked up stunned as Marianne burst into the apartments, sobbing. She ran to her room and threw herself down on the bed. Dominique held her as she continued to cry, locked in her grief in a way she had never experienced before. Gerard got up to follow her and Stephanie called him back, shaking her head and telling him to let her be.
“She will weep, she will wail, but she will be happy with you, Gerard.” She smiled then. “May I suggest you kiss her again soon? She was quite confused this first time.”
“Then I am obviously doing something wrong,” Gerard replied. He looked at Henri’s scowl. “I wish it could be otherwise, Henri, but we are locked to this choice now. The Emperor is quite pleased.”
“We must not disappoint the Little General,” Henri sniffed.
“You’d think you were her father,” Gerard laughed, “the way you are carrying on.” He put his hand to his heart. “I assure you, sir; my intentions are most honorable. I love the girl and I will never do anything to hurt her.” He heard a gasp and looked over to see Marianne standing in the doorway. He got to his feet and held his hand out to her. The shock was too much for her; she passed out cold and Gerard picked her up in his arms and carried her back to her bed. “Marianne, my dear one?” he called to her gently. “My sweet love,” he crooned as he stroked her hands. “Please open your eyes for me.”
Marianne came to and she looked up at him in confusion. “It’s not possible,” she said softly as he embraced her. “You can’t be here, Gerard. It is too dangerous.”
“I would dare anything to get you back, my love,” Gerard said gently as he raised her eyes to his. He leaned closer. “I am going to kiss you now, Marianne,” he warned her. “You must continue our charade and rebuff me.” He saw a bit of fear in her eyes. “There is no need to be frightened. You are doing quite well.”
He kissed her then and his lips were gentle and tender. She felt herself responding to his kiss and she felt warm and safe and loved. But then she remembered what he had asked her to pretend. She cried out in protest as she slapped him and pushed him away.
“You are not my husband,” she told him sternly. “You should not be in my bedroom kissing me. No,” she told him as he came towards her slowly. “I do not want you! I don’t care what the Emperor has decided.” She turned her back on him. “Go away!”
Gerard bowed to her and left. He knew he could push her; he had felt her response in their brief kiss, but he did not want to frighten her. She was going to be back in his arms soon enough. The thought made him smile and he was practically beaming as he walked out past the confused couple and headed for his apartments. Madame D’Arbanville came in an hour later and prepared her to be turned over to the Compte di Talavers. She sat silent and fuming as they forced her into a gown that displayed her charms to their fullest. Then Gerard returned and he led her out, like he was escorting her to a ball and not to his bed. The eyes of all were on her as she went and she refused to show them she was afraid of them.
“My own sweet Marianne,” Gerard sighed as the doors closed behind them in his apartments and they were finally alone. “I thought I would die when I saw you being taken away from me.”
“How are we going to get out of here, Gerard?” Marianne asked him as he contented himself with holding her in his arms. “He’s not just going to let us walk away…”
“That is exactly what we are going to do, my sweet,” Gerard laughed. “You are my Mistress now and when I am sent on some mission of diplomacy for the Emperor, you will be with me.” He tightened his grip on her. “He has made me personally responsible for seeing you remain away from England.” He heard someone coming. “Are you ready to be a reluctant hostage again, my love?” Marianne screamed and slapped him across the face. As the doors opened, to admit a servant, he shoved her down on the bad and held her struggling body. “The Emperor has made you mine, woman! I will have you in my bed!”
“Take your filthy hands off of me!” Marianne sobbed and increased her struggles. “I will never let you take what belongs to another. Never!”
“Then I shall have to find another way to convince you, ma petite,” Gerard laughed. He looked at her quite coldly and Marianne was truly frightened. “There are certain drugs that can be used…”
“No!” Marianne cried in horror. “You would not dare!”
“I will do whatever it takes, my lady,” Gerard laughed. The door closed and he made certain the servant was gone before he kissed her warmly and laughed in delight. “Marianne, you are exquisite!”
Marianne moved off to look out the window and Gerard came up behind her. He leaned his head on her shoulder so that their cheeks were touching. He knew they were playing a dangerous game, but it was necessary. He had to get Marianne and Dominique back to England, no matter what the cost. He would gladly sacrifice his own life to have his wife and their child home. He would never tell her this, for he would have a true fight on his hands if she were aware of his intentions. When the War Office had approached him and asked him to go to France to assist their agents, the D’Arbanville in their mission; he had not known that mission would be seeing his own wife safely out of France. He went to lock the door and stepped back as the Emperor strode in with a smile on his face. He saw the angry man and the weeping woman and frowned.
“I see she is not willing, Monsieur la Compte,” Napoleon stated. “I will have drugs sent for your use that will make her a little less reluctant…”
“I will not let him touch me!” Marianne snapped as she turned from the
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