» Horror » The Phantom, Amber Beck [thriller book recommendations TXT] 📗

Book online «The Phantom, Amber Beck [thriller book recommendations TXT] 📗». Author Amber Beck

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I didn’t want to trouble him, but I thought he should know.


“Yes?” He said.

“Um. Yesterday after you left….”I started.




“I was video chatting some friends when I thought I heard someone in the kitchen.” I said. “I went and checked it out, and no one was there.”


“Weird, do you think it was an animal?” He asked. I gave him food and some coffee. 


“No, it sounded like footsteps.” I said. He choked on some coffee. 


“I thought I locked the doors!” He said.


“You did because I checked. I also checked the windows.” I said. Dad look concerned. 


“It was probably my imagination.” I lied. “You know, nerves.” I sat down to eat. He still looked concerned. After I ate, I looked at my phone. 6:25!


“I got to go dad! Love you!” I dashed out the door. 


“I will be at work when you get home!” He called


“O.K.!”  I ran to the stop sign where I saw a girl with a back-pack standing.


“Hello.” I said. “Is this the bus stop for the high school FCHS?”  She just stared at me wide eyed. I coughed. 


“Y-yes. Sorry, but we never have new students. I am Lilly. What is your name?” The girl said.


“Vega.” I said. 


“Where are you from?” She asked.


“New York.” I said. She gasped. 


“WOW! The big apple! I have dreamed of going there! Why did you leave?”  Lilly said. I looked at my shoes.


“My mom died in a car crash, so I came to live with my dad.” I said. 


“Oh, I am so sorry.” She said. We stood in silence for a while until the bus came. The door opened and the bus driver said hello to Lilly, but when I got on the bus driver just stared at me. She was not the only one. Everyone on the bus was staring at me. Have they never had a new kid before? I knew this was a small town, but I didn’t know it was that small. 

“Hi!” I said. I did a small little wave. Everyone just sat and stared at me like I was from another planet. Awkward. I walked to the back of the bus and sat in the only empty seat. This was going to be a long day. We made a couple more stops before going to school (Those kids stared at me too.)  When the bus pulled up to my school, I was not sure were in the right place. It was so small it could be an elementary school. I guess in a small town like this, this was all they needed. I waited for everyone to get off then I did. As soon as I got off the bus, I followed the crowed inside. It was so small. I pulled out my schedule; it had my locker number on it, and its combination. I walked the halls, looking for my locker. All eyes followed me. Didn’t these people know staring was considered rude? 


“102...102…” I murmured to myself. When I found it, it was next to a boy who was digging through his. He had black and red hair. His eyes were chestnut brown. I put in my combination and yanked it open. It was gross. 


“Eww,” I whispered. Good thing I kept cleaning wipes in my purse. After I finished and put my things in my locker, I heard the bell ring. I glanced at my schedule on the floor, homeroom 202. I closed my locker and started to get up. The boy was staring at me. Except it was not the usual stare. His eyes were wide, his cheeks were flushed, and he look terrified. I started to talk to him when he turned and ran away as if he had seen a ghost. What on earth did I do?  I sighed and looked for my homeroom number. When I got there, class had already started. The homeroom teacher, a woman in about her twenty’s, whirled around, with a scowl on her face, like she was going to scold me. But then she saw me and gave me a warm smile. The class all stared at me. I really wanted to know WHY. 


“You must be Vega. I am Mrs. Thea.” She said.


“Hello.” I murmured. Why don’t they look away? Or at least blink? Are they even human?


“Class, this is Vega Marshal. Vega, why don’t you tell us about yourself?” Mrs. Thea asked.  Great. 


“I am Vega Marshal, I am 16 years old, I just moved from Newyork to live with my dad because my mom died four months ago in a car crash.” I said. Then the room was filled with voices. Everyone was murmuring to each other. 


“Class. Quiet down.” Mrs. Thea said. I have had just about enough of this. I noticed a spare desk at the back, right next to Lilly. I walked over to her and sat down. 


“Hello” I whispered. She was much more friendly now.


“Hey.” She whispered.


“Why is everyone staring at me?” I asked.


“Because your new. We never have new kids. Also, because there is a rumor you lived at the old Wane house on Live Road. Also, because your super pretty.” She whispered back. The teacher started roll call. I was flattered at the last thing she said. 


“I do live there. Why?” I asked. She stifled a gasp. I was getting soooo tired of not knowing what was going on. Then the teacher called Lillys name, after saying here she stared ridiculously hard at me.


“Have you seen her? Is it true if you call her name she answers?” Lilly said in a rush.


“What? Who? What are you talking about?” I whispered. 


“You mean you don’t know?” She said. Clearly, I don’t.


“It is said the house is haunted.” She started. “By a women named Arianna Smith. She was said to have been murdered by her husband, because she found out about his secret lover. Now, she roams the halls, confused, lost, and stuck in a limbo.” I stared at her. Was everyone in this town crazy? She looked at me as if I were going to start freaking out because a so-called “ghost” was haunting my house. 


“Wow. Cool, maybe I will say hi sometime.” I rolled my eyes. People could be so superstitious. But a voice in the back of my head said, What about last night? Those footsteps? 

Chapter 4 Vega


The rest of class until noon was the same, stares, introductions, and is it trues? I was relived for the hour break, then it would start all over again. The work was not that bad, though. I already knew everything they were learning. It was just the stairs and whispers that got to me. I started to compare how the food here differed from my old schools. Their food did not look that good, I made a mental note to bring my own lunch. Save money and my stomach. Soon I settled for a sandwich and an apple. Water also. I paid the lunch lady (She staired also) and I looked around. Everyone seemed to flock in their own groups. I went over to a table where Lilly sat, all alone. As usual, the whole cafeteria was staring at me. I sat down next to her, and she smiled.


“Hey,” I said.  “So, is there a cheerleading team here or what?”


“Um, yeah, but the girl who is captain only lets her friends in.” Lilly said.


“Wow, so she is the classic mean girl?” I asked. 


“Yeah, but no one really likes cheerleading except for her friends.” Lilly shrugged. 


“Well, I do, I was cheer captain at my old school. I hate mean girls. Who is she?” I asked. Lilly pointed at this girl COVERED in makeup, trying to hide her pimples, but it was not working. 

“So, we have a team?” I asked.


“Yeah, wolves. We don’t ever win though.” she said. She pointed to a table next to the cheerleaders. They were filled with boy, laughing, and talking. Except for one boy. The boy with red and black hair. He was staring at me. 


“Hey, who is that kid with red and black hair over there?” I asked.


“Who? Oh, that’s Xavier Standing, the best player on the team. He would win with a better group of players. Plus, he's nice to look at”, Lily said.

 Now that I thought about it, he was kind of nice to look at. Against my own logic something drew me to walk towards him. 


“Vega, what are you doing!”, Lily whisper/shouted after me. I ignored her. As I got closer, I could feel my cheeks burning and my thoughts going to war against each other. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of him.


 “Hi, my name is Vega! I’m new here. I saw that your locker was by mine and I just wanted to say hi!”, I said. More silence. Then suddenly he stood up “My name is Xavier.” He said, his cheeks burning red. , “Maybe I’ll see you in class” and then to my relief and despair he turned and left, leaving me there with just Lily. I turned around even Lily was gone.


 I felt more alone than ever in that moment, with no one but my thoughts to keep me company. 


 i should get to class i told myself. And I left the cafeteria, but the thoughts remained with me.

On my way to class the thoughts overwhelmed me making me thoughtlessly lead myself to class constantly thinking about one thing the boy with red and black hair.

Chapter 5 Xavier


So yesterday i saw a beautiful girl with bleach blond hair and blue eyes. There was something about her that melted my insides. When she looked a t me my body moved involuntarily. To put in shorter words. I ran. And i hated me for it. For the rest of the day the only thing i could think about was her, the girl whose name I don’t even know.



I was on my way to lunch when i saw her again she was talking with a girl in my class Lily I think was her name is she looked in my direction, I blushed and turned away. She turned to her lily and continued talking still looking at me. To my surprise she got up and started walking towards me her face blushing furiously with every step. Her friend said something to her, but I wasn’t paying attention I was looking at the girl with the bleach-blond hair. I could feel my cheeks burning red, and my heart thumping furiously. When she reached me, she said to me,” Hi my name is Vega! I’m new here. I saw that

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