» History » An Island Story, H. E. Marshall [learn to read books txt] 📗

Book online «An Island Story, H. E. Marshall [learn to read books txt] 📗». Author H. E. Marshall

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thing I’m sure,

That at Sheriffmuir

A battle there was, which I saw, man;

And we ran, and they ran, and they ran, and we ran,

And we ran and they ran awa’, man.”

“If we have not gained a victory,” said one Jacobite general, “we ought to fight Argyle once a week until we make it one.” But Mar did nothing and James, who had promised to come to France, did not arrive. So, disappointed and discontented, many of the chieftains and their followers went home again.

But at last James landed. He was greeted with great joy, and rode into Dundee with three hundred gentlemen behind him. “Now,” thought the Jacobites, “we have a King. Now we will be led to battle and victory.”

But they were again disappointed. James was no soldier. He was pale, grave, and quiet; he never smiled and he hardly ever spoke. The men soon began to despise him, and to ask if he could fight or even speak.

Day after day passed and nothing happened. “What did you call us to arms for?” asked the angry Highlanders, “was it to run away?”

“What did the King come for? Was it to see his people butchered by hangmen, and not strike one blow for their lives?”

“Let us die like men, and not like dogs.”

“If our King is willing to die like a King, there are ten thousand gentlemen who are not afraid to die with him.”

But it was of no use. Nothing was done. The Pretender, taking the Earl of Mar with him slunk back to France, a beaten man for want of courage to strike a blow. And, sad and angry, the Jacobite army melted away. Some of the leaders escaped to foreign lands, others were taken prisoner to the Tower and afterwards beheaded. Among those was Lord Derwentwater.

This rebellion is known as “The Fifteen” because it took place in 1715 A.D.

“O far frae my hame full soon will I be,

It’s far, far frae hame, in a strange countrie,

Where I’ll tarry a while, return, and with you be,

And bring many jolly boys to our ain countrie.

“I wish you all success till I again you see,

May the lusty Highland lads fight on and never flee.

When the King sets foot aground, and returns from the sea,

Then you’ll welcome him hame to his ain countrie.

“God bless our royal King, from danger keep him free,

When he conquers all the foes that oppose his Majesty,

God bless the Duke of Mar and all his cavalry,

Who first began the war for our King and our countrie.

“Let the traitor King make haste and out of England flee,

With all his spurious race come far beyond the sea;

Then we will crown our royal King with mirth and jollity,

And end our days is peace in our ain countrie.”



GEORGE I. died in 1727 A.D., and was succeeded by his son, George II. Like his father he was very German, but he could speak a little English. He had a very clever wife called Queen Caroline, and she helped him to rule. He had also a very clever Prime Minister called Walpole.

Walpole had begun to be powerful under George I., and although George II. did not like him, he still remained in power. He was the first “peace minister” Britain ever had. Instead of urging the King and people to fight, he tried in every way he could to keep peace.

He saw that the best thing for the country was to be at peace. He saw that it was best for the people to have time to sow and reap, to build ships, to make goods, and to trade with other countries, and that they could neither have time nor money to do this if they were always fighting. So he would not fight, and Britain grew prosperous.

But the people did not all think as Walpole did. A quarrel with Spain arose and, try how he might, Walpole could not keep the peace, and war was declared. Strange to say, the people rejoiced at the news. They decorated their houses, lit bonfires, and rang bells as if some great good fortune had befallen the country. “They may ring their bells now,” said Walpole sadly, “but they will soon be wringing their hands.” The peace which had lasted twenty years was broken, and Walpole was quite right when he said that the people would soon be wringing their hands, for the war with Spain was a miserable failure and brought much trouble and sorrow upon them.

This war was followed by another called the War of the Austrian Succession. The Emperor of Austria died leaving his kingdom to his daughter, Maria Theresa. But some of the kings of Europe thought that they would take her lands from her and make their own kingdoms greater. To prevent this the British fought for Maria Theresa against France and Spain, and George II. and his soldiers defeated the French in a battle called Dettingen. This is the last battle in which a British King led his soldiers himself. People began to see that kings could serve their countries in better ways than by fighting.

While this war was going on the Jacobites tried again to set James Stuart upon the throne. This time it was not James but his son Charles who landed in Scotland. He came with only seven followers, and at first the people were afraid and unwilling to follow him.

Bur Charles was very different from his father. He was gallant and brave, and handsome. He talked and smiled and won his way to the brave Highland hearts till he was at the head of fifteen hundred men, all willing and ready to die for their King and Prince.

“Go home,” said one old chieftain to him, when he first landed, “there is no safety for you here.”

“I have come home,” replied Prince Charlie.

“Charles Stuart,” he said to another chief, called Cameron of Lochiel, “has come to claim his own and win the crown of his ancestors, or die in the attempt. Lochiel, if he chooses, may stay at home and learn the fate of his Prince from the newspapers.”

“No,” replied Lochiel, “no, I will share the fate of my Prince, and so shall every man over whom I have power.”

So in a dark Highland glen the standard of the Prince was raised. It was of red silk, and on it were the proud words, Tandem Triumphans, which means “Triumphant at last.” And as the red silk folds fluttered out on the mountain breeze it was greeted by the sounds of bagpipes and the shouts of the people.

“Then raise the banner, raise it high,

For Charles we’ll conquer or we’ll die:

The clans a’ leal and true men be,

And show me who will daunton thee.

Our good King James will soon come home,

And traitors a’ be put to shame;

Auld Scotland shall again be free;

There’s nane on earth can daunton thee.”

After the raising of his standard Charles marched south till he reached Edinburgh, his army growing as he went. Lochiel and his followers marched into Edinburgh, and there, at the Market Cross, amid the cheering of some of the people and the sullen silence of others, James VIII. was once more proclaimed King of Scotland. A beautiful lady on horseback, with a drawn sword in her hand, gave the white cockade to those who crushed round her, impatient to enter the service of the Prince.

Later in the day, Charles himself rode into the town and the people crowded to meet him, cheering and weeping, eager to kiss his hand or touch his clothes, covering even his boots with tears and kisses.

The castle of Edinburgh was held by the soldiers of King George, and as the Prince reached Holyrood, the old palace of the Stuarts, a cannon from the castle thundered out, and a shot struck the wall of the palace not far from where Charles stood. But he was neither startled nor afraid and, turning, walked quietly into the palace.

That night the Prince gave a ball. The old palace, which had stood so long empty and silent, was gay with lights and flowers. The sounds of laughter and music were heard there, perhaps for the first time since the days of the beautiful Mary, Queen of Scots.

Lovely ladies and brave men crowed to see and do honor to their Bonnie Prince Charlie, and they went away happy if they had touched his hand or heard his voice.

But there were other things to do besides dancing. The army of King George, under Sir John Cope, had landed at Dunbar and was marching to Edinburgh. Charles decided to march out to meet him.

Early on the morning of the 20th September, the Highlanders rose and made ready for battle. Prince Charlie placed himself at their head and, drawing his sword, cried, “Gentlemen, I have thrown away the scabbard.” By that he meant that there was no turning back, and that his sword would never again be sheathed until he conquered or died, and the men, hearing the words, shouted and cheered as they followed him.

Next day a battle was fought at Prestonpans, near Edinburgh. Prince Charlie and his men were up so early that they were ready to attack before Sir John Cope and his soldiers were prepared. The Highlanders gave them no time to prepare, but charged so fiercely and quickly that in about five minutes the battle was over. The soldiers of King George ran away and Charles won a complete victory. Sir John ran away too, and was the first to bring the news of his own defeat to Berwick.

“Cope sent a challenge frae Dunbar,

‘Charlie, meet me an ye daur,

And I’ll learn ye the art of war,

If ye’ll meet me in the morning.’

“Hey! Johnnie Cope, are ye waking yet?

And are your drums a-beating yet?

Oh, haste ye up, for the drums do beat,

Oh fye, Cope, rise up in the morning.

“When Charlie looked the letter upon,

He drew his sword the scabbard from,

‘Come, follow me, my merry, merry men,

And we’ll meet Johnnie Cope in the morning.’

“When Johnnie Cope to Berwick came

They speired at him, ‘Where’s a’ your men?’

‘In faith,’ say he, ‘I dinna ken,

I left them a’ this morning.’

“Now Johnnie, troth ye were na blate,

To come wi’ the news o’ your ain defeat,

And leave your men in sic a strait

So early in the morning.”

A few hours after the battle the Highlanders were back in Edinburgh marching up and down the streets playing, “The King shall enjoy his own again,” on the bagpipes. All the Jacobites rejoiced and thought that they had really triumphed at last.



“To your arms! to your arms! Charlie yet shall be your King.

To your arms! all ye lads that are loyal and true.

To your arms! to your arms! his valour nane can ding,

And he’s on to the south wi’ a jovial crew.

“For master Johnnie Cope, being destitute of hope,

Took horse for his life and left his men;

In their arms he put no trust, for he knew it was just

That the King should enjoy his own again.

“To your arms! to your arms! my bonny highland lads.

We winna brook the rule o’ a German thing.

To your arms! to your arms! wi’ your bonnets and your plaids,

And hey for Charlie and our ain true King.’”

AFTER the battle of Prestonpans, Charles returned to Edinburgh and remained there for some days gathering men and money. It was a gay time. There were constant

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