» Horror » Jane the Killer, jessjc3 ♥ [life changing books to read TXT] 📗

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I passed out. Last thing I remember is some of the adults running towards me. Whether it was to help me or get the fire extinguisher I don't know.

When I came to I was in a hospital bed wearing one of those gowns that a patient wears. A nurse came in a few moments later. She had long brown hair in a bun hidden under her hat. She looked like she didn't want to be there. I asked her what happened.

"All I know is that you were brought in with a few other kids because you fell and hit your head on a fire extinguisher." she said, annoyed.

"A fire extinguisher?" I reached up my hand and touched my head. I felt bandages and a large bump the size of a orange. Then I remembered Jeff. "One of the guys that came in here with me, the one with the burns, is he going to be alright?"

She sighed, "Listen, there was two boys that were brought in with you that had burns, and no I'm not letting you see him just because he's your boyfriend."

I felt the heat rise in my face. "He isn't my boyfriend! I'm just worried about him! Wouldn`t you be worried about someone who you just saw burning alive in front of you?!" I tried to keep my voice steady, but my voice quivered enough to make it sound like I was lying.

"Whatever. Your parents are here by the way. Wanna see them?" she asked.

"Yes, of course!" anything to get me away from that nurse.

My parents came in and the nurse finally left. They asked what happened. I told them everything. The fight, the note, all of it.

"I knew that Randy was no good!" my mom said.

"So have you heard anything about Jeff's condition?" I asked.

"No, not a thing," said my dad, "we just got here as soon as we heard about what happened to you."

"But who told you?" I asked. I didn't think I saw anyone at the party that my family knew.

"The hospital called us." mom said.

"Well I guess that makes sense." it made absolutely no sense to me of course. How would someone be able identify me without me having any form of identification.

I looked in the doorway and saw a man and a woman standing in there. My parents followed my gaze and saw them too.

"Excuse me, but is this Jane Arkensaw's room?" the woman asked.

"Yes." my mother answered, "Who are you?"

"I'm Margret, and this is Peter, my husband." she gestured to the man beside her. "We're Jeff's parents."

I sat up in my bed.

"I'm Isabelle, this is my husband Greg, and our daughter Jane." mom gestured to me.

"So, you're the girl who ran in with the fire extinguisher." Margret said.

"Yes." I replied quietly, embarrassed. "Is your son alright?"

"He just came out of surgery a few hours ago. The doctors said he will be fine."

I relaxed at that thought. "That's good." I said. "Listen. I know what happened to Jeff and Liu on their first day of school..." then I told Jeff's parents what really happened to Randy and his crew.

"We had no idea that Jeff was capable of something like this." Peter said.

"I am willing to testify that Liu didn't beat up anyone and that Jeff only beat up Randy and his gang in self-defense."

"No need," said Margret, "Liu is being released from jail after what happened to those boys."

"That's good." I said.

"We just came to say thank you for trying to help our son, Jane. It warms my heart to see selfless people in your generation."

I blushed, "I did anything anyone would have done in my situation." I looked down, "I'm not a hero."

"Nonsense!" Margret said, "The least we can do is invite you over to our place for dinner when Jeff gets out of the hospital!"

I looked at mom and dad. "It would be an honor." My mom said.

"It's settled then! We'll call you as soon as Jeff gets out of the hospital." we said our goodbyes and then they left.

About 2 days passed and I was allowed to be released from the hospital. During that time I had no contact with Jeff or his family, but I heard that Liu was released from jail and Jeff's wounds were healing.

When I got back to school, I became the center of attention, more or less because I was the only one who saw what happened at the party. But the only people I told about what happened were my friends: Dani, Marcy, and Erica. I didn't know what to tell them so I told them what I saw.

"Sounds like Jeff got his ass handed to him." said Dani, she had raven-black hair, with sapphire-blue eyes. She was usually the most level-headed of us.

"Well at least he went down fighting. I heard he took those idiots to the hospital with him." Erica snickered. She always dressed like she was from the 80's or something. Long, thigh-high rainbow colored socks, with hair to match, and always wearing some kind of backpack with her.

"He also took Jane to the hospital. Maybe she was trying to beat him up too." Marcy laughed. She seemed to be the "girly-girl" of our little group. She was blond with brown eyes, and nearly every time we saw her, she had some sort of pink on her. Whether it was the color of her shirt, or the jewelry around her neck, and she was one of the biggest drama-queens I knew. Always stretching out the truth or blowing something out of proportion.

"I told you, I went over there to try and help Jeff because something was wrong." I muttered. I was the "plain-Jane", brown hair, green-eyes, completely unremarkable looks wise.

"Or maybe... You wanted to see your love one last time before he left to go get help for himself." Marcy said in her dramatic voice.

I just looked at her with my eyes the size of dinner plates.

"Wha... What?"

"You can't deny it Jane Arkensaw! You have a crush on Jeff!"

Every blood cell in my body decided to migrate to my face at once when she said that.

"What?! No! I j-just wanted to help him that's all!"

"Liar! I saw you leave that note you left on his desk! What was it? A confession of your love for him?"

"No! It was nothing like that at all! I was just-"

"So you admit you left him a note then!"

"What do you mean?"

"I was guessing." she gave me a cynical little smile and then just waited for my response.

The other girls started laughing at me.

"Jane it's only a joke! I was just kidding!" Marcy smiled.

"Your face is redder than a tomato!" Erica cackled.

"I hate all of you." I grumbled.

"Oh, stop being so serious!" Dani put a hand on my shoulder. "Come on, let's get to class."

The weeks went by, everything seemed to be normal. I think Liu even made a few friends. Everything was normal and nothing happened. Then Liu came up to me one day and told me about Jeff.

"Excuse me, your name is Jane right?"

I turned around and looked. It was Liu.

"Yes. You're Liu right? Jeff's brother?"

"Yeah." he looked a little uncomfortable. Then again, so was I. "Look my parents wanted me to tell you that Jeff is getting his bandages removed in a few days, so expect a phone call inviting you to dinner soon."

"Okay, well, thank-you." I said.

He was about to turn away when I said, "Hey, listen, what you did for Jeff... that was really respectable."

"Thanks. I heard you tried to help my brother with a fire extinguisher. That was cool."

"Yeah? Well thanks. See you around, I guess."

"Yeah, see-ya."

I was watching him walk away when I heard a little voice beside me say, "Cheating on your boyfriend are you?"

"The fuck?! I turned around, surprised. It was Marcy.

"And with his own brother none the less!" she fake gasped.

"Shut-up!" I yelled. Then I turned my head to make sure Liu didn't hear me. He didn't.

"Lets just get to class." I grumbled.

Two days passed until the phone rang. My mom answered it. A few minutes later she got off and told me this:

"Jeff is getting out of the hospital today Jane."

I looked up at her and said, "That's great!"

"It looks like we'll be having that free dinner in a few days!" she chuckled.

A few hours passed and I heard a car pull into a drive-way across the street. I looked out the window and saw Jeff's car in front of its house.

"Jeff's home." I thought. I decided to watch out of curiosity, to see what he would look like. Dear god how wrong I was.

His dad got out. Then his mom. Then Liu. But what I expected Jeff to look like couldn't be farther from what I saw. He had long black hair down to his shoulders, white, leathery skin, and that smile... that smile was the same smile I saw when he was in class after he beat up Randy, Keith, and Troy.

But Jeff looked right at me. Into my eyes I could feel those soulless, sadistic eyes burn right into my soul. I still shake from the memory even now as I type this. He seemed to be looking at me for hours with that smile until he looked away. I saw him walk into the house with his parents. I didn't even breathe until that door finally closed behind them. My parents came into the living room and asked me what was wrong.

My only reply was a long, loud, scream. Then I fainted.

When I finally woke up, it was dark outside. My parents weren't in their bedroom. The house was deathly quiet. I got up and went downstairs. I was wearing a long nightgown that I wasn't wearing before I fainted. I went downstairs to the kitchen. The lights were on, which was unusual, my parents always told me to turn off the lights in a room when I left it.

There was a note on the table.

I picked it up.

Scrawled on the paper was this:

''Aren't you coming to dinner? Your friends are here too."

I began to shake violently. I dropped the paper. I went to the living room window and looked out. The lights were on in Jeff's house. I knew that I had to go there, but I was terrified out of my mind. I shook my head and looked back again. I saw Jeff leaning on the window in his house staring at me with a knife in his hand and tapping it against the window.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

He was still smiling.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I started stepping back from the window, never taking my eyes off of him. Then I turned and ran away from the window into the kitchen. When I peaked out of the kitchen to look out the window, all I saw was a smear of red on the window.

I turned around and looked at the kitchen. Everything seemed to be in its place. Even the knives. I grabbed one of them and held on tight. Then I found the phone and tried to dial 911. But the phone line was disconnected. I had no idea where dad's cell phone was, or if it was even fixed. I didn't want to go upstairs to find it. I didn't want to get stabbed in the back while I was looking for it; and if I went to ask one of the neighbors for help, Jeff could kill or hurt whoever he have captive. So there was only one choice. To go fight Jeff alone.

I clutched the knife tighter and went to the front door, put on my shoes, and went outside. My hand lingered on the doorknob as I stepped outside. But I knew what I had to do. I let go of the doorknob and marched across the street to Jeff's house.

As I got closer to front door of his house I began to slow down. My knees began to shake, my palms began to sweat, and I started to breathe faster and shallower. before I knew it

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