» Horror » "Dark Beginnings", Misty Cogburn [new books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «"Dark Beginnings", Misty Cogburn [new books to read .txt] 📗». Author Misty Cogburn

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where the wolf had disappeared, his nerves wracking in the silence.


Every sound, each cricket whether from an insect of ripple of water had Lexus on edge, but the wolf-man did not rise from the water. He wanted nothing more than to laugh and try to force himself into believing the entire night had been nothing more than a dream. Yet, as a large hand rose from the inky waters to engulf his own, Lexus felt his hope slip away just as easily as the the rock he had held so firmly in his grasp.


As another arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him roughly against a hard chest, Lexus found he had lost the will to fight and instead he dangled from the man’s arms as pathetically as broken doll. The other wasted no time as he pulled them both from the lake, pausing only to toss the rock back into the murky lake. Before he threw Lexus to the ground once again.


Grunting in pain, Lexus turning over onto his back to looking up at the man who now stood towering above him so threateningly. Beneath his long drenched hair, the man's eyes glowed heinously, and with each step the man took, Lexus inched back. Yet, soon the man came to a standstill between Lexus’ parted thighs, before he crouched downward before Lexus.


Knowing the figure about him could kill him in an instant, Lexus did not move. Instead his body moved on instinct, completely out of fear, to where he lay flat on his back. Lexus turned his head, bearing his throat, and clenching his eyes shut, he waited for the worse.


As the wolf-man’s body covered his own, Lexus couldn’t help but flinch from the searing contact of the other’s heated skin. Grunting beneath the weight of the creature, he struggled not to fight. Especially as he felt the wolf’s warm breath blow against his throat, with shaky breaths Lexus’ chest rose slowly in fear.


Hoping his death was quick, Lexus’ eyes clenched even tighter as his jaw tightened. Rigid beneath the other, Lexus jolted at the sudden lick of a warm tongue against the corner of his jaw. Lexus cringed, his tears leaking out as he cracked his eyes to peek up at the wolf, just as the other murmured a  sarcastic, "Good Boy…" against his throat.


Sickeningly, Lexus realized he could feel the wolf’s arousal pressed against his stomach. Yet, even as the creature’s clawed hands raked up his legs and across his torso, he did not dare fight the other. Unconsciously shivering against the heat that rolled from the wolf's body, Lexus tensed, and even briefly contemplated running once again.


However, where the incubuses had slowly taken their time to painfully explore his body, the wolf wasted no time. Without a moment's pause, the wolf flipped him over on all fours and brutally rammed inside his unprepared ass.


Lexus screamed, desperately trying to crawl from the man. Yet, his hips were held firmly in the wolf's firm clawed hands. While it had been the incubuses’ intent to play with his body, this man was a beast needing only physical satisfaction. Like a rutting animal, no matter how much Lexus screamed, kicked, and clawed at him the beast forcefully pounding his way inside his body.


The more he struggled, the more violently the man thrust inside him, and soon Lexus could do no more than cradle his head, with both his arms. Sobbing, Lexus shut his eyes desperately wishing for the nightmare to end, even as his vision blurred and he went limp beneath the monster’s heated thrusts.



Chapter Five


Spilling weeks of frustration inside the small human boy, the wolf could only sigh as he finished. He shuddered as his release finally ended, and he kneeled there in place, his cock still fully buried and twitching within the unconscious human's ass.


With a single motion his rose to stand above his prey, his cock popping from the boy's sullen puckered-hole with a satisfied wet smack as the boy collapsed forward. It gave him an odd thrill to see the boy’s ass leaking with both blood and thick white cum that oozed off the rounded curves of the human’s ass cheeks.


All in all, it had been over way too quickly for his tastes, it was nothing like what he had wanted to do to the boy. For the months he had spent trying to break the human, he had expected something. Yet, even now, the human’s scent was still just as sweet smelling, and in spite of his triumph over the boy, he was left completely dissatisfied.


Should he eat the boy, he wondered …would that help settle his distaste?


Staring down at the collapsed figure, he stared, analyzing at the boy’s features.


The boy was definitely a beauty, in better times he would have been a most sought after prize. Though he was a bit underdeveloped for his age, the human had been blessed with long thin limbs that showed his natural aptitude for running.


Hell the boy gave him the slip, not once but twice, the wolf scoffed.


Squatting down next to the unconscious figure he let out a long sigh, then with a clawed finger he began to tap in time with the beating pulse at the boy's throat. Mesmerized by the feebleness of the human below him, he knew how easy it would be to tear out the boy’s throat or even the beating organ within the child's chest.


Leaning forward, the wolf nuzzled of the juncture of the boy's neck and inhaled deeply, shuddering at the human's scent. He was unabashed by his behavior, to a wolf such a thing was a symbol of affection. Yet, he wasn’t ashamed of it, after all it was the scent of the boy that had first gained his attention. That oh so familiar scent he could never place, it had intoxicated him the moment he had first scented the boy.


He had quickly become obsessed by it, for days after catching the child's scent he had watched him, and soon he began to suspect the boy's slightly unsettled actions. He had wondered if the human could see or feel him in its surroundings. If nothing more, this intrigued him the most, for very few humans had the ability to sense Demonic forces.


For weeks he stalked and teased the human boy. Taunting the boy’s senses in public, hoping to make him lapse in his careful actions. Wanting the boy to do something that would prove the child had the senses he thought the boy possessed.


Yet, the boy had been unaware of his every action, he had even given up on his hunt, the wolf silently swore to himself. For months he'd followed the boy, under a charade, only to find the boy in the park after he had already sated his hunger.


The horror that crossed the child's face, he shivered again in pleasure, feeling his cock harden once more. Even the thought of the chase had him palming himself, It had been so much fun ...until those damn incubi, he spat on the ground angrily.


They should have pulled themselves back together by now. He wondered if he should return to tear them apart just once more before the sun rose to sit above the horizon. Yet, a pained moan from the sleeping boy broke his thoughts.


No, he decided I have more pressing issues. This boy was a threat, he was different from normal humans, and that was dangerous. He was not a Spiritual Being, an angel reincarnated into a human form, but the boy had no Guardian…


Sniffing the boy again, he was sure the boy had few sins. Demons could easily scent the sins in a human, The more corrupt, the better they taste, he thought evilly to himself.


The more sins a human collected the weaker their Guardian Angel became, until eventually their Guardian was reprieved. Even with as few sins the boy had collected he should still have a powerful Guardian. The boy, however, was unprotected like a lamb without a flock or shepherd, and that bothered him more that he would like to admit.


Something about the boy was different... yet familiar. However, the more he thought about it the harder it was to place. The child was an enigma, too difficult to contemplate, he decided as he roughly scratched his chin, his eyes closed in thought.


He wondered briefly what he should do, for surely the boy would taste awful. Eating him was out of the question, so- … A sudden sharp pain ripped him from his ponderings.


Shocked the wolf looked down at the boy and the glass bottle in now embedded inside his rib. Another thing that bothered him about the boy, he had a hunter's stealth.


"I hope you die," the boy screamed with rage, yet looking completely terrified at the same time with all the tears that were streaming down his face. Yet the boy pressed on, pushing the down on the glass as hard as he could. Almost as if he truly believed he had a chance of killing a Demon with a glass bottle.


Mockingly, the wolf laughed aloud at the boy's actions.


Despite the pain in his side, it was just all too funny. Well, it was funny until the boy began to twist the bottle in his rib. The boy sure knew how to make it hurt, he granted, suddenly pissed off.


"Demons are immortal," he snarled at the child. Then with one hand, he grasped both of the boy's own and jerked the glass bottle from his rib. Before their eyes the blood stopped almost instantaneously as the  wound began to heal itself.


Keeping his eyes on the flashing emotions that crossing the child’s face, the wolf shivered. That look of horror on that crossed boy's face was more than enough to make him stiffen. He could smell the boy’s fear in the air, and as the Little Rabbit attempted to flee once again he easily tackled the child.


Pinning the human to the group the wolf made short work of positioning the boy’s lips. Elevating the boy's hips off the ground, he forced the screaming boy lay on his back as he spread the human’s thighs far apart.


Angling the human’s spine and legs in a way that put the boy's knees on either side of his face, he flashed a wolfish smile down at the boy. Even as the boy stared at him in shock, his clear eyes widened with terror as the wolf slowly licked his lips.


An evil gleam shone in the Demon’s eyes as he looked down at the boy, "We got interrupted earlier, and now you're all slick and loose...," he gave a menacing smile while he traced the boy's puckered hole with a claw tipped finger.


"Can't let this go to waste, now can we?" the wolf asked, his yellow eyes glinting.


Tensing in the monster's hold, Lexus watched in horror as the wolf-man's long tongue plunged inside his aching hole. He could feel it rolling deep within him, and the more he fought the wolf's hold by turning and arching his back to pull away, the farther inside him the tongue went.


Vainly he struggled, clawing at his attacker down the length of his ribs and arms. Above him the wolf’s face harden into a scowl, for Immortal or

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