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the finding of references made to the original or to the previous English editions.I have had much reason to be gratified by the favour with which my translation has been received on the part alike of Dr. Mommsen himself and of the numerous English scholars who have made it the basis of their references to his work.(1) I trust that in the altered form and new dress, for which the book is indebted to the printers, it may still further meet the convenience of the reader. September 1894. Notes for

ation ofgeneral ideas or principles. In the familiar definition ofHerbert Spencer, science is organized knowledge.Now it is patent enough, at first glance, that the veriest savagemust have been an observer of the phenomena of nature. But it maynot be so obvious that he must also have been a classifier of hisobservations--an organizer of knowledge. Yet the more we considerthe case, the more clear it will become that the two methods aretoo closely linked together to be dissevered. To observe

teraryability and religious fervor to the spreading of the new religion andits success was in no small measure due to their efforts. As a result ofthis early association the tenets of the two religions seemed so muchalike that various emperors called assemblies of Buddhists and Taoistswith the intention of effecting a union of the two religions into one.If the emperor was under the influence of Buddhism he tried to force allTaoists to become Buddhists. If he was favorable to Taoism he tried

r their produce. At the Congress of Berlin, which was called to regulate the situation, the nations vied with each other in furthering the plans of the King of the Belgians and in extolling his high aims. The Congo Free State was created amid general rejoicings. The veteran Bismarck, as credulous as the others, pronounced its baptismal blessing. "The New Congo State is called upon," said he, "to become one of the chief promoters of the work" (of civilization) "which we

ssed the bottomof the High Street, he came opposite to one of the many tavernswhich looked out upon the river. In the open bay window satmerchants and gentlemen, discoursing over their afternoon's draughtof sack; and outside the door was gathered a group of sailors,listening earnestly to some one who stood in the midst. The boy,all alive for any sea-news, must needs go up to them, and take hisplace among the sailor-lads who were peeping and whispering underthe elbows of the men; and so came in

them, as well as correct theevil and repress them, would be the duty of society and governments,if less noble thoughts did not occupy their attention. The evil isthat the indolence in the Philippines is a magnified indolence, anindolence of the snowball type, if we may be permitted the expression,an evil that increases in direct proportion to the square of theperiods of time, an effect of misgovernment and of backwardness,as we said, and not a cause thereof. Others will hold the

soil us! here was a good shoot!"Bennet raised the old archer on his knee. He was not yet dead; his face worked, and his eyes shut and opened like machinery, and he had a most horrible, ugly look of one in pain. "Can ye hear, old Nick?" asked Hatch. "Have ye a last wish before ye wend, old brother?" "Pluck out the shaft, and let me pass, a' Mary's name!" gasped Appleyard. "I be done with Old England. Pluck it out!" "Master Dick," said

the village there was ever asmile upon his lips and a greeting in his eyes. There was not abeggar upon the country side who did not know that his heart was assoft as his muscles were hard.There was nothing that he liked to talk of more than his oldbattles, but he would stop if he saw his little wife coming, for theone great shadow in her life was the ever-present fear that some dayhe would throw down sledge and rasp and be off to the ring oncemore. And you must be reminded here once for all

st of Illustrations Roald Amundsen Approximate Bird's-eye View, Drawn from the First Telegraphic Account Reproduced by permission of the Daily Chronicle The Opening of Roald Amundsen's Manuscript Helmer Hanssen, Ice Pilot, a Member of the Polar Party The "Fram's" Pigsty The Pig's Toilet Hoisting the Flag A Patient Some Members of the Expedition Sverre Hassel Oscar Wisting In the North-east Trades In the Rigging Taking an Observation Ronne Felt Safer when the Dogs were Muzzled

year 1777, you informed me of the great success you had met with in curing dropsies by means of the fol. Digitalis, which you then considered as a more certain diuretic than any you had ever tried. Some time afterwards, Mr. Russel, surgeon, of Worcester, having heard of the success which had attended some cases in which you had given it, requested me to obtain for him any information you might be inclined to communicate respecting its use. In consequence of this application, you wrote to me in