» Horror » The Truth about Angels, Ellen G. White [free e novels .txt] 📗

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ungodly from their evil course.—Spiritual Gifts 3:56. {TA 67.2}

Enoch continued to grow more heavenly while communing with God.... The Lord loved Enoch, because he steadfastly followed Him, and abhorred iniquity, and earnestly sought a more perfect knowledge of His will that he might perform it. He yearned to unite himself still more closely to God, whom he feared, reverenced, and adored. The Lord would not permit Enoch to die like other men, but sent His angels to take him to heaven without seeing death. In the presence of the righteous and the wicked, Enoch was removed from them. Those who loved him thought that God might have left him in some of his places of retirement; but after seeking diligently, and being unable to find him, they reported that he was not, for God took him.—The Signs of the Times, February 20, 1879. {TA 67.3}

The flaming chariots of God were sent for this holy man, and he was borne to heaven.—The Review and Herald, April 19, 1870. {TA 68.1}

The Lord has given me a view of other worlds. Wings were given me, and an angel attended me from the city to a place that was bright and glorious.... Then I was taken to a world which had seven moons. There I saw good old Enoch, who had been translated. On his right arm he bore a glorious palm, and on each leaf was written “Victory.” Around his head was a dazzling white wreath, and leaves on the wreath, and in the middle of each leaf was written “Purity,” and around the wreath were stones of various colors, that shone brighter than the stars, and cast a reflection upon the letters and magnified them. On the back part of his head was a bow that confined the wreath, and upon the bow was written “Holiness.” Above the wreath was a lovely crown that shone brighter than the sun. I asked him if this was the place he was taken to from the earth. He said, “It is not; the city is my home, and I have come to visit this place.”—Early Writings, 39, 40. {TA 68.2}

Enoch represents those who shall remain upon the earth and be translated to heaven without seeing death. He represents that company that are to live amid the perils of the last days, and withstand all the corruption, vileness, sin, and iniquity, and yet be unsullied by it all. We can stand as did Enoch. There has been provision made for us.... Angels of God that excel in strength, are sent to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation. These angels, when they see that we are doing the very utmost on our part to be overcomers, will do their part, and their light will shine around about us, and sway back the influence of the evil angels that are around us, and will make a fortification around us as a wall of fire.—The Review and Herald, April 19, 1870. {TA 68.3}


Those who lived in the days of Noah and Abraham were more like the angels in form, in comeliness and strength. But every generation has been growing weaker.—Spiritual Gifts 1:69. {TA 69.1}

More than one hundred years before the flood the Lord sent an angel to faithful Noah to make known to him that He would no longer have mercy upon the corrupt race. But He would not have them ignorant of His design. He would instruct Noah, and make him a faithful preacher to warn the world of its coming destruction, that the inhabitants of the earth might be left without excuse.... {TA 69.2}

Angels were sent to collect from the forest and field the beasts which God had created.—The Spirit of Prophecy 1:69, 72. {TA 69.3}

Angels went before these animals and they followed two and two, male and female, and clean beasts by sevens.—Spiritual Gifts 3:67. {TA 69.4}

Everything was now ready for the closing of the ark, which could not have been done by Noah from within. An angel is seen by the scoffing multitude descending from heaven, clothed with brightness like the lightning. He closes that massive outer door, and then takes his course upward to heaven again.—The Spirit of Prophecy 1:72. {TA 69.5}

The Flood Comes

Notwithstanding the solemn exhibition they [the antediluvians] had witnessed of God’s power—of the unnatural occurrence of the beasts’ leaving the forests and fields, and going into the ark, and the angel of God clothed with brightness, and terrible in majesty, descending from heaven and closing the door; yet they hardened their hearts, and continued to revel and sport over the signal manifestations of divine power. But upon the eighth day the heavens gathered blackness.... The rain descended from the clouds above them. This was something they had never witnessed.... The storm increased in violence until water seemed to come from heaven like mighty cataracts.... Jets of water would burst up from the earth with indescribable force, throwing massive rocks hundreds of feet into the air, and then they would bury themselves deep in the earth.... {TA 70.1}

The violence of the storm increased, and there were mingled with the warring of the elements the wailings of the people who had despised the authority of God. Trees, buildings, rocks, and earth were hurled in every direction. The terror of man and beast was beyond description. And even Satan himself, who was compelled to be amid the warring elements, feared for his own existence.... {TA 70.2}

Angels that excel in strength guided the ark and preserved it from harm. Every moment during that frightful storm of forty days and forty nights the preservation of the ark was a miracle of almighty power.—The Spirit of Prophecy 1:73, 75. {TA 70.3}

After the Flood

Anxiously did Noah and his family watch the decrease of the waters. He desired to go forth upon the earth again. He sent out a raven which flew back and forth to and from the ark. He did not receive the information he desired, and he sent forth a dove which, finding no rest, returned to the ark again. After seven days the dove was sent forth again, and when the olive leaf was seen in its mouth, there was great rejoicing by this family of eight, which had so long been shut up in the ark. Again an angel descends and opens the door of the ark. Noah could remove the top, but he could not open the door which God had shut. God spoke to Noah through the angel who opened the door, and bade the family of Noah go forth out of the ark, and bring forth with them every living thing.... {TA 71.1}

After Noah had come forth from the ark, he looked around upon the powerful and ferocious beasts which he brought out of the ark, and then upon his family numbering eight, and was greatly afraid that they would be destroyed by the beasts. But the Lord sent His angel to say to Noah, “The fear of you, and the dread of you, shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hands are they delivered. Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.”—The Spirit of Prophecy 1:76, 78, 79. {TA 71.2}

The Builders of Babel

Some of the descendants of Noah soon began to apostatize.... Some disbelieved in the existence of God.... Others believed that God existed.... Those who were enemies of God felt daily reproved by the righteous conversation and godly lives of those who loved, obeyed, and exalted God. The unbelieving consulted among themselves and agreed to separate from the faithful.... They journeyed a distance from them, and selected a large plain wherein to dwell. They built them a city, and then conceived the idea of building a large tower to reach unto the clouds, that they might ... be no more scattered.... They would build their tower to a much greater height than the waters prevailed in the time of the Flood ... and they would be as gods and rule over the people.... {TA 72.1}

They exalted themselves against God. But He would not permit them to complete their work. They had built their tower to a lofty height, when the Lord sent two angels to confound them in their work.... The angels confounded their language.... After this, there was no harmony in their work. Angry with one another and unable to account for the misunderstanding, and strange words among them, they left the work and separated from each other, and scattered abroad in the earth. Up to this time, men had spoken but one language. Lightning from heaven, as a token of God’s wrath, broke off the top of their tower, casting it to the ground.—The Spirit of Prophecy 1:92, 93. {TA 72.2}


Chapter 7—Angels in the Times of Abraham

Chapter 7—Angels in the Times of Abraham


God conferred great honor upon Abraham. Angels of heaven walked and talked with him as friend with friend.—Patriarchs and Prophets, 138. {TA 73.1}

The Lord communicated His will to Abraham through angels. Christ appeared to him, and gave him a distinct knowledge of the requirements of the moral law, and of the great salvation which would be accomplished through Himself.—The Review and Herald, April 29, 1875. {TA 73.2}

After the birth of Ishmael, the Lord manifested Himself again to Abraham, and said unto him, “I will establish my covenant between me and thee, and thy seed after thee, in their generations, for an everlasting covenant.” Again the Lord repeated by His angel His promise to give Sarah a son, and that she should be a mother of many nations.—The Spirit of Prophecy 1:96. {TA 73.3}

When judgments were about to be visited upon Sodom, the fact was not hidden from him, and he became an intercessor with God for sinners. His interview with the angels presents also a beautiful example of hospitality. {TA 73.4}

In the hot summer noontide the patriarch was sitting in his tent door, looking out over the quiet landscape, when he saw in the distance three travelers approaching. Before reaching his tent, the strangers halted, as if consulting as to their course. Without waiting for them to solicit favors, Abraham rose quickly, and as they were apparently turning in another direction, he hastened after them, and with the utmost courtesy urged them to honor him by tarrying for refreshment. With his own hands he brought water that they might wash the dust of travel from their feet. He himself selected their food, and while they were at rest under the cooling shade, an entertainment was made ready, and he stood respectfully beside them while they partook of his hospitality.... {TA 74.1}

Abraham had seen in his guests only three tired wayfarers, little thinking that among them was One whom he might worship without sin. But the true character of the heavenly messengers was now revealed. Though they were on their way as ministers of wrath, yet to Abraham, the man of faith, they spoke first of blessings.... {TA 74.2}

Abraham had honored God, and the Lord honored him, taking him into His counsels, and revealing to him His purposes.... God knew well the measure of Sodom’s guilt; but He expressed himself after the manner of men, that the justice of His dealings might be

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