» Horror » The Book of Dreams and Ghosts, Andrew Lang [free children's online books txt] 📗

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way to the byre-lane.  Magnus and Gudrun went after it, but were received with throwings of mud and dirt.  A stone was also hurled at Magnus, as large as any man could lift, while Gudrun received a blow on the arm that confined her to her bed for three weeks.

On the 26th of the month the shepherd, Einar Jonsson, a hardy and resolute fellow, commanded the spirit to show itself to him.  Thereupon there came over him such a madness and frenzy, that he had to be closely guarded to prevent him from doing harm to himself.  He was taken to the house, and kept in his bed, a watch being held over him.  When he recovered his wits, he said that this girl had come above his head and assailed him.  When he had completely got over this, he went away from Garpsdal altogether.

Later than this the minister’s horse was found dead in the stable at Muli, and the folks there said that it was all black and swollen.

These are the most remarkable doings of the ghost at Garpsdal, according to the evidence of Sir Saemund, Magnus, Gudrun, and all the household at Garpsdal, all of whom will confirm their witness with an oath, and aver that no human being could have been so invisible there by day and night, but rather that it was some kind of spirit that did the mischief.  From the story itself it may be seen that neither Magnus nor any other person could have accomplished the like, and all the folk will confirm this, and clear all persons in the matter, so far as they know.  In this form the story was told to me, the subscriber, to Samuel Egilsson and Bjarni Oddsson, by the minister himself and his household, at Garpsdal, 28th May, 1808.  That this is correctly set down, after what the minister Sir Saemund related to me, I witness here at Stad on Reykjanes, 7th June, 1808.


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Notwithstanding this declaration, the troubles at Garpsdal were attributed by others to Magnus, and the name of the “Garpsdale Ghost” stuck to him throughout his life.  He was alive in 1862, when Jon Arnason’s volume was published.

These modern instances lead up to “the best story in the world,” the old Icelandic tale of Glam.

The Story of Glam.  The Foul Fords. THE STORY OF GLAM

There was a man named Thorhall, who lived at Thorhall-stead in Forsaela-dala, which lies in the north of Iceland.  He was a fairly wealthy man, especially in cattle, so that no one round about had so much live-stock as he had.  He was not a chief, however, but an honest and worthy yeoman.

“Now this man’s place was greatly haunted, so that he could scarcely get a shepherd to stay with him, and although he asked the opinion of many as to what he ought to do, he could find none to give him advice of any worth.

“One summer at the Althing, or yearly assembly of the people, Thorhall went to the booth of Skafti, the law man, who was the wisest of men and gave good counsel when his opinion was asked.  He received Thorhall in a friendly way, because he knew he was a man of means, and asked him what news he had.

“‘I would have some good advice from you,’ said Thorhall.

‘“I am little able to give that,’ said Skafti; ‘but what is the matter?’

“‘This is the way of it,’ said Thorhall, ‘I have had very bad luck with my shepherds of late.  Some of them get injured, and others will not serve out their time; and now no one that knows how the case stands will take the place at all.’

“‘Then there must be some evil spirit there,’ said Skafti, ‘when men are less willing to herd your sheep, than those of others.  Now since you have asked my advice, I will get a shepherd for you.  Glam is his name, he belongs to Sweden, and came out here last summer.  He is big and strong, but not very well liked by most people.’

“Thorhall said that he did not mind that, if he looked well after the sheep.  Skafti answered that there was no hope of other men doing it, if Glam could not, seeing he was so strong and stout-hearted.  Their talk ended there, and Thorhall left the booth.

“This took place just at the breaking up of the assembly.  Thorhall missed two of his horses, and went to look for them in person, from which it may be seen that he was no proud man.  He went up to the mountain ridge, and south along the fell that is called Armann’s fell.  There he saw a man coming down from the wood, leading a horse laden with bundles of brushwood.  They soon met each other and Thorhall asked his name.  He said he was called Glam.  He was tall of body, and of strange appearance; his eyes were blue and staring, and his hair wolf-grey in colour.  Thorhall was a little startled when he saw him, and was certain that this was the man he had been told about.

“‘What work are you best fitted for?’ he asked.  Glam said that he was good at keeping sheep in winter.

“‘Will you look after my sheep?’ said Thorhall.  ‘Skafti has put you into my hands.’

“‘On this condition only will I take service with you,’ said Glam, ‘that I have my own free will, for I am ill-tempered if anything does not please me.’

“‘That will not harm me,’ said Thorhall, ‘and I should like you to come to me.’

“‘I will do so,’ said Glam; ‘but is there any trouble at your place?’

“‘It is believed to be haunted,’ said Thorhall.

“‘I am not afraid of such bug-bears,’ said Glam, ‘and think that it will be all the livelier for that.’

“‘You will need all your boldness,’ said Thorhall, ‘It is best not to be too frightened for one’s self there.’

“After this they made a bargain between them, and Glam was to come when the winter nights began.  Then they parted, and Thorhall found his horses where he had just newly looked for them, and rode home, after thanking Skafti for his kindness.

“The summer passed, and Thorhall heard nothing of the shepherd, nor did any one know the least about him, but at the time appointed he came to Thorhall-stead.  The yeoman received him well, but the others did not like him, and the good-wife least of all.  He began his work among the sheep which gave him little trouble, for he had a loud, hoarse voice, and the flock all ran together whenever he shouted.  There was a church at Thorhall-stead, but Glam would never go to it nor join in the service.  He was unbelieving, surly, and difficult to deal with, and ever one felt a dislike towards him.

“So time went on till it came to Christmas eve.  On that morning Glam rose early and called for his food.  The good-wife answered: ‘It is not the custom of Christian people to eat on this day, for to-morrow is the first day of Christmas, and we ought to fast to-day’.  Glam replied: ‘You have many foolish fashions that I see no good in.  I cannot see that men are any better off now than they were when they never troubled themselves about such things.  I think it was a far better life when men were heathens; and now I want my food, and no nonsense.’  The good-wife answered: ‘I am sure you will come to sorrow to-day if you act thus perversely’.

“Glam bade her bring his food at once, or it would be the worse for her.  She was afraid to refuse, and after he had eaten he went out in a great rage.

“The weather was very bad.  It was dark and gloomy all round; snowflakes fluttered about; loud noises were heard in the air, and it grew worse and worse as the day wore on.  They heard the shepherd’s voice during the forenoon, but less of him as the day passed.  Then the snow began to drift, and by evening there was a violent storm.  People came to the service in church, and the day wore on to evening, but still Glam did not come home.  There was some talk among them of going to look for him, but no search was made on account of the storm and the darkness.

“All Christmas eve Glam did not return, and in the morning men went to look for him.  They found the sheep scattered in the fens, beaten down by the storm, or up on the hills.  Thereafter they came to a place in the valley where the snow was all trampled, as if there had been a terrible struggle there, for stones and frozen earth were torn up all round about.  They looked carefully round the place, and found Glam lying a short distance off, quite dead.  He was black in colour, and swollen up as big as an ox.  They were horrified at the sight, and shuddered in their hearts.  However, they tried to carry him to the church, but could get him no further than to the edge of a cleft, a little lower down; so they left him there and went home and told their master what had happened.

“Thorhall asked them what had been the cause of Glam’s death.  They said that they had traced footprints as large as though the bottom of a cask had been set down in the snow leading from where the trampled place was up to the cliffs at the head of the valley, and all along the track there were huge blood-stains.  From this they guessed that the evil spirit which lived there must have killed Glam, but had received so much hurt that it had died, for nothing was ever seen of it after.

“The second day of Christmas they tried again to bring Glam to the church.  They yoked horses to him, but after they had come down the slope and reached level ground they could drag him no further, and he had to be left there.

“On the third day a priest went with them, but Glam was not be found, although they searched for him all day.  The priest refused to go a second time, and the shepherd was found at once when the priest was not present.  So they gave over their attempts to take him to the church, and buried him on the spot.

“Soon after this they became aware that Glam was not lying quiet, and great damage was done by him, for many that saw him fell into a swoon, or lost their reason.  Immediately after Yule men believed that they saw him about the farm itself, and grew terribly frightened, so that many of them ran away.  After this Glam began to ride on the house-top by night, {259} and nearly shook it to pieces, and then he walked about almost night and day.  Men hardly dared to go up into the valley, even although they had urgent business there, and every one in the district thought great harm of the matter.

“In spring, Thorhall got new men, and started the farm again, while Glam’s walkings began to grow less frequent as the days grew longer.  So time went on, until it was mid-summer.  That summer a ship from Norway came into Huna-water (a firth to the north of Thorhall-stead), and had on board a man called Thorgaut.  He was foreign by birth, big of body, and as strong as any two men.  He was unhired and unmarried, and was looking for some employment, as he was penniless.  Thorhall rode to the ship, and found Thorgaut there.  He asked him whether he would enter his service.  Thorgaut answered that he might well do so, and that he did not care much what work he did.

“‘You must know, however,’ said Thorhall, ‘that it is not good for any faint-hearted man

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