» Horror » The Soul's Storm, Axel Jørgensen [most read books .txt] 📗

Book online «The Soul's Storm, Axel Jørgensen [most read books .txt] 📗». Author Axel Jørgensen

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off back.He looked at her

"you can't do that!" he shouted at her

"just cause your dads top dog doesn't make you top dog!" she shot a glance at him

"i can get you fired" he growled

"Love to see you try kid your word over mine doesn't seem to good" she laughed

"yeah go fuck yourself" Xander yelled

the whole class went quiet and Miss walked over to him,she slammed her hand on his desk with a great force.She stared at him her eyes flared 

"I'm calling you're father"

"Tell him i said hey Daddy-O" Xander remarked and laughed and sat back.

the whole class burst out laughing and  few guys around us high fived Xander.

"Will fancy ditching this class and meeting up with Bekah?" he asked me

"Woah kid you're friends with Bekah and Xander already?" a tallish guy said who was sat near us his eyes were a brilliant shade of blue,they were very almost purple he was also very pale .

"Kid must have something good about him" a girl with green eyes,and wavy long black hair that reached her bottom walked with cat like movements towards me and smiled a sharp toothy flash.

"Lucretia leave him alone Keep your nose out of the kids business" " Xander snapped and stood up in front of me.

"Awh no need to be like that Xander baby" she ran a nail across his face gently leaving no mark,she then walked off.

"So Xander whats so good aout this kid" the tall guy asked,he took his hood down and started messing with his curly light brown hair, he had a lot of freckles and a star shaped birthmark on his neck.

"Everything is good about this kid Jareth" Xander smiled

"Ahh well atleast let me introduce myself and appologise for my sisters actions?" he asked Xander

"Sure but be quick" Xander relaxed himself and sat down

"Hey,it is will isnt it?" he asked

"Yeah it is" i smiled

"Well im Jareth 2nd son to my father and unfortunatly brother to the bitch over there who confronted you,sorry about her actions kid shes a bit..."

"Fucked up" Xander finished Jareth's sentence

"Yeah" Jareth said 

"Anyway Will do you still wanna go hang with Bekah?"

"Yeah i do sounds good,nice meeting you Jareth" i shook his hand.

we walked out the class and headed to the senior gardens there was a whole group of kids there,i knew a few of them Bekah,Istar,Alcina,Scarlet,Dexter and Osiris. they looked at us Bekah came over and hugged me.

"Hey Will" she lilted,i heard another voice one i didnt recognise

"Hey Bekah get your hands off the kid he's far to young for you" 

i looked over to where the voice came from.

"Nice one Roderick" Xander howled

Roderick was a nice looking guy he had blue eyes, a fair complexion, and wavy brown hair cut short.  He wore a pair of trousers, a blouse, and a pair of leather shoes. he walked over to Xander and shoulder punched him.

"So is this the kid you were talking about" Roderick pointed at me

"Yeah it is" Xander replied

Roderick walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.he had a really tight grip and it hurt,the pain shot threw me and i jumped slightly. Roderick looked at Xander and nodded.

"Bekah we had a bit of hastle with Lucretia about 5 mins a go"

"That bitch doesn't know how to keep her hands off things that arn't hers" Bekah hissed and kissed my cheek.

"Xander my mom wanted to know if you fancied coming over today?" i asked him once i read the text from her 'you can invite your friends over if you want tonight im cooking meat loaf'

"Wow yeah if she doesn't mind" he smiled

"Yeah sure no problem,and Bekah you,Alicina,Istar and Scarlet can come over aswell" i said to her

she smiled "We would love too wouldnt we girls!"

"As long as i get to sit next to Will" Scarlet smiled

"Over my dead body" Xander laughed

The bell rang it was the end of school i only had one lesson today which went pretty well i'd say.



we headed out of school and me and Xander were just about to start walking when Bekah turned up next to us in her car,she smiled and tapped the car door,Xander climbed in and helped me up.

"So where are we heading?" Bekah asked 

"57 Seventh Ring road" i said 

Xander smiled widely,and looked at me

"You live local then? we dont we live like 2 hours away"

"Yeah im a local boy" i smirked

Bekah started driving and she could drive really well,she was stopped by an officer.

"Licence and age please" he requested

"You dont need shit all Lestat or i'll tell my dad"

Lestat looked up at her and paniced,he gave her a worried look and looked down.

"Sorry Miss Bekah, don't tell master he'll kill me!" he pleaded

"I wont tell him you idiot just get out the way" she ordered him,he moved out the way ever so quickly and hid behind the weeping willow tree. Bekah kept on driving and talking to Istar.

"Why did the officer panic Xander" i whispered to him

"Bekahs family are high in the status area he's under her fathers commands and has been for 5 years" he replied

Once we got to my house i Unlocked the door and called my mom,she came bounding down the stairs and smiled,she gave me a big hug and kissed my cheek. Xander and Bekah stood at the door and didn't come in.

"You can come in you know guys" i laughed,they all walked in and looked around

"You have a very pleasant house Miss?" Bekah stopped

"Miss Scarebrook, but you can call me Clare" my mom replied

"Miss Scarebrook its a pleasure" Xander stuck his hand out.

"Oh Will you actually have decent friends for a change" she shook Xanders hand 

"I'm Xander Balfour,the 4 girls are Bekah Calamity,Istar Winterford,Alcina DeAngelus and Scarlet Grimsman" Xander explained

"Balfour i swear i know that name" my mom replied

"You do?" i asked

"Your father's surname is Balfour" she sighed 

"You mean my father that went missing?" I asked 

"Yeah he went missing when you were 4 with your twin brother" she sighed "i never told you the full story but there it is"

"You mean i had a brother but you never told me" i yelled at her and stormed off to my room.

"Will wait!" she shouted "Xander whats your dads" name she asked him.

"His names Darien,he actually sent me to come talk to you both" Xander confessed

They both walked up to my room and Xander knocked and i let him in,him and my mom looked at me 

"Miss Scarebrook Xanders dads here" Bekah shouted up the stairs

"Let him up i need to talk to him" she shouted back

i sat up and looked at him as he walked in he had green eyes, a pale complexion, and curly black hair pinned neatly back,he was also wearing a leather jacket and heavy work boots with black jeans and a shirt with skulls on.

"Xander have you told Miss Scarebrook why i need to talk to her" he smiled and walked over and gave her a hug

"Clare god i missed you" he sighed

"i missed you too Darien" she slapped him "why didn't you bother calling me!"

"I'm sorry i was really busy raising Xander and now i'm head of a town" he sighed

"Oh well what did you need to talk about are you coming back or not?" she asked him

"I actually came to ask you to move into my town i want Xander and William to be brought up together ,they have a bond that needs to be formed back up, plus in about 2 months William and Xander will be of age and i'm the only one who can help them and you know that Clare" he explained

"Explain to me what the hell is going on!" i screamed,my mom sat next to me and said

"Xander is your twin brother,you were seperated at the age of 4 and now your father Darien would like you 2 back together and raised together not in a broken home,but with both of your parents there for you" she smiled. I looked at Xander and he smiled and said

"I'm your brother,it was a shock for me to find out i had a brother but to be honest i couldn't have asked for a better one" he smiled,i walked over to him and hugged him

"When are we leaving mom,i'm serious im ready to go"

I looked at her and then at Xander and my father,it was exactly how i pictured it me a mother a father and  brother,to be fair Xander was a pretty cool brother to have let alone twin.


"We can leave tomorrow after school" My mom said to me

"Mom can Xander sleep over tonight?" i asked her

"Of course he can" she smiled and gave Xander a hug

"Xander son you need to behave yourself at school,i had a phone call from the english teacher,she is not impressed with you" Darien said

"Ahh but did she tell you that she flipped me off?" Xander pointed out

"No she didn't i will have a word with the woman tonight" he hissed

"Can you just fire her" i asked 

"She was being so rude to Xander and she kept giving me looks and telling me i need to make better friends" 

"I will most definatly talk to the woman she has no right to say that!" he growled

"Alright boys time for dinner" my mom said quickly

"Sounds great mom" Xander smiled and ran downstairs,i followed him very quickly and the girls sat at the table as well"

"So you two are twins" Bekah giggled

"We sure are" Xander replied 

"we should dye your hairs the same colours"  Alcina said

"That would be pretty cool" i laughed

"And Will can sort out Xanders bangs cause there kinda messy" Scarlet pointed out

"Yeah i can't do bangs properly they end up all messy" Xander smirked,once we finished eating i grabbed a pair of scissors and sorted out Xanders bangs,I brushed them and straightened them.

"There sorted" i grinned,Xander looked in the mirror and his face lit up.

"Hell yes! they look amazing" he smiled and high fived me

"Guess what i have" Bekah pulled out hair dye from her bag two pots of blue and two pots of black and some bleach.

"We are dying your hairs tonight" Scarlet said all excited

"Xander sit down we are bleaching your hair first!" Istar giggled

Xander sat down and took his t-shirt off,Istar Started bleaching his hair the smell was intense,once she had bleached it he was told to sit and wait 15 minuets.

"Will your go Bekah wants to do your hair for you" Istar smiled

i sat down and took my shirt off i didnt want bleach on my favorite shirt,she started bleachng my hair it felt really weird and i wasn't sure if i liked it,once she was done i sat by Xander and had to wait 15 minuets

"Right whos hair is gonna be black

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