» History » Life of St. Francis of Assisi, Paul Sabatier [ebook reader with android os txt] 📗

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manner. For example,
f^o 207a, 1, Bartolommeo relates the miracle of the Chapter of
the Mats, first following St. Bonaventura, then adding: " Et
quia non aliter tangit dicta pars (legendæ majoris) hoc insigne
miraculum: antiqua legenda hoc refertur in hunc modum ." Cf.
225a, 2m. " Et quia fr. Bonaventura succincte multa tangit et in
brevi: pro evidentia prefatorum notandum est ... ut dicit
antiqua legenda. "

[42] However, it is necessary to note that not only are there
considerable differences between the editions published, but
also that the first (that of Milan, 1510) has been completed and
revised by its editor. The judgments passed upon Raymond
Ganfridi, 104a, 1, and Boniface VIII., 103b, 1, show traces of
later corrections. (Cf. 125a, 1. At f^o 72a, 2m, is indicated
the date of the death of St. Bernardin, which was in 1444, etc.)
Besides, we are surprised to find beside the pages where the
sources are indicated with clearness others where stories follow
one another coming one knows not from whence.

[43] F^o 70a, 1: " Cujus nomen non reperi. " 1a, 2: " Multaque
non ex industria sed quia ea noscere non valui omittendo. "

[44] F^o 78a, 1: Informationes quas non scribo quia imperfectas
reperi. Cf. 229b, 2: " De aliis multis apparitionibus non
reperi scripturam, quare hic non pono. "

[45] F^o 69a, 1: " Hec ut audivi posui quia ejus legendam non
vidi. " Cf. 68b, 2m: Fr. Henricus generalis minister mihi
magistro Bartholomeo dixit ipse oretenus.

[46] The citations from Bonaventura are decidedly more frequent.
We should not be surprised, since this story is the official
biography of St. Francis; the chapter from which Bartolommeo
takes his quotations is almost always indicated, and, naturally,
follows the old division in five parts. Opening the book at
hazard at folio 136a I find no less than six references to the
Legenda Major in the first column. To give an idea of the
style of Bartolommeo of Pisa I shall give in substance the
contents of a page of his book. See, for example, f^o 111a (lib.
i., conform. x., pars. ii., Franciscus predicator). In the third
line he cites Bonaventura: " Fr. Bonaventura in quarta parte
majoris legende dicit quod b. Franciscus videbatur intuentibus
homo alterius seculi. " Textual citation of Bonaventure, 45.
Three lines further on: " Verum qualis esset b. F. quoad
personam sic habetur in legenda antiqua ... homo facundissimus,
facie hilaris , etc." The literal citation of the sketch of
Francis follows as 1 Celano, 83, gives it as far as: " inter
peccatores quasi unus ex illis ," and to mark the end of the
quotation Bartolommeo adds: " Hec legenda antiqua ." In the next
column paragraph 4 commences with the words: B. Francisci
predicationem reddebat mirabilem et gloriosam ipsius sancti
loquutio: etenim legenda trium Sociorum dicit et Legenda major
parte tertia: B. Francisei eloquia erant non inania, neo risu
digna , etc., which corresponds literally with 3 Soc., 25, and
Bon., 28. Then come two chapters of Bonaventura almost entire,
beginning with: In duodecima parte legende majoris dicit Fr.
Bonaventura: Erat enim verbum ejus , etc. Textual quotation of
Bon., 178 and 179. The page ends with another quotation from
Bonaventura: Sic dicebat prout recitat Bonaventura in octava
parte Legende majoris: Hac officium patri misericordiarum . Vide
Bonav., 102 end and 103 entire. This suffices without doubt to
show with what precision the authorities have been quoted in
this work, with what attention and confidence ought to be
examined those portions of documents lost or mislaid which he
has here preserved for us.

[47] F^o 31b, 2: ut dicit fr. Thomas in sua legenda , cf. 2
Cel., 3, 60.--140a, 2: Fr. in leg. fr. Thome , cf. 2 Cel., 3,
60.--140a 1, cf. 2 Cel., 3 16.--142b, 1: Fr. in leg. Thome
capitulo de charitate , cf. 2 Cel., 3, 115.--144b, 1: Fr. in
leg. fr. Thome capitulo de oratione , cf. 2 Cel., 3, 40.--144b,
1, cf. 2 Cel., 3, 65.--144b, 2, cf. 2 Cel., 3, 78.--176b, 2, cf.
2 Cel., 3, 79.--182b, 2, cf. 2 Cel., 2, 1.--241b, 1, cf. 2 Cel.,
3, 141.--181a, 2, cf. 1 Cel., 27. It is needless to say that
these lists of quotations do not pretend to be complete.

[48] F^o 36b, 2. Ut enim habetur in leg. 3 Soc., cf. 3 Soc.,
10.--46b, 1, cf. 3 Soc., 25-28.--38b 2, cf. 3 Soc. 3.--111a, 2,
cf. 3 Soc., 25.--134a, 2, cf. 3 Soc., 4.--142b, 2, cf. 3 Soc., 57
and 58.--167b, 2, cf. 3 Soc., 3 and 8.--168a, 1, cf. 3 Soc.,
10.--170b, 1, cf. 3 Soc., 39, 4.--175b, 2, cf. 3 Soc.,
59.--180b, 2, cf. 3 Soc., 4.--181a, 1, cf. 3 Soc., 5, 7, 24, 33,
and 67.--181a. 2, cf. 3 Soc., 36.--229b, 2, cf. 3 Soc., 14. etc.
The reading of 3 Soc. which Bartolommeo had before his eyes was
pretty much the same we have to day, for he says, 181a, 2.
referring to 3 Soc., 67: " Ut habetur quasi in fine leg . 3
Soc. "

[49] F^o 111a, 1, Sic habetur in leg. ant. , corresponds
literally with 1 Cel., 83.--144a, 2. Franciscus in leg. ant.
cap. v. de zelo ad religionem , to 1 Cel. 106.

[50] F^o 111b, 1. De predicantibus loqueus sic dicebat in ant.
leg. Cf. 2 Cel., 3, 99 and 106. 140b, 1. Cf. 2 Cel., 3,
84.--144b, 1, cf. 2 Cel., 3, 45--144a, 1, cf. 2 Cel., 3, 95 and
15.--225b, 2, cf. 2 Cel., 3, 116.

[51] F^o 31a, 1. Vide 2 Cel., 3, 83.--143a, 2. Vide 2 Cel., 3,
65 and 116.--144a, 1. Vide 2 Cel., 3, 94.--170b. 1. Vide 2 Cel.,
3, 11.

[52] F^o 14a, 2.--32a. 1.--101a, 2.--169b, 1.--144b, 2.--142a,
2.--143b, 2.--168b, 1.--144b, 1.

[53] Chapters 18 (chapter of the mats) and 25 (lepers cured) of
the Fioretti are found in Latin in the Conf. as borrowed from
the Leg. Ant. Vide 174b, 1, and 207a. 1.

Finally, according to f^o 168b, 2, it is also from the Leg. Ant.
that the description of the coat, such as we find at the end of
the Chronique des Tribulations , was borrowed. See Archiv. ,
t. ii., p. 153.

[54] F^o 182a, 2; cf. 51b, 1; 144a, 1.

[55] He died December 12, 1306, at Bastia, near Assisi. See upon
him Chron. Tribul. Archiv. , ii.; 311 and 312; Conform. , 60,
119, and 153.

[56] Although the history of the Indulgence of Portiuncula was
of all subjects the one most largely treated in the
Conformities, 151b, 2--157a, 2, not once does Bartolommeo of
Pisa refer to it in the Legenda Antiqua . It seems, then, that
this collection also was silent as to this celebrated pardon.

[57] Published with extreme care by the Franciscan Fathers of
the Observance in t. ii. of the Analecta Franciscana, ad Claræ
Aquas (Quaracchi, near Florence), 1888, 1 vol., crown 8vo, of
xxxvi.-612 pp. This edition, as much from the critical point of
view of the text, its correctness, its various readings and
notes, as from the material point of view, is perfect and makes
the more desirable a publication of the chronicles of the xxiv.
generals and of Salimbeni by the same editors. The beginning up
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