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Still Standing is a fantasy that has been living in Don Solenberger's mind for many years, yearning to be told. Don's mother homesteaded on the Dakota plains and often retold the story of a wagon rolling into town with its passengers suffering from arrow wounds. Don worked for the Connecticut Life Insurance Company, who had as an early president, Jacob Greene, the best man at the wedding of George Armstrong Custer and Elizabeth Bacon. He has had a lifelong fascination with Civil War history. He

This is my story of a situation that on my bike. I hope you like it because it a very hard to write and remember what happened that day.

Like Most Other Children, Who Should Be My Godfather Is Decided By Mammon--So Precocious As To Make Some Noise In The World And Be Hung A Few Days After I Was Born--Cut Down In Time And Produce A Scene Of Bloodshed--My Early Propensities Fully Developed By The Choice Of My Profession Those Who May Be Pleased To Honour These Pages With A Perusal, Will Not Be Detained With A Long Introductory History Of My Birth, Parentage, And Education. The Very Title Implies That, At This Period Of My Memoirs,

Shewing The Wholesome Uses Drawn From Recording The Achievements Of Those Wonderful Productions Of Nature Called Great Men. As It Is Necessary That All Great And Surprising Events, The Designs Of Which Are Laid, Conducted, And Brought To Perfection By The Utmost Force Of Human Invention And Art, Should Be Produced By Great And Eminent Men, So The Lives Of Such May Be Justly And Properly Styled The Quintessence Of History. In These, When Delivered To Us By Sensible Writers, We Are Not Only Most

First time in the history of human race the Lohgarh Fort Sikh State Capital. If you wish to read Books on Sikh History in Punjabi and other language or wish to view Books on Lohgarh – World’s Largest Fort – and its history, you can visit to know more.