» History » The Story of the Greeks, H. A. Guerber [year 2 reading books .txt] 📗

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88 Cyrus, death of 180 Dædalus invents sails 22 Damocles' sword 209 Damon 204-208 Danaus teaches shipbuilding 17 Darius, army of, routed 113 audience chamber of 106 death of 119, 248 offers peace to Alexander 247 resolves to conquer Greece 108, 117 second army of 110 "The Great King" 104 Decelea, fortification of 168 Delos, Island of 177, 179 Delphi, temple at, rebuilding of 101 robbed 224 saved by thunderstorm 130, 267 Demeter, festival of 17, 191 Demetrius, generosity of 266 imprisonment of 267 "The Preserver" 263 Democedes, court physician 107 Democrat, derivation of 95 Demosthenes, cowardice of 226 joy of, at death of Philip 233 orator 221-223 takes poison 259 Deucalion 19, 20 Diana, goddess 47 temple of 65, 227, 237, 264 Diocles, traitor 269 Diogenes 234, 235 Dion 210-215 Dionysius the Elder 202-210 Dionysius the Younger 210-216 Dionysus, festival and theater of 92-94 Draco, cruel lawmaker 87, 88, 91 "Earth and water," demand for 110 Ecbatana, a walled city 104 Egyptians, civilization of 12 Epaminondas, as commander 196 dying words of 201 risks own life for Pelopidas 191 Ephesus, founded 56 taken by Alexander 237 temple at 227, 264 Ephialtes, perfidy of 128 Epimenides, long sleep of 90 Erostratus wins immortality 228 Eteocles quarrels with Polynices 37-39 Eurybiades, Spartan king 132-134 Flood of Ogyges 15 Furies, duty of 36 Galatia, how named 267 Golden Fleece, search for 25 Gordian knot, cutting the 240 Gordium 238 Granicus, battle near 237 Great Greece 54 Great King, The (see also Darius) 104 Greece, alphabet brought to 17 Egyptians settle in 13 freedom of 281 known as Achaia 282 punishment of criminals in 176 situation of 11 Greeks, at Thermopylæ 127, 128 betrayal of 181 commercial journey by 26 geographical knowledge of 251 gods angry with 54 last of the 280 retreat of 182-184 statue judged by 83 Troy taken by 53 truce of 51 victory of, at Salamis 134 Hanging Gardens of Babylon 264 Harmodius, kills Hipparchus 99 statue in honor of 102 Hector, falls by hand of Achilles 50 kills Patroclus 50 sung by Homer 60 Hecuba, dream of 41 Helen runs away with Paris 43 Helios. See Apollo. Hellas, how named (see also Greece) 21 Hellen, second son of Deucalion 20 Hellespont, a narrow strait 109 bridging the 121 Helots, Spartan slaves 61 strike for freedom 145 temperance taught by 68 Hephæstion, drinks himself to death 252 friend of Alexander 236 mistaken for Alexander 241 Heracles. See Hercules. Heraclidæ, banishment of 28 regain possessions 55 Heraclides, treachery of 214 Hercules, birthplace of 28 festival instituted by 78 games in honor of 38 Hermes, destruction of statues of 166 Heroic Age 25, 57 Hipparchus 98, 99 Hippias, Athenian ruler 98 capture of 102 Darius' generals guided by 111 killed 113 seeks aid from Darius 105 Hippocrates drives out plague 156 Homer, birthplace of 60 blindness of 57 poems of, collected 97 rank of, as poet 58, 60 Hot Gateway 20, 125 Hymettus, honey of 17 Hyphasis River 251 Icarian Sea, how named 24 Icarus flies too high 24 Ilium. See Troy. Immortals, bodyguard of Xerxes 122 gain Pass of Thermopylæ 129 Inachus teaches Pelasgians 13 Ionia, derivation of name 21 location of 56, 104 Iphigenia rescued by Diana 47 Ipsus, battle of 265 Ismene dies of grief 40 Issus, Persians routed at 241 Isthmian games 280 Ithome, fortified city 72, 73 Jaddua, vision of 244 Jason commands the "Argo" 25 Jocasta, kills herself 35 Queen of Thebes 29 Jove, thunderbolts of 162 Jupiter, festival and statue of 78, 79 temple to 245 See also Zeus. Labyrinth of Crete 22, 27, 264 Lacedæmon, how named 61 Laconia, adjective from 66 clemency shown to 197 location of 61 Laius, killed by Œdipus 31 words of oracle to 29 Lamia, fortress of 258 "Last of the Athenians" 261 "Last of the Greeks" 280 Leæna, courage of 100 honor to 103 Leonidas I., betrayal of 129 guards Thermopylæ 125 reply of, to Xerxes 127 Leonidas II. 270-275 Leuctra, Theban victory at 196 Libya, temple at 245 Long Walls, building of 147 destruction of 170 rebuilding of 172 Lyceum, laying out of 96 Lycurgus, in Spartan history 61 iron money originated by 70 laws of 62-70 Macedon, location of 217 Mantinea, Theban victory at 199 Marathon, battle of 113-115 situation of 111 Mardonius, flight of 134 Mausolus, Tomb of 264 Mediterranean Sea, islands in 13 stretch of 11 Megacles, crime of 89, 101 Megalopolis, tomb in 280 Menelaus 42, 43 Messenia 71, 280 Messenians, bribed by Romans 280 thrown into Ceadas 75 war against Spartans 145 Messina, city and colony of 77, 166 Lighthouse of 264 Midas, cart of 238 Miletus 56, 137 Milo the athlete 81, 82 Miltiades, at Marathon 112 conviction and death of 117 Minerva. See Athene. Mirage 245 Money, coining of 24 institution of iron 70 Morea, why so called 55 Nabis, tyrant 278 Navigation taught 17 Nearchus, exploration of 251 Nemean lion 38 Nemesis, statue of 116 Neptune. See Poseidon. Nestor the wise man 44 Œdipus, answers Sphinx's riddle 34 attempted murder of 29 death of 36 fulfillment of prophecy concerning 31, 34 puts out his own eyes 35 Ogyges, flood of 15 Olympia, temple at 78 Olympiad as measurement of time 80 Olympias 227, 261 Olympic games, bearing arms during 126 excitement at 86 girls in 84 renewal of 80 time reckoned by 80 Ostracize, derivation of 104
Panathenæa, festival of 26 Paris, bringing up of 42 Paros, Island of 116 Parthenon 149, 264 Patroclus, armor of Achilles on 49 killed by Hector 50 sung by Homer 60 Pausanias, patriotism of mother of 139 successor of Leonidas 134 walled in 139 Pelasgians, homes and habits of 12 remains of, in old tombs 18 skill of, in building 14 spinning and weaving by 16 Pelopidæ conquer Heraclidæ 28 Pelopidas, exiled Theban 191 returns in disguise 193 slain in battle 199 Peloponnesian War, end of 170 length of 153 Peloponnesus, derivation of name 24 Dorians settle in 55 key of the 270 laid waste 154 present name of 55 Pelops teaches coinage of money 24 Perdiccas, against Ptolemy 260 receives Alexander's ring 253 Pericles, death of 156, 157 eloquence of 154 idol of the poor 144 improvement of Athens by 149 leader of the
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