» History » Rulers of India: Lord Clive, George Bruce Malleson [sci fi books to read txt] 📗

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Indostan, History of, see History of Indostan.

INDIA passed to the Crown, 178.

INDIA HOUSE, Sulivan excluded Clive from seat in, 145:
    proprietors forced the Governor-Generalship of Bengal on Clive, 146:
    sent a new covenant to Calcutta, 161:
    refused to increase salaries, 165.

IVES'S Voyage and Historical Narrative, quoted, 94n., 96n.

JÁGÍR, conferred on Clive, 123 and n.:
    disputed by Court of Directors, 142, 145-7.

JALANGÍ, river, 91.

JENNINGS, Captain, at Council of War, 93.

JOHNSTONE, Mr. Gideon, received money for secret services, 161.

JONES, Commodore, sent to attack Angria, 77:
    recalled from Dábhol, 78.

KALNÁ, Mr. Watts at, 92.

KÁLPI, English victory at, 157.

KANCHÍPURAM, Clive on his way to Arcot halted at, 53:
    guns intercepted at, 53:
    siege of, 58:
    taken by Clive, 58.

KARNÁTIK, territory of the Deccan, 17:
    not immediately under the Súbahdár, 17:
    territory entrusted to a Nawáb, 17:
    its boundaries, 17, 18:
    invasions and war in the, 21-31:
    Khojá Abdullah, Nawáb of the, 28.

KARRA, English victory at, 157:
    held by the English, 174.

KÁSIMBÁZÁR, Mr. Watts, English agent at, 86:
    Siráj-ud-daulá sent an army to Plassey, in the island of, 88 and n.:
    troops at, 116, 119.

KÁSIPUR, seat of gun-factory, 83:
    Clive at, 83.

KÁTWÁ, Major Eyre Coote sent to occupy, 91:
    battle of, 156.

KÁVERIPÁK, battle of, 64-6, 183, 211:
    Clive defeats the French and allies, 66:
    occupied by Clive, 66.

KHOJÁ ABDULLAH, proclaimed Nawáb of the Karnátik, 28:
    poisoned, 28.

KILPATRICK, Major, sent from Madras to the Húglí, 79:
    reached Falta, 80:
    at Council of War, 92:
    in command of troops at Plassey, 102:
    marched against St. Frais,

    joined by Clive, 102.

KISHANGARH, revenue of, granted money to Clive, 117.

KNOX, Captain, fought against the Dutch, 128:
    defeated the Dutch, 131:
    fought against the King of Delhi and defended Patná, 151.

KOILÁDÍ, French attempted to intercept Lawrence at, 67.

KOLRUN, River, 68, 69.

LALGUDI, mud fort of, taken by Clive, 68.

LALLY, Count, sent to Pondicherry, 120:
    marched to Tanjore, 120:
    recalled Bussy, 120:
    successes achieved by, 120, 194:
    left northern Sirkárs unprotected, 121.

LASCARS, with Clive at Plassey, 90, 95.

LAW, of Lauriston, sent by Dupleix to Trichinopoli, 60:
    unsuccessful, 61:
    fought gallantly at Pondicherry, 61:
    replaced by d'Auteuil, 68:
    defeated by Clive at Paichanda, 69-73:
    surrendered, 73:
    sent by Clive near Chandranagar with troops, 84.

LAWRENCE, Major Stringer, in command at Fort St. David, 40n.:
    took a force to Devikota, with Clive as lieutenant, 43:
    stormed Devikota, 43:
    treaty, 43:
    returned to Fort St. David, 44:
    joined Clive, 67:
    started with Clive for Trichinopoli, 67:
    entered Trichinopoli, 68:
    assisted by Morári Ráo and the Dalwai of Mysore, 68:
    sent Clive to occupy Samiáveram, 68.

LAWRENCE, Lord, quoted, 16n.

LE BEAUME, Captain, at Council of War, 93.

Letters, by Scrafton, quoted, 160n.

Life of Clive, by Malcolm, 103n.


LOSTOCKE, private school where Clive was educated till he was eleven, 10.

LUCAS, Captain, mentioned in the account of the assault against Clive by Mr. Fordyce, 14.

LUCKNOW, occupied by the English, 157.

LUSHINGTON, affixed Admiral Watson's name to false document regarding Aminchand, 194.

MA'AFUZ KHÁN, son of Anwar-ud-dín, sent to demand Madras, 37:
    encountered Dupleix at Maliapur, St. Thomé, 37:
    defeated, 37:
    taken prisoner, 45.

MADHUPUR, Clive despatched Watts and Walsh to, 111:
    Clive marched to, 111.

MADRAS, Robert Clive arrives as a writer in the service of the East India Service in 1744 at, 9, 30:
    Mr. Morse Governor at, 15, 33:
    originally Chennapatanam, 19:
    granted to the English and re-named Madras, 19:
    Fort St. George built, 19:
    raised to Presidency in 1653, 19:
    population at end of 17th century, 19:
    constitution of the town, 19:
    English trading colony, 20:
    French colony, 20:
    taken by the French, 35:
    restored, 41.

Madras Presidency, Records of, by Mr. Forrest, mentioned, 14, 40n., 41n., 50n., 52n.

MAIÁPUR, Watson and Clive at, 81.

MALCOLM, Sir John, mentioned, 143:
    quoted, 169:
    Life of Clive, 103n., 143n., 198n.

MALDA, Aminchand's pilgrimage to, 113.

MALIAPUR, battle between French and English at, 37.

MALLESON'S, Colonel, History of the French in India, 36n.:
    Decisive Battles of India, 66n., 130n., 156n.

MANCHESTER, Clive sent to his uncle to be brought up and educated at, 9.

MANIKCHAND, Governor of Calcutta, 81:
    marched to Baj-baj, 81:
    retired, 82.

MANSURPET, pagoda of, taken by Clive, 68.

MARÁTHÁS, took Trichinopoli, 25:
    invasion of, 25, 26:
    yielded Trichinopoli to Nizám-ul-Múlk, 28:
    overtures with Siráj-ud-daulá, 87:
    Maráthá ditch, 108:
    defeated at battle of Pánípat, 173:
    advance of, 183.

MARKAR, the Armenian, commanded a special brigade, 154:
    sent to Patná, 155:
    drove the English out, 155:
    took English prisoners, 156.

MARKET DRAYTON, Clive sent to Mr. Burslem's school at, 10.

MARTIN, Francis, leader of the French traders on the Coromandel coast, 20, 21:
    died 1706, 20.

MASKELEYNE, Miss, married Clive, 74.

Memoir of Captain Dalton, quoted, 49n., 52n.

MERCHANT TAYLORS', Clive spent a short time at, 10.

MÍRAN, son of Mír Jafar, 119:
    arrived with an army at Murshidábád, 132:
    struck dead by lightning, 150.

MÍR ASAD, appointed Diwán in place of Chánda Sáhib, 24:
    taken prisoner by the Maráthás, 25.

MÍR JAFAR, in command of Siráj-ud-daulá's forces, 79:
    joined Clive, 86:
    quarrelled with Siráj-ud-daulá, 88:
    reconciliation, 88:
    swore fealty and to fight against Clive, 88, 91:
    his interview with Mr. Watts, 92:
    renounced Watts as a spy, 92:
    threatened to destroy the English, 92:
    favourable despatch from, 94:
    position of his troops at Plassey, 97:
    his interview with Siráj-ud-daulá, 100:
    lingering of his troops, 103:
    requested an interview with Clive, 105:
    escorted to the camp to be proclaimed Súbahdár, 107:
    his conditions and agreements with Clive, 107-8:
    noble family in Bihár, 109:
    officer of Alí Vardi Khán, 109:
    married Alí Vardi Khán's sister, 109:
    Bakshí of the army, 109:
    took Calcutta, 109:
    his meeting with Clive, 110:
    went to Murshidábád, 111:
    received Clive, 111:
    proclaimed Súbahdár, 112:
    applied to Clive for assistance, 115, 121:
    his army at Rájmahál, 116:
    attempt to coerce Bihár, 116-8:
    met Clive, 116:
    at Patná, 117:
    marched with Clive to Bárh, 118:
    returned to Murshidábád, 118:
    treasury exhausted, 121:
    conferred the jágír of the Zamíndárí on Clive, 123:
    forced to resign, 153:
    to reside under English protection, 153:
    displaced by Mír Kásim, 153:
    restored by the English, 158, 159:
    his death, 159, 160:
    bequeathed money to Clive, 178:
    formation of Lord Clive's Fund, 178.

MÍR KÁSIM, son-in-law of Mír Jafar, 119, 152:
    envoy of Mír Jafar, 152:
    wished to succeed Míran, 152:
    his bribery successful, 152:
    Mír Jafar to be displaced by, 152:
    proceeded to Patná, 153:
    installed as Súbahdár, 153:
    good ruler, 153:
    removed his fortress to Mungír, 153:
    reformed his army, 154:
    abolished transit duties, 155:
    prepared for war, 155:
    his army under Markar set out for Patná, 155:
    drove the English away, 155:
    sent Samru to Baksar, 156:
    intercepted the English and beat them completely, 156:
    defeated at Kátwá, 156:
    defeated at Gheriá, 156:
    on the fall of Patná, took refuge at Oudh, 157:
    defeated at Baksar, 157:
    died at Delhi, 158.

MÍR MADAN, Siráj-ud-daulá's general, 97:
    killed at Plassey, 100.

MÍR MEHDÍ KHÁN, commanding Mír Jafar's troops, 155:
    went to Mungír to report to Mír Jafar, 155.

MOLITORE, Capt.-Lieut., at Council of War, 93.

MORÁRI RÁO, famous Maráthá soldier, left to guard Trichinopoli, 26:
    sent to help Clive at Arcot, 55:
    marched with Clive to Arni, 56:
    defeated the French, 57, 58:
    assisted Lawrence, 68.

MORSE, Mr., Governor of Madras, 15, 33:
    befriended Clive, 15:
    declined proposal from the French Governor that the two settlements should preserve neutrality, 33:
    demanded in vain for protection from Anwar-ud-dín, 35.

MOSES, Mr. Levy, mentioned in the account of the complaint of the assault of Mr. Fordyce against Clive, 14.

MUGHAL DYNASTY receives a blow from which it never rallied, 16, 85, 173:
    high-road from Húglí to Patná, 90.

MUGHAL, Great, called on Clive to help repress the rebellion of his son, 123.

MUHAMMAD ALÍ, forced to flee to Trichinopoli, 45:
    rival of Chánda Sáhib in the Deccan, 45:
    at Trichinopoli, 51:
    his treasury exhausted, 51.

MUHAMMAD RÍZA KHÁN, nominated Deputy-Nawáb, 161, 168.

MUHAMMAD SHÁH, Emperor of Delhi, 30:
    died, 44.

MUIR, Captain, at Council of War, 93.

MUNGÍR, Mír Kásim removed his capital to, 153:
    Sir Robert Fletcher at, 187:
    mutiny at, 187-8.

MUNRO, Sir Hector, his victory at Baksar, 157:
    occupied Benares, Chanár and Allahábád, 157:
    overran Oudh, 157:
    occupied Lucknow and Faizábád, 157:
    defeated enemy at Karra and Kálpi, 157:
    Nawáb-Wazír of Oudh surrendered himself to, 157.

MURÁDBÁGH, palace of, Clive at, 111.

MURSHIDÁBÁD, capital of Siráj-ud-daulá, 78,

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