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oak tree that stood sentinel along the edge of the patch. Roscoe, Marcus’ big, furry mongrel, started barking and running toward Dean and Twister. His tail wagged furiously when he saw that one of his favorite people was there.

Marcus sat in a rocking chair on the porch that ran the length of the house. He whittled on a piece of wood. It seemed like Marcus was always whittling something. He made beautiful pieces and many people in the area hired him to make specific things, which they liked to give as gifts and such.

He didn’t get up from his chair or stop whittling as he called out, “C’mon and have a seat. What brings you?”

Dean leapt up onto Marcus’ porch and dropped down into the chair next to him. He rocked for a few moments in silence, scratching Roscoe’s ears and petting his head. Marcus started whistling, another one of his habits. He was a beautiful whistler and entertained people with it.

“Send the letter. Tell her to come ahead,” Dean said. He got up and jumped from the porch. Dean gathered Twister’s reins and climbed aboard the stallion. He gave Twister a light kick and the stallion sprang forward, setting out at a canter. Dean rode home fast, enjoying the speed of the big stallion under him. He’d had to leave right after his statement to Marcus or else he would have changed his mind. Dean knew Marcus well enough to know that he wouldn’t waste any time getting that letter written and sent off.

Chapter 6

Maddie’s coming out party was everything she’d ever wanted and more. It was a magical night surrounded by her family, wonderful friends, and very attentive young men. Her dance card was full and she was thrilled.

Tessa watched her little sister twirl around the dance floor, first in one man’s arms and then in another’s. The light in Maddie’s eyes made Tessa so happy for her sibling. She’d decided she couldn’t leave until after Maddie’s party because it would be cruel to cause so much sadness. She would never do anything to ruin Maddie’s special night.

She’d decided to leave a little later that night, when the party was in full swing. Her parents would be distracted by entertaining the guests. Tessa would plead a headache and make her escape to Edwina’s where she’d gather her bags, which were packed and waiting in Eddie’s large hall closet. Eddie’s driver was going to take her to the train station, where she would catch the eleven-forty-five train.

Claire had been allowed to attend the party for a short while and was in awe of the happenings. She watched the elegant women in their beautiful gowns as they danced with handsome men. Her excitement was palpable as she sat next to Tessa. She watched her little sister’s sweet face and tried to memorize it. She didn’t know how long it would be until she saw it again.

Tessa reached out and took Claire’s hand. Claire looked at her in surprise.

“What is it?” she asked.

“All of this is wonderful in its way. I was excited when I was first introduced to society and I know you will be, too, but don’t make it your life. You have a wonderful mind and you should use it to do great things, but have some fun, too. There has to be a balance,” Tessa said.

Claire smiled at Tessa. “Thank you, but why are you so sentimental tonight?”

“I was just remembering my own coming out and how much I enjoyed it, but then later wished that I could do something else besides attend balls and parties. So have fun with all this, but don’t let it rule you. That’s all,” Tessa said with a smile. Inside, she was warning herself to not let her emotions show so much. Someone might suspect something was amiss. “I mean, aren’t you bored already?”

Claire laughed. “That’s just like you. The party has barely begun and already you want to leave.”

Tessa propped her head on her palm and affected a bored expression. “Am I that transparent?”

Claire nodded and turned back to watch the dancers.

Tessa watched, too, for a few moments before noticing that Maddie was heading in the direction of the ladies’ toilet. She gave Claire a kiss and went after her other sibling. Tessa caught Maddie in the hallway off the ballroom.

“So, little sister, are you enjoying your special night?” she asked.

Maddie grabbed Tessa’s arm and squeezed a little. “It’s the most amazing thing! This will sound terrible, but so many of the men want to dance with me. I don’t understand why you don’t love this life.”

Tessa was swept up for a few moments by Maddie’s enthusiasm. “I’m thrilled you are having such a wonderful time. You look very elegant and lovely on the dance floor. You dance much better than I do.”

“Oh, stop. You dance very well,” Maddie protested.

“Well enough, I suppose, but not with your grace. I have a few words of caution. Just beware with whom you dance with. They’re not all being altruistic. Some of them have hidden agendas. I’m sure it won’t be long until you have marriage proposals thrown your way, but listen to your heart and don’t let money influence your choice,” Tessa said.

Maddie nudged her sister. “Come now! Listen to you, the voice of doom. I understand that you don’t enjoy this, but I do and I don’t intend to let it stop too soon. Who wants to get married when I can have this kind of fun? Trust me, I’m not in a hurry to wed. But when I do, it will be with someone fun and exciting, who doesn’t give a flip what people think.”

“Good girl,” Tessa said. She gave Maddie a quick hug and a kiss before sending her on her way.

It was getting late and Tessa knew she needed to go. Before she lost her nerve, she found her parents and drew them away slightly.

“I’m going to excuse myself. I think all of the perfume has given me a headache. I should like to go to retire early,” she said.

Maureen looked at her eldest child with concern. “Well, you do look a little peaked. Perhaps it’s best. Get a good night’s rest and I’ll check on you in the morning.”

Tessa hugged her mother, hanging on a bit longer than normal. “I love you, Mama. You are the most wonderful mother anyone could ask for.”

Maureen hugged her back. “Thank you, darling.”

Then Tessa turned to her father and steeled herself. This would be the toughest goodbye to get through without giving herself away. “Goodnight, Papa.”

Geoffrey kissed her cheek and gathered her close. “Goodnight, daughter. Sleep well and feel better.”

Tessa struggled to hold tears back as she hugged her father. She drew away and pretended to sneeze. She pressed a handkerchief to her nose and made it seem as if the perfume was having a severe effect on her sinuses.

“Pardon me. I fear that some people have been extremely heavy with the perfume,” she said as a reason for her eyes being so bright with tears.

Geoffrey placed another kiss on her forehead. “Go then before it becomes worse. Good night.”

“Goodnight. I love you both so much. Have a wonderful rest of the night and tell Maddie how sorry I was that I had to leave the party early,” she said.

“Yes, we will,” said Maureen.

She and Geoffrey watched their daughter leave. “She should have been an actress,” Geoffrey commented. “I almost bought that she was feeling poorly.”

“She’s faking? I didn’t know. What does that say about me as a mother?” Maureen said.

Geoffrey squeezed her hand. “You’re a wonderful mother and you know it. She really does hate parties and just wanted to leave this one, too. That’s all it is, Maureen.”

Maureen sighed. “I suppose you’re right.”

“However, we have another daughter who is enjoying every second of it,” he said with a gesture at Maddie, who was out on the dance floor again.

They watched their graceful daughter float around the room in the arms of a very good-looking boy.

Tessa watched her family from the doorway leading to the main foyer as they enjoyed the special night. The picture they made together would be forever etched in her mind. With tears in her eyes, she forced herself to turn away and mount the staircase to prepare for her journey.

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