» History » The Rise of the Dutch Kingdom, Hendrik van Loon [books to read this summer .TXT] 📗

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responsible and way regain a great deal of their subordinate to the Council. old autonomy. The old interstate The Representative Assembly tariff scheme of the former meets the whole year round. republic is not allowed. But New laws are proposed in and otherwise the cities regain most discussed by the first chamber. of their former power. Then they are submitted to the second chamber, which has the right of approval or veto, but not the right of discussion. The Executive Council must see to the execution of these laws. The country is divided into eight departments with new names: The department of the Eems, of the Old Ysel, of the Rhine, of the Amstel, of Texel, of the Delf, of the Dommel, and of the Scheldt and Maas. Their former boundaries are given up and arbitrary boundaries are made. Each department is divided into seven circles and the circles are divided into communes. Each department has a local governmental body somewhat resembling the old Provential Estates. Each circle is represented in this by one member. These seven members are elected by the voters. The officials of the commune are elected in the same way. These local, departmental, and civic bodies are responsible to the Executive Council. CONSTITUTION OF 1805 CONSTITUTION OF 1806 A Raadpensionaris. A King. A Legislative Assembly. (The A Legislative Assembly. old title of their High and The King is assisted by a Mightinesses is revived for the Council of State of thirteen members of this body.) members, to be appointed by The Raadpensionaris is himself. assisted by an advisory Council The Legislative body has the of State of five to nine members, same rights as in the year 1801. to be selected by himself. The King has the same executive The powers of the Legislative power as the Raadpensionaris, but body remain the same. may "upon certain occasions act The Raadpensionaris has all directly without consulting the the executive and legislative Legislative body at all." power of the Council of State The Legislative body consists of (Staatsbewind) of 1801, but he thirty-eight members. Holland has at his disposal a secret appoints seventeen. The other budget to be used "for the good departments two or four; Drenth, of the country" at his own one. When a department increases discretion. in territory the number of The Legislative Assembly representatives may be increased, consists of nineteen members: too. Holland sends seven; Zeeland For the first time nineteen new sends one; Utrecht sends one; all members proposed by the the other departments send two Legislative body itself and members. confirmed by the King were added The first Legislative Assembly to the old Legislative Assembly of is to be appointed by the the year 1805. Raadpensionaris. Afterward the The next year (1807) the King departmental government proposes appointed the new members from four names. The Raadpensionaris among a list of candidates, half selects two out of the four and of which list was proposed by the returns the names to the Legislative Assembly, the other departmental government, which half of which was made up by a then votes for one of those two. number of notabilities who were Qualifications for franchise selected by the King from a list remain the same as in 1801. of names proposed by departmental The Raadpensionaris is officers. appointed by the Legislative The Constitution refers the Assembly for a period of five question of the qualifications for years. The Constitution of 1805 the franchise to the future. As a lasted only for a year. The only matter of fact the franchise was Raadpensionaris was practically abolished after the Schimmelpenninck. institution of the kingdom. The Raadpensionaris appoints The King appoints four five secretaries of State and a secretaries of State (Ministers). Council of Finance, consisting The Legislative body meets at of three advisory members. the pleasure of the King. It is The Legislative Assembly meets supposed to meet regularly during twice a year for a period of six two months of the year. weeks: April 15 to June 1, and The King proposes the laws. The December 1 to January 15. Legislative Assembly has no right All laws are proposed by the of discussion. Can accept a law or Raadpensionaris. The Legislative veto it. Assembly does not have the right The country is divided into nine of debate, but has the right of departments. Drenthe is revived as veto. a separate department. The same division of the The old Departmental Estates, are country as before. brought immediately under the The cities continue to regain influence of the King, who appoints their old sovereign rights. his own officers (Land-drost). The autonomy of the cities is again lost. BIBLIOGRAPHY


For this period we have, as may be seen from the following list of books, very few memoirs, only a limited number of newspapers, and no books which show us in detail the inside work of the big and little political events of the day.

The rôle which the Batavian Republic played was so little flattering that the chief participants in the drama of national decadence preferred not to chronicle their own adventures between the years 1795 and 1815 and expose their private conduct to the public judgment of their children and grandchildren.


Van der Aa, Biographisch woordenboek, the only source of information for the lives of many of the men of this period.

Appelius, J.H., de staatsomwenteling van 1795 in haren aard, loop en gevolgen beschouwd. Leiden, 1801.

D'Auzon de Boisminart W.P., Gedenkschriften, 1788-1840. The Hague, 1841-1843.

Bas, F. de, De overgave van de Bataafsche vloot in 1795. Utrecht, 1884.

Berkhey, J. le Francq van, de Bataafsche menschelykheid enz. Leiden, 1801.

Beynen, G.J.W. Koolemans, Het Terugtrekken van Daendels in 1799 uit de Zype naar de Schermer. Leiden, 1898.

Blok, P.J., Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche volk. The new standard history in eight volumes. Translated into English. The part treating of the last hundred years of the Dutch Republic has not been translated as fully as the earlier history.

Bouwens, R.L., aan zyne committenten over het politiek en finantieel gedrag der ministers van het vorige bewind. Amsterdam, 1797.

Brauw, W.M. de, de Departmenten van Algemeen Bestuur in Nederland sedert de omwenteling van 1795. Utrecht, 1864.

Brougham, Henry Lord, Life and Times, written by himself. Edinburgh, 1871. This book contains a description of a voyage through the Batavian Republic in the year 1804.

Byleveld, H.J.J., de geschillen met Frankryk betreffende Vlissingen sedert 1795 tot 1806. The Hague, 1865.

Castlereagh, Memoirs and correspondence of Viscount Castlereagh, London, 1848, contains the diplomatic correspondence upon many subjects concerning the Batavian Republic and the Kingdom of Holland.

Colenbrander, Gedenkschriften der Algemeene Geschiedenis van Nederland. Collection of official documents. 1795-1798, 1798-1801 (2 vols.); 1801-1806 (2 vols.), 1806 1810 (2 vols.), 1810-1813 (3 vols.) The standard work of sources for this period.

Courant, de Bataafsche Binnenlandsche, a newspaper with some news but little of any value.

Covens C. Beknopte staatsbeschryving der Bataafsche Republiek. Amsterdam, 1800.

Dagverhaal der handelingen van de eerste en tweede nationale and constitueerende vergadering representeerende het Volk van Nederland. The Hague, 1796-1801. A sort of congressional record in twenty-two volumes.

Decreeten der Nationale Vergadering, March, 1796 to January, 1798. Twenty-three volumes. An enormous mass of state papers of the National Assembly.

Decreeten, Register der, van de Vergadering van het Provintiaal Bestuur van Holland. March 2, 1796 to January 31, 1798. The records of the provincial government of Holland, which succeeded the estates of Holland.

Doorninck, J. van, Het Alliantie tractaat met Frankryk van 16 Mei 1795. Deventer, 1852.

Galdi M. Quadro politico delle rivoluzioni delle Provincie Unite e della Republica Batava e dello stato attuale del regno di Olande. Milan, 1809.

Groen van Prinsterer. Handboek der Geschiedenis van Het Vaderland. Standard work written from point of view opposed to the French Revolution.

Hall, M.C. van, Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck, voornamelyk als Bataafsch afgezant op het Vredescongres te Amiens in 1802. Amsterdam, 1847.

Hartog, J., De Joden in het eerste jaar der Bataafsche vryheid. Amsterdam, 1875. A discussion of the emancipation of the Jews in the Batavian Republic.

Herzeele P. van and J. Goldberg, Rapport der commissie tot het onderzoek naar den staat der finantien op 4 Januari, 1797. The Hague, 1797.

Hingman, J.H., Stukken betreffende het voorstel tot deportatie van Van de Spiegel, Bentinck, Rhoon en Repelaer, 1795-1798. Utrecht, 1888.

Jaarboeken der Bataafsche Republiek. Amsterdam 1795-1798. Thirteen volumes. A continuation of the old year books of the Dutch Republic. Minute record of official acts, documents, etc.

Kesman, J.H., Receuil van den zakelyken inhoud van alle sedert, 1795 gestelde orders van den lande, de armée betreffende. The Hague, 1805.

Kluit, W.P. Sautyn, Studies over de Nederlandsche journalistiek, 1795-1813. The Hague, 1876-1885. A discussion of the Gazette de Hollande, the "Nationaale en Bataafsche couranten," and the official newspaper of the State before the restoration of 1814.

Krayenhoff, Geschiedkundige beschouwing van den oorlog op het grondgebied der Bataafsche republiek in 1799. Nymwegen, 1832.

Langres, Lonbard de, Byzonderheden uit de tyden der onwenteling en betrekkingen van Nederland in 1798. The Hague, 1820.

Langres was French minister between 1798 and 1799. Nothing much of importance.

Legrand, L., La révolution française en Hollande; la République Batave. Paris, 1894.

Naber, J.A., Journal van het gepasseerede gedurende het verblyf der Nationale Trouppen in s'Gravenhage. January 21 to April 20, 1795. The Hague, 1895.

Notulen van het Staatsbewind der Bataafsche Republiek. October 17, 1801 to April 29, 1805. Twelve volumes of records of the proceedings of the Batavian Executive.

Paulus, Aanspraak by de opening van de vergadering der Nationale Vergadering. March 1, 1796. The Hague, 1796. A report of this speech is found in Wagenaar.

Rogge C., Tafereel van de geschiedenis der jongste omwenteling in de Vereenigde Nederlanden. Amsterdam, 1796.

Rogge C., Geschiedenis der staatsregeling voor het Bataafsche volk. Amsterdam, 1799.

Rogge C., Schaduwbeelden der leden van de Nationale Vergadering.

Schimmelpenninck, G., Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck en eenige gebeurtenissen van zyn tyd. The Hague, 1845. See also under M.C. van Hall.

Staatsbesluiten der Bataafsche Republiek, April 29 to December 31, 1805. Three volumes of official decrees.

Staatscourant, Bataafsche. See Kluit.

Swildens, J.H., Godsdienstig Staatsboek. Amsterdam, 1803. Discussion of the revolution from an orthodox protestant point of view.

Vitringa, C.L., Staatkundige geschiedenis der Bataafsche Republiek. Arnhem, 1858-1864.

Vitringa, H.H., Advisen over de eenheid der Bataafsche Republiek, den godsdienst, de verandering der constitutie, de vermeniging der oude provincieele schulden, etc. Amsterdam, 1796.

Vonk L.C., Geschiedenis der landing van het Engelsch Russisch leger in Noord Holland. Haarlem, 1801.

Vreede, G.W., Bydragen tot de geschiedenis der omwenteling van 1795-1798. Amsterdam, 1847-1851.

Vreede G.W., Geschiedenis der diplomatie van de Bataafsche Republiek. Three volumes of diplomatic history of the Batavian Republic.

Vreede, P., Verantwoording. Leyden, 1798. Explanation of his official acts as member of the Executive.

Wagenaar. Vaderlandsche Historie. See the three volumes of Vervolg written by Loosjes and his forty-eight volumes of Vervolg which bring Wagenaar down to the year 1806. Stuart in 1821 wrote four more volumes which continue the Historie until the year 1810 is reached. The same tendency to endless reports of facts without any comment, except from the revolutionary point of view, is met in this Vervolg, which is only useful as a book of information.

For the pamphlets of this period see the last column of the Catalogue of Knuttel, Catalogus van de pamphletten verzameling berustende in de Koninklyke Bibliotheek. The Hague.


Blik op Holland of schildery van dat Koninkryk in 1806. Amsterdam, 1807.

Bonaparte, L., Documents historiques et réflexions sur le gouvernement de la Hollande. Bruxelles, 1820. Translated into Dutch in the same year.

Cour, La de Hollande sous le règne de Louis Bonaparte. Paris, 1823.

Dykshoorn, J., Van de Landing der Engelschen in Zeeland. Vlissingen, 1809.

Fruin, R., Twee nieuwe bydragen tot de kennis van het tydvak van Koning Lodewyk. The Hague, 1888.

Geslachts—levens—en karakterschets van Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. Schiedam, 1806.

Hoek, S. van, Landing en inval der Engelschen in Zeeland, 1809. Haarlem, 1810.

Hortense de Beauharnais, Mémoires sur Madame la Duchesse de St. Leu, ex-reine de Hollande. London, 1832.

Hugenpoth d'Aerdt G.J.J.A., Notes historiques sur le règne de Louis Napoleon. The Hague, 1829.

Jorissen Th., Napoleon I et le Roi de Hollande, 1806-1813. The Hague, 1868.

Jorissen Th., De ondergang van het koninkryk Holland. Arnhem, 1871.

Jorissen Th., De commissie van 22 Juli 1810 te Parys.

Maaskamp. E., Reis

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