» Horror » Eyeless Jack, jess E.W. [romance book recommendations TXT] 📗

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sauntered closer still, his breathing as light as a feather until he stood directly behind Mark and the harassed woman. There was a whimper of pain and after a moment, Jack spoke, his voice hoarse and raspy, yet somehow deeper than it had originally been.




Instantly, Mark froze, his body still crouched over the girl. “Uh, yeah?”


“What are you doing?”


Mark stood up and turned to face Jack, his wavering stance expressing the silent threat for him not to be messed with. The girl still lay on the floor, her ragged breathing the only noise that seemed to pass for a long time.


“What does it look like I’m doing?” he asked, his tone defensive.


Jack cocked his head to the side, his hand still concealing the scalpel as he watched Mark. “It looks to me like you were trying to take advantage of this poor girl.


“She liked it!”


“No,” Jack said, shaking his head. “No, she doesn’t. I can tell she doesn’t. A girl wouldn’t be fighting to get away if she liked it.”


Another minute of silence passed, this time with unspoken tension. Again, Mark responded again, but his words lacked the confidence it once held. “So? Does it really matter? What can you do about it?”

Jack smiled, the scalpel slowly being revealed to Mark. As the moon gleamed in through the window, it shined on the cool metal of the surgical tool, and in the dark Jack could see Marks eyes widen as his gaze fell to the weapon. “Jack… What the hell…?”


His smile only grew, and Mark backed up, partially tripping over the girl’s body, who was still sprawled on the floor. Jack followed him, his empty eye sockets darting from the shining scalpel, to Mark as his back pressed up against the counter. “Get the hell away from me, you fucking freak!”


Mark threw whatever was in arms reach at his pursuer, but nothing stopped him. Jack took several punches that were thrown wildly in the air, yet he felt nothing but searing anger that only seemed to grow. With one swift move, Jack took Mark’s arm and twisted it around until there was a satisfying crunch. A howl of pain was emitted from Mark’s mouth, and as tears brimmed his eyes he looked at Jack, who rose the scalpel up high, hovering the sharp end just over his left eye. “I knew you would’ve regretted what you’ve done to me,” Jack whispered, then drove the scalpel into his eyes.


A scream rippled from wall to wall, rising in velocity and frequency as the scalpel dug deeper into Marks eye. Jack took pleasure in his pain, but taking his eyes wouldn’t be enough. He had to do more. Jack threw Mark onto the floor and tore into Mark’s stomach digging deep until he reached the precious spot where his kidneys lie. Jack ripped out the kidneys, and a sudden interest took over him while Mark began to bleed out, barely clinging to life.


“I’ve always wondered what something so strange could taste like,” Jack said, pondering mostly to himself. With only slight hesitation, he bit into the organ, and as his taste buds exploded in flavor, he began to devour the kidneys whole, blood cascading out of his mouth. He turned to Mark, who was missing one eye and bleeding out of the large cavity in his stomach, and with a tormenting smile he sank to his knees and gave Mark a small smile. “I’d put you out of your misery, if I had a heart.”


With that being said, Jack stood up and walked to the girl, who had regained most of her consciousness and was now watching Jack with gaping horror as she climbed to her feet. “You saved me, didn’t you?”

Jack nodded. The blonde let out a shaky breath and nodded, beginning to make her way to the door until Jack stopped her. “You can’t go.”


“But, but you saved me!” she said, tears crystallizing her eyes and rolling down her cheeks.

Jack nodded again, but this time he picked up the scalpel and moved closer to the trembling woman. “Please,” she sobbed. “Please, don’t.”


“You know I have to,” he stated simply, the glare from the light of the moon casting his shadow into a horrid beast.


Her screams echoed down the halls, but when a group of rescuers made their way to the scene, they were too late. All they had for a suspect were the bodies, an open window, and a bloody scalpel.







Text: jess
Images: jess
Editing: JEW
Translation: JEW
Publication Date: 11-24-2014

All Rights Reserved

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