» Horror » Prey for a night, Kamen Lowell [best ebook reader for pc txt] 📗

Book online «Prey for a night, Kamen Lowell [best ebook reader for pc txt] 📗». Author Kamen Lowell

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-What did he do to Kirk? - cried out Janine

-I dont know,but I`m not eager to find out - while we were still wondering where to go,Kirks screams and bumping on the door were echoing from the room behind the reception.He had gone full berserk and not even the thick wooden door could stop him.After his roaring stopped a bang followed from the fall of the door.I took Janine by the hand and we started going up the stairs.I didnt tell her where we were going because I didnt know myself.We reached the 7th floor where it was a little calmer than the rest of the lower floors and we looked for a room to hide in.Most of them were closed which made us search more frantically whilst hearing Kirks shrieks from the lower floors.We finally found an open room and quickly went inside.The room seemed to be untouched until we opened the bathroom door.There was a detatched womans body on the ground,the legs next to the toilet and the torso next to a mans body next to the bath tub.The man had a gun in his hand,that he seemed to have used to make it quicker and less painful for him.A more worrying image came out when Janine pulled the baths curtains and revealed the corpses for three children.All of them were around the age of 10-12 and had a small hole in the middle of their foreheads.Their father must`ve had the burden to deal with that before taking his own life.The saddest part was that they were put next to eachother with their eyes closed as if they had fallen asleep together making them look peaceful.I felt Janine pulling my sleeve and pointing at something on the wall.It was another blood sign,another warning,saying:HE SENSES,BUT DOES NOT SEE

-She must`ve written it before he reached her - said quietly Janine - but what does she mean ? - I wasnt entirely sure either,but we had no time to contemplate.

-The lunatic said that this chemical turns the victims into some primitive neanderthals.I suppose there wasnt a great difference in the way animals and neanderthals hunted back in the day. - but that still didnt give us any ideas on how to use the hint and the roaring was getting closer by the second.Janine suddenly grabbed my coat and then took off hers and left the room.I followed her confused and watched what she will do.She took the two coats along with a few other belongings to the window and threw them out after opening it.

-That should take care partially of our scents - she said after closing the window

-What about the rest of it though? - i asked

Janine went back in the bathroom and pointed at the body of the woman.The detatched body had left a huge pool of blood on the ground in which Janine had now stuck her hands.

-He wont sense us if we smell like corpses or at least i hope so - Janine had a point and francly we had no other option and definitely no time.We started draping ourselves with the blood of the woman.Our skin and clothes now reaked of carrion and I felt like vomiting every few seconds.Janine pulled me back in the bathtub and told me to lay down which seemed like an easy task if we excluded the dead kids next to us.Kirks screams finally reached the room and we heard him slamming and scratching until the door cracked and he rushed in.We could hear him turning everything in the living room upside down and tearing apart everything in his way.When he finally entered the bathroom my heart almost stopped.I was trying not to move a muscle while he was scanning the room for us.His eyes were bloody red and I could feel his heavy breathing all the way in the bathtub.When he noticed the womans body Kirk crawled next to it and smelled her to see if she was alive,which was exactly what we were hoping he would do.Now he had her scent and he wouldnt bother looking around more,at least we hoped he wouldnt.He went through the room one more time before heading for the exit when Janines foot slipped in the bathtub making a loud continuous squeaky noise.That immediately got Kirks attention and he turned around now walking towards us.The oncoming sihluette growing bigger and bigger on the bathtubs curtains brought a lump to my throat and I shoved my head behind one of the kids so that he doesnt recognise me.At the same moment he pulled the curtains and I prepared myself for the worst.I could feel his gaze on me waiting for me to make the slightest move and tear me to pieces.I stopped my breathing and waited for my inevitable demise.Kirk stood a while watching us and testing us until he turned around and left.It took us a few minutes before we started moving again,to realise that every part of us was still intact and we stood up slowly.The foul smell of Kirks breath still lingered in my nostrils making me feel that he might come out of nowhere at any time and smother us.We both looked at eachother for a sign that its safe to get up and slowly got out of the bathtub.

-Lets go to the lobby again while hes looking through the other floors and try to break the lock - i whispered to Janine and waved at her to follow me.She nodded and we left the room.The corridor seemed to be clear so we headed for the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible.We had almost reached the stairs when from behind the corner behind us appeared Kirk.Sensing us move he quickly turned his head towards us and shrieked making my blood run cold.Janine and I sprinted towards the stairs but Kirk was catching on to us really fast and then I heard Janine making a faint sound.I looked back and saw Kirk gripping her hand and pulling her to himself.Trying to pull and save her I was knocked down and flew back and bumped in the the corner next to the stairs.I tried to keep myself conscious and tried getting up,but everything in me was aching.A few meters infront of me Kirk held Janine by the head on the floor and thrust his hand inside her and grabbed on to something and pulled sharply.Holding in his hand high above his head was Janines lung still twitching.I watched as Janine was fighting for her life,choking on the blood gushing out of the mouth.It didnt took long before Kirk landed the final blow.Sinking his razor sharp nails in the head,her eyes turned upside down and only after a slight crack her whole scalp collapsed.Having no interest in her anymore Kirk threw her lifeless body aside and locked eyes wth me.I lowered my hand slowly without him noticing and unlocked my guns case.Rushing at me determined to finish me off Kirk neglected me reaching for the gun and pulling it out and that opened an opportunity for me.I immediately pulled the trigger shootting Kirk in the knee making him tumble on the floor.Thinking that that might immobilize him for a while I took a deep breath and leaned on the wall starring at the ceiling when I noticed something moving in my periphery.It was Kirk,dragging himself looking more fierce than ever.Pointing my gun at him I pulled the trigger once again,but this time something got stuck in it and it refused to shoot.Time was running out and Kirk was closing in and I was still trying to fix my gun.Cold sweat was running down my face when I finally heard the familiar click from the gun and I pointed it at Kirk,this time at his head.Only a meter away I thought of all the moments we had spent together,not only at work but outside of it as well.I remembered him saying that if his wife gave birth to a boy he`ll name him after me.I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger.Everything went silent and it was just me and my best friends corpses.Kirk was lying infront of me with his eyes open and a smoky hole in his forehead and Janine was long gone.I stood there for a while contemplating on the situation and then I heard that voice again.

-Well,well Frank.I didnt know you had it in you - echoed the doctors hoarse voice in the hotel.-But dont hurry to rest,the hunt is still on and I just started getting excited-

I looked at the gun thinking to myself - What if? - pointing it at my head and looked at my friends again.This wasnt going to end like this.I was determined to get out of here and put this psycho behind bars because of my friends.Lowering the gun off my head I stood up still bashed from Kirks hit and went down the stairs.

There seemed to be nobody in the lobby which filled me with hope that I might actually escape this hell hole.Passing through the lobby I got to the door immediately and shot the doors lock leaving the door slightly open.I was reaching for the door when the familiar voice stopped me.

-Oh Frank,you are going to leave in the middle of our game ? - the doctor had a huge grin on his almost like too big for his face.He was holding the axe he threw at us earlier and had no shirt on.His whole body was covered in tattoos,mostly faces of people.He caught me starring at them and exclaimed

-I see you noticed my diary.You see I am a sentimental person and I really like holding on to the good memories I have.I`d really like to make you one of my good memories,like this one for example.He pointed at a tattoo below his left breast and grinned widely.It was hard to see it from that far,but I found out who it was.It was the face of the woman that had called us that night and the tattoo was drawn exactly like she was when we found her.

-This sick game that you`re playing is over and once I go through this door every single police car in the vicinity will arrive and bust your ass.- I said while the man was still grinning infront of me.I couldnt wait more and opened the door when the fire axe pierced the door centimeters away from my face.By the time I turned around the man was already next to me and grabbed me slamming me on the floor.All the air left my lungs and I curled in a ball struggling to breath.The doctor was pulling his axe out of the door and was heading my way again,this time ready to finish the job when a shot in his left arm made him drop the axe.Luckly my gun didnt let me down this time and hit the target right on the spot.The bullet had hit his shoulder immobilizing his arm so that made him an easy opponent.I tried getting up,but by the time I pointed my gun at him he kicked my hand and then grabbed me by the shirt throwing me on the ground.Even injured he was like a walking killing machine,demolishing everything in its way.I quickly recovered from the fall and turned around exactly when the man was infront of me and kicked him with full force in his knee hearing a little pop.The hit had disjointed his knee and now he was limping trying to keep his balance,but the slippery from blood floor was to his disadvantage and he slipped falling down on a mans body.This was my chance to finish him and I took it.Before he could react at all I kicked him as hard as i could in the throat,leaving him wriggling around gasping for breath and holding himself for the neck.I was crawling through bodies and intestines looking for my gun until i finally saw it.The thought of killing the bastard made me neglect the enourmous pain I was

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