» Horror » The Mysterious Family, Lilypop:), LKate, Bookwiz [best books to read for students TXT] 📗

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I turned it over thinking it might be sorry for your loss card, but it said no words. I wondered who it could be this time. The same person maybe? And if so why would they leave a card with no words in the shape of a… wait a minute, gravestone?! I was thinking now! Could this person writing the notes actually BE my grandma? No, she died. And I don’t even know her, that's just a crazy idea. Maybe this person wants me dead!

“Kate, I hear the bus! Come on get your backpack ready!” mom shouted. That woke me up from my daydream and ran in to get ready for… SUMMER SCHOOL! I forgot ugh! 

Summer school was like I thought. Basically, school but in the summer. School for an entire year. Or in other words, THE WORST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME!!! Nothing about summer school made me the least bit happy.

When summer school was over I ran over to my mailbox to check for a letter. No letter! What, DARN! I was really hoping to find more out about my penpal. The rest of the day I rested and slept. Finally a peaceful day. Well at least there was nothing scary to be read, but I was still bummed. 

It was morning. I woke up to the sound of the pitter-patter rain sound on the roof. I walked down the stairs to eat breakfast when I heard a knock on the door. I ran to the door, I thought it was the mailman or something so I went to open the door. The only problem was that there was no one there, no one. I looked everywhere! I went outside looking but as far as the eye could see was rain, rain, and more rain. But finally, instead of seeing someone, I saw something. A letter! Oh my gosh! I quickly picked it up and opened the letter. It read, 




I was completely freaked out because it all made sense now and now that it makes sense it is horrible! The last note from this random person's card was a shape of a gravestone, the last note, read that I know nothing about them, and this note makes even more sense. I know who the person is and I am not excited about it. I can't believe this. There's no way this is happening to me. I was right and my mom was wrong. I don't want to go to her gravestone. That would be even worse than my worst fear happening to me!!. I can't believe this. My worst fears are confirmed. Oh no.

Chapter 2

I’m still confused about what to do. Should I meet my grandma at her grave, or should I just ignore it? There is so much going on in my life right now. How would I get to the cemetery? I can’t ask mom. I really don’t know what to do! plus I kind of maybe forgot where her gravestone is, so if I go there I will have to explore that creepy place. I decided to just ignore it for a couple of days and if there is another note then I will listen. And by the way, no one else knows about this, no one not even my mom. Apart from the creepy things that could happen there, I want to go but the other part thinks otherwise. I knew that I should because I could find something out but the thought wasn’t pleasant. I finally took all of my courage and decided to take the bus to the graveyard. 

I finally got to the graveyard. It was a long way there. I was standing and looking when I realized that I couldn't do it alone so I started to walk back to the bus stop, and all of a sudden it started to rain and a storm was there. I  ran under a tree and when I realized you should never hide under a tree when it's storming or you might get electrocuted, I ran out from under the tree. Just then I got this queasy feeling and I was quickly surrounded by sounds. Crows, wind, rain, thunder, the graveyard gate was squeaking. I looked around, the wind blew the leaves. I saw only one gravestone in the cemetery, my “grandmas”. 

I don't know if you know this, but my grandma has a statue in the graveyard of herself. The last time I saw it it was not there. This time it was sitting on top of the gravestone- OMG, I could have sworn that the statue moved.

“AHH,” I screamed at the top of my lungs. My throat hurt so much. But that wasn't the main problem.

The statue said “calm down Dearie”

“ How are-wha-you- bu-bu- but you are a statue,” I said. I was so shocked. I knew deep inside that she wasn't a statue, but didn't want to hear the truth right now. I knew she wasn't a statue, but she couldn't be a ghost. Could she? What was she, I didn’t want to find out but I also kind of did.

I was so scared I couldn't move, my heart was beating faster than it ever had. That was the only sound I heard at that moment. And then a clap of thunder disturbed the silence. I was right in front of her grave. I didn’t even move. It was as if the wind picked me up and brought me right to my grandmas grave. There was one last final thunder strike and then everything went quiet, everything but the sound of rustling leaves right behind me, and then I heard it, “Hello DearIE.” I turned around and there was a human-like figure standing behind me but it had fading feet...a ghost! She had a knife in her hand ready to chop me in half. She was my grandma!

I was so freaked out! I thought that I saw MY grave next to her. But before she could harm me she disappeared. Then everything went back to normal for the second time. I was so scared, the birds were chirping the cars were roaring on the street. I never paid attention to those sounds, but now I paid attention to every single movement or sound around me. I ran home as fast as I could, feeling like the wind was after me. I was so out of breath, I almost choked. Why would my grandma maybe want to kill me or hurt me? And why me? My theory from before was correct, the gravestone card was because of this.

When I reached the doormat I rang the doorbell 9 times before someone unlocked it. And guess who unlocked the door………... MY GHOSTLY GRANDMA!

 “Hello, dear, nice to see you again. I think you have something for me!” I screamed ”Ahh! Why would I have anything for YOU!” “You have a piece of  my generation.” And that’s all she said slammed the door in my face like nothing ever happened. I couldn’t believe it, I was being blamed for something I didn’t do! 

 I still can't believe what I saw yesterday! A ghost maybe my grandma floating in the air?  I was thinking maybe I was hallucinating. No, I wasn't hungry or thirsty, that's not it. But what does my family have that she needs.  She said that I had a piece of her generation, but what's that supposed to mean. And what if I was the piece of her generation. I’m highly confused. What do I have that she doesn't, well I’m alive and she's not so I guess maybe she wants my life. But why she died was of old age, right? I feel like I should tell my mom about this, but would she believe me? Probably not, she would think I’m crazy or sick.

If that really was my grandma then she was a ghost. But I need to figure out why she would want to hurt me and what would she want from me? I don’t even remember ever hearing her name, and to be honest I still don’t know her name after all of this! I don’t get it if she does really want my life? Didn’t she get her fair share of life? She was a grandma! And I couldn’t possibly take her life from her, could I? This is so confusing to me I just couldn’t get it straight, I’ll have to do more research on her.

“And we take it and place it in the thingy to the thingy…” UGH, blahblahblah. Why do they make you go to these places if you don’t learn anything! I’m pretty sure the teachers here know nothing about what their teaching and they are just here for the money, that seems to be the only thing the teachers know around here. I can’t stand it, I sit at this same desk everyday hearing words that are coming out through one mouth to someone's misunderstanding ear. Or, in through one ear, out through the other. Since I came here the only thing I’ve learned is that summer school is boring. This place called summer school, let’s think about what it really is……………….


The next class was the same, "Now class, all you have to do is take this and put it in that, then do this then that then this then that. Simple as that right?" I really didn't get a thing that the teacher was saying so I just nodded like I knew what he was talking about and then went back to zoning out. 

I was walking home from summer school, I couldn’t wait to get home to lay on my bed and watch some T.V. But then all of a sudden the wind changed to a tornado. I didn't know what was happening. I started screaming at the top of my lungs and almost fell over. The wind took me up right off my feet right to, a house? I was still at my house but it looked older. knowing grandma, I knew something was up. Then I had a thought that I was in the past! I felt like I was 50 years in the past! Everyone around me was wearing old fashioned clothes. Then I had another thought, my grandma! She had been talking about a part of generation, and now I’m back in her years? This must mean something, I got to start paying attention! I guess she didn’t want my life, maybe she wanted something lost in this house or maybe this is MY house just in the past and she wants my house. Well, let's face it “grandma” that's not gonna happen.

When I was at that place then the tornado-like thing sucked me up. I saw my “grandma” she was taking me into the house, and in a bedroom that was full of dust bunnies, and spider webs. This place also has a really bad smell. I didn’t know why she would take me to this… PLACE!  There is nothing here! Then I thought of the piece of generation again. Why would my grandma take me here for no reason it’s got to be part of the generation thing, I looked around, now everything was black, dark, and spooky! I

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