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you have already read you can easily see that both Germany and Austria were clever at making enemies, and if, as the German Emperor said, in 1914, Germany was surrounded by enemies, Germany alone was to blame for at least some of them.

In 1914 there were then several causes which made for war. There was the old, unforgotten quarrel between France and Germany; there was a new jealousy on the part of Germany against Great Britain, jealousy of her overseas empire, jealousy of her vast trade. There was the eternal question of the restless Balkans, Germany and Austria keenly on the watch lest Russia should gain power there, and ruin their ambitions, while still other countries suspected Russia of ambition likewise to extend her rule over Balkan lands.

Besides all this the German nation had been taught that they were a very great nation, a nation which by divine right was destined to rule the world. They were taught that their very greatness must arouse the jealousy of lesser nations eager to keep them out of their just heritage. They were taught that as a mere measure of safety these pernicious nations must be crushed ere they could crush Germany. For her, they were taught, it was a choice between world power and downfall.

This teaching was all wrong. No European power, not even France, was preparing to attack Germany. No European power desired to ruin her trade, or deny her any lawful expansion. Satisfied that their own intentions were honest, the nations of Europe paid little attention to German sword rattling and nothing was further from the thoughts of most people than a European war, when suddenly they were rudely awakened to its possibility.

One day towards the end of June, 1914, while driving through the streets of Serajevo, the capital of Bosnia, the Austrian Archduke, Francis Ferdinand, and his wife, were shot and killed. The Archduke was heir to the throne of Austria, the Austrian Emperor already a very old man, and all Europe was moved with sympathy, and filled with horror at the crime.

The murder took place on Austrian soil, in the land which Austria had unjustly annexed. The murderer was a Bosnian, therefore an Austrian subject. But he was a Slav; and the Servian government was accused of having encouraged the murderer to do the dreadful deed.

Many people were inclined to admit that Servia was somewhat in fault. But no one was prepared for the brutal demands which the Austrians made upon Servia. They were such as to rob her of all independence, and make her almost as much an Austrian possession as Bosnia. No nation could submit to them without national degradation, and Servia was allowed only forty-eight hours in which to submit.

From a passionate, turbulent people like the Servians submission was hardly to be expected. Yet, listening to wise counsels, they yielded to almost all the Austrian demands, asking for arbitration on a few points only. But Austria and her ally Germany, with whom she was in consultation, wanted not submission but war. And, in spite of the frantic efforts of the statesmen of Europe to bring about an understanding, on the 28th of July Austria declared war on Servia, and began immediately to prepare for it. But these preparations seemed to be far greater than were necessary for the defeat of a small country like Servia, and Russia, fearing that they were aimed at her, also began to arm.

It was now seen that the peace of all Europe was in danger, and peace-loving statesmen did their utmost to preserve it. Foremost among them Sir Edward Grey, the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, worked untiringly, suggesting, imploring, using every honorable means to keep the peace. But all his efforts were in vain, because from the beginning Germany and Austria meant to have war both with Russia and with France.

The Central Powers, as Germany and Austria were called, believed that they could easily crush both France and Russia, and that henceforth they would be all powerful in Europe. They did not wish, however, to be saddled with the blame of plunging Europe into war, so they used the murder of the Archduke as a stalking horse. The murder of the Archduke was not the cause of the war, it was merely the excuse.

On the 1st of August, 1914, Germany declared war on Russia. By the 2nd her armies had actually crossed the boundaries of France, but she declared war against France on the 3rd. It was not until a few days later that war between Austria and either France or Russia was declared. From the first Germany was the aggressor. And yet, while Germany was forcing war on Europe with almost every public act the Emperor still talked largely of his love for peace. “The envious,” he cried, “are forcing us to a just defense. The sword is being thrust into our hand.”

With Europe aflame Britain still strove to keep the peace. She had no cause to love Servia. It seemed almost monstrous that a peace-loving people should plunge into war, merely to preserve the independence of a little, turbulent nation to which no ties of friendship bound them. Still less was it seemly that freedom-loving Britain should fight the battles of a despot by joining hands with Russia. With France it was somewhat different. Britain had held out the hand of friendship to France. What in our own eyes, in the eyes of France, in the judgment of the world would that friendship be worth did Britain stand quietly by while France was felled by the mailed fist of Germany?

It was the mailed fist of Germany that put an end to doubt and brought Britain into the war.

For long ages in the past Belgium had been the battle field of Europe, and her plains had been laid waste in quarrels not her own. But in 1831 all the great powers of Europe had agreed that henceforth Belgium should be neutral. Belgium was to take no part in any European war, and on the other hand no European power was to enter Belgium for any purpose of war. Germany as well as the other great powers of Europe signed this agreement. But the easiest and quickest road to France lay through Belgium, and Germany, respecting no law but her own will, marched her armies through the land. Even some of the Germans themselves knew that this act must forever stain her national honor. Speaking in the Reichstag, or Parliament, the Chancellor acknowledged it. “We are now in a state of necessity,” he said, “and necessity knows no law. Our troops have already perhaps entered Belgian soil. This is contrary to the rules of international law. France could wait. We could not wait. We were forced, therefore, to disregard the just protests of the Belgian government. The wrong—I speak frankly—the wrong which we do now, we will try to repair as soon as our end is served.”

That end was never served. For by this international falsehood and stupendous blunder Germany, in the end, brought the whole moral forces of the world against her.

As a first fruit of her folly on the 4th of August, 1914, Great Britain declared war against Germany. When the German Chancellor heard it he was filled with consternation. “What,” he cried, “Britain will go to war for a mere word like ‘neutrality’—for a scrap of paper?”

The whole world gave him his answer. “Not for a scrap of paper, but that treaties may be held sacred, that the world may be made safe for small nations, that the power of the mailed fist may be broken.”


OF the World War itself I shall not write much. For it was so vast that to tell the story of it is almost to tell the story of the world, during the most dreadful four years in all history.

Very quickly many other countries were drawn into the dread whirlpool of strife. Two countries, Turkey and Bulgaria, joined the Central Powers. Many more joined the Allies. In Europe the chief of these was Italy.

Italy had had an alliance with Germany and with Austria, which bound her to aid them, should they be attacked by any other power. But as they had not been attacked, but had themselves wantonly begun the strife, Italy considered herself released from her promise, and remained for some time neutral. Then in May 1915 she joined the Allies, declaring war first against Austria, and more than a year later against Germany.

Beyond Europe the greatest of our Allies was the United States of America, who declared war against Germany in April 1917. The coming of the United States into the war was a notable proof of the righteousness of the Allies’ cause. For Americans as a nation hate war, and see the folly of it more clearly than many peoples of the Old World. They have denied the right of Europe to interfere with things American, and they have also set their face against any American interference in the things of Europe, and they hesitated to draw the sword in a quarrel not their own, thereby plunging a peaceful people into the agony of war. But this war was of such magnitude that there were no bounds to the misery it caused. There was hardly a country in the world, whether neutral or otherwise, that did not suffer. It was a universal evil. To help to end it was the duty of every one, so America forsook her “splendid isolation” and joined the Allies.

The war affected the whole world. Through three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa, the battle line was flung. In every clime from arctic snows to burning desert sands, upon the sea, under the sea, in the air, there was strife. On each continent there were campaigns which in themselves were great wars. All the German colonies in Africa were conquered chiefly by the South Africans, who much to the surprise and disgust of the Germans remained loyal to the Empire. Early in the war our allies the Japanese took the German colony of Kiaochau in China. Even the few scattered islands of the Pacific which the Germans possessed were wrested from them. The war with Turkey caused fighting in Egypt, in Palestine, in Mesopotamia, in every part of the Turkish empire. But although the war spread over three continents it was in Europe that it raged most fiercely, it was Europe that suffered most, Belgium and northern France becoming in the end a barren waste of desolation.

At the beginning of the war Lord Kitchener became head of the War Office. Sir John French was commander in chief of the troops in France until the end of 1915 when he was succeeded by Sir Douglas Haig. Other great soldiers commanded upon the many “fronts.” But the war was so vast, it called forth such unlimited heroism, such varied genius and excellence, that victory when it came did not seem so much the result of the genius of the leaders as of the amazing endurance and courage of men, who were soldiers neither by inclination nor by training.

Germany was ready for war as no other country was ready. Not the gallant little Belgian army, not the French, not the small British force, rushed with all speed across the Channel, could stay the force of the German advance. In spite of the heroic resistance of all three Allies, in spite of some victories, by the end of September the Germans were almost within sight of Paris. They did not reach their goal, indeed they never again came so near to it, and by the end of the month they were forced to retreat.

From the very beginning the Germans showed that they meant to wage war with a ruthlessness and cruelty never

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