» History » The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, - [buy e reader TXT] 📗
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did not sign the above, but the interpreter Juan Ochoa Ttabudo, did so.

Before me:

Alonso Beltrán, his Majesty's notary

[The deposition of the above native's companion follows. It is of similar tenor to the above.]

And after the above events in the said settlement and river of Borney, on the said day, month, and year above mentioned, the very illustrious Doctor Francisco de Sande, governor and captain-general of the islands of the West for his Majesty, said that, because there was no fort where he could store and place the artillery, ammunition, and other material here at present, and in order that all might be kept safe and securely, he had ordered a fort to be constructed for the defense of his Majesty's camp, and of the Spaniards stationed in this settlement and river of Borney with his Lordship, where the said Spaniards might gather. He ordered a house to be built within it where the powder and ammunition now here may be kept; likewise a hospital, where the sick may be cured, and a house in which to store the provisions for the said camp. In order that his Majesty and the members of the royal Council might know of all this, he ordered me, the said notary, to testify thereto. I, the said Alonso Beltran, his Majesty's notary, certify by order of the said governor that after he took possession in the name of his Majesty, of the settlement on the said river of Borney, where at present he is lodged, he ordered the said fort and other buildings above mentioned to be constructed, and it has been finished with great despatch, with the assistance, in all the work, of the men of his camp. In order that all this may be evident, he ordered me, the said notary, to make one copy, or two or three, or as many more as are required, of the said records, in which all and singular he interposed, and he did interpose, his authority and judicial decree, in order that they should be valid and lawful in court and out of court; and he signed the same with his name.

Doctor Francisco de Sande

I certify thereto:

Alonso Beltran, his Majesty's notary

The following is an exact and faithful copy of a letter missive written on paper in Portuguese, dated at Evora, March seven, one thousand five hundred and seventy-three, and bearing a signature, namely "El Rey" ["The King"], which was found among certain papers in the house of the old king of Borney. The tenor of this letter is as follows.

Letter from the king of Portugal

Noble and honored king of Borneo: I, Don Sebastian, by the grace of God King of Portugal and of the Argarves, on this side and on the other side of the sea in Africa, seignior of Guinea, and of the conquest, navigation, and commerce of Etiopil [Ethiopia], Arabia, Persia, and India, inform you that Juao Guago de Andrado wrote me that, while passing your kingdom on his way to Maluco, as captain of his galleon, you sent to confer with him about certain things touching my service. Upon his entering, you communicated to him what I am very glad to know and for which I give you many thanks and express my appreciation. I beg that you will do, in regard to the matters that you discussed with the said Juao Guago, and in regard to other things, whatever offers itself for my service, and that you send to petition in my name my governor of Malaca and the southern district, whatever you may be able to request; and he shall give it to you without delay and protect your affairs, as is fitting. Given at Evora, March seven, one thousand five hundred and seventy-three.

The King

(This copy was made and copied from the said letter of the said king, which was found on the river of Borney on the twenty-fourth of the month of April, one thousand five hundred and seventy-eight. Witnesses, who saw it compared and collated, were Francisco Pacheco and Alonso Falcon.

I certify thereto:

Alonso Beltran, his Majesty's notary)

That which you, Captain Estevan Rodriguez de Figueroa shall observe on the expedition which you are about to make, God our Lord helping, is as follows:

From this city and island of Borney, God willing, you shall go to the islands of Xolo, where you shall endeavor to reduce that chief and his people to the obedience of his Majesty. You shall bargain with them as to what tribute they shall pay, which shall be in pearls, as they are wont to give to the king of Borney. You shall exercise great care and, if possible, much mildness; for it is of importance that those islands should not become depopulated; therefore, in case they receive you peaceably, you shall treat them well. And, in addition to the above, you must order that, besides the tribute that they are to pay in pearls, they shall obtain as many of them as possible, so that we, the Spaniards or Castilians, may buy them; that they must trade with us from now on; that every year Castilians will go to their lands with cloths and merchandise from China, of whatever they shall declare that they may need. You shall inform yourself of their needs; and if they wish to come to our settlements you shall give them permission to go freely to Manila and to come to Borney, although not to steal.

Item: You shall find out from them the whereabouts of the artillery and anchors of a ship lost there some three years ago; and you shall seek it and see that it be brought you with all haste. You shall keep close watch over the artillery, ammunition, vessels, sails, and other like things pertaining to the armed fleet; and you shall deprive them of those supplies, for it is notorious that those people are common marauders.

And because of my information that the chief who calls himself lord of Xolo is a Bornean, and owns houses in this city of Borney; that he fought against us in the naval battle, and that he fled to Xolo, where he is now; and since I am told that he took two galleys and three small vessels, artillery, and ammunition—you shall exercise the utmost despatch to obtain the said galleys, vessels, artillery, and ammunition. If he acquiesce, you shall give him a passport. You shall see whether he has any children; and, if so, you shall take one, and tell him that he must come to see me in Borney in February.

And, as I have said, this must be done if possible gently, in order that no people may be killed. You shall tell them that it will be to their advantage to be vassals of his Majesty, and our allies. If they do not act respectfully, and it shall be necessary to punish them in another manner, you shall do so. And inasmuch as the Joloans, as is well known, are open pirates, whose only ambition is to steal, and to assault men in order to sell them elsewhere—especially as they go annually for plunder among all the Pintados Islands, which are under his Majesty's dominion—you shall try to ascertain the Pintados slaves among them, in order to return such to their homes, especially those who are Christians. And, as I have said, you shall deprive them of such vessels as seem to be used for raids, leaving them their fishing-vessels, so that if the said lord of Jolo so desire, he can come to confer reasonably with me. Thus you shall ascertain who has vessels, and who can inflict injuries; and you shall command them expressly to settle down in their land, to cultivate, sow, and harvest, develop the pearl industry, and cease to be pirates. You shall order them to raise fowls and cattle. You shall try to ascertain their number, and bring it to me in writing, in order that I may see it, together with the distance from these islands to the Jolo Islands, information regarding the food, water, and healthfulness of that land, and other things that may occur to you. And you shall tell the people, in my name, that they shall tame for me a couple of elephants; and that I shall send for those animals and pay for them.

After having finished affairs in Xolo, if time permits you shall, God willing, go to the island of Mindanao. There you shall try, by the most convenient methods and with friendliness, to reduce the chief of the river of Bindinao, and the other chiefs of that island, and of those near by, to the obedience of his Majesty—giving him to understand what they will gain in becoming his Majesty's vassals and our allies, and in having trade with us.

And, in order that the tribute may not prevent them from making peace with us, you shall not ask them for any tribute; but you shall take what they give freely, and nothing more, and in such form as they are willing to give. Thus you shall suit their convenience in everything pertaining to them, and cause them to understand the great expenses of his Majesty in this land. You shall also tell them that the gain therefrom affects them chiefly, since we come to teach them our civilization, and most of all the service of God, our Lord, who created and redeemed them, and of whom they are ignorant; and how to live in accord with natural law, as is their obligation. For this purpose you shall tell them that you are going to their land for two principal reasons.

The first is that they should cease to be pirates, who rob and harry the weak, and enslave wherever and whomsoever they can—selling their captives outside of their own island, and separating them from their wives and children; and that they must cease to commit other like cruelties and thefts, and must become good and virtuous men, who shall grow to merit the second and principal reason for going to their lands. You shall give them to understand that they are ignorant of God, our Lord, who created and redeemed them, so that when they know him they may serve him and become good. It is quite evident that they will gain very much in these things, and therefore it is right that they aid us and give us something. This shall be at their own will, as above said.

Item: You shall order them not to admit any more preachers of the doctrine of Mahoma, since it is evil and false, and that of the Christians alone is good. And because we have been in these regions so short a time, the lord of Bindanao has been deceived by the preachers of Borney, and the people have become Moros. You shall tell him that our object is that he be converted to Christianity; and that he must allow us freely to preach the law of the Christians, and the natives must be allowed to go to hear the preaching and to be converted, without receiving any harm from the chiefs.

And you shall try to ascertain who are the preachers of the sect of Mahoma, and shall seize and bring them before me. And you shall burn or destroy the house where that accursed doctrine has been preached, and you shall order that it be not rebuilt.

Item: You shall order that the Indians shall not go outside of their island to trade; and you shall seize those vessels used for plundering excursions, leaving them those which, in your judgment, are used for trade and fishing. You shall take also what artillery and ammunition they have.

You shall ascertain the harvest, seasons, and products of the land; the gold mines, and the places where they wash gold; the number of inhabitants, and their settlements; and their customs. You must especially secure information regarding cinnamon, in order to ascertain if it is found along the river, or if one must go to Cabite for it, and why it is not as good as that which the Portuguese take to Castilla. You shall ascertain how they cut and strip it from the tree, and if it be of importance that it dry on the tree, or in what other manner it should be treated; for I have been told that that obtained from these districts in the past has not been good, and has not a good sale in España.

And, since it might happen that the people will not make peace, and may offer fight, and show disrespect, then you shall punish them as you deem best, taking special care not to trust them for it is evident that before all else they will, if possible, commit some treachery. You must not await such

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