» Horror » Alice in Wonderhell, Min-chan the Otaku [ebook reader library .txt] 📗

Book online «Alice in Wonderhell, Min-chan the Otaku [ebook reader library .txt] 📗». Author Min-chan the Otaku

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to the point. The Queen only chuckled more. He slowly got up with a smirk, showing his fangs. Alice then realized: he was a vampire.

“How sad, the poor girl wants to go home without knowing the truth behind all this.” he whined playfully as he walked towards her, his long dark red cape following behind him. Alice growled, knowing he was trying to mess with her. “Alice, do you know why I created Wonderhell?” the man asked as he walked behind her. “You see, when I was alive, I used to get bullied and hurt everyday, with no one ever to help me. And what did I ever do? Nothing.” the Queen explained and put his hands on Alice’s shoulders, sending shivers down her spine. “Wonderhell is a place for the dead innocent who just need that sweet taste of revenge... They never lived a fair life...” He lowered his head down to the crook of her neck and smiled. “They’ve all had such unfair lives...” he whispered before sinking his fangs into her neck, making her yelp. The blood oozed out from her neck, making him lick it off. “So the killers you see, are like ghosts, punishing the ones who bully and hate and have taken lives away selfishly.” he growled as he took a large bite, hearing a crack. Alice’s body stung in pain as tears streamed down her cheek. “I gave them power, more power than anything in the world.” he chuckled deeply and drank some more blood. “But I however, did not get anything in return... So I made three other versions of me in order to gain freedom.” his heavy British accent ringed through her ears.

“W-what versions?!” she yelped from surprise and attempted to escape from his grasp, but failed.

“Well love, you have me, Arthur Kirkland, the real Kirkland. Then you have Oliver, the King and the more ‘mad’ side of me.” answered Arthur.

“If there’s anyone who is mad, that’s you!” Alice argued, lashing away from his grasp. But Arthur only chuckled.

“Furthermore, the child you saw was me as a child, the freedom to be young. And finally, you, Alice Kirkland. The reincarnation of the life I could never have and you wasted it by hurting more people.” he said in a harsh tone, his arrogant side leaving him. Alice stepped back in shock.

“There’s no bloody way I’m related to you!” she screamed, but she had nowhere to run, for the doors were suddenly slammed shut.

“You can tell yourself that as much as you want, but the truth is the truth.” Arthur shrugged, blood still dripping from his mouth.

“Enough of your bloody lies! Just get me out of here!” she demanded. The Queen looked puzzled for a moment and snapped his fingers, making a few sparkles before a giant book appeared in his hands. He flipped through the pages, searching for something, until he finally stopped.

“Alice Kirkland,” he read out-loud, “sent to Wonderhell, due to harm to others both guilty and innocent and a hatred for her own world and life. Wishes to be in her won wonderland due to book influence. Also known as the Book Curse.” Alice suddenly remembered her wish when she was young; she had wished for her own wonderland. Was that the reason why she hated everyone?

“N-no... I didn’t know...” she stammered and fell on her knees, knowing she had lost.

“Ah, what an unfortunate curse, the Book Curse... Well, it would be such a waste to kill such a sad beautiful face right away...” Arthur said pitifully. “Tell you what, love. You win my very last game, I’ll free you and reverse the clocks just as you wished.” he added, sounding generous. Alice immediately looked up, eyes full of hope.

“Which game?” she asked. The creator of Wonderhell smirked and chuckled darkly.


VIII : The Terrible Truth and Game

♛ ♛ ♛

There she stood, the square where the white king would stand. Around her aligned all the other massive white chess pieces, ready for battle.

“Your majesty, may I ask what will happen if I lose?” Alice asked, realizing he had not told her what would happen. Arthur only smiled and laughed at her simple question.

“You die! But your soul will be kept in a chess piece, and you will be part of my giant collection.” he stated with his strong British accent. On the Queen’s side stood Arthur, Oliver, the killers she had met and a few unfamiliar faces with deadly face expressions. Suddenly, Alice felt her breath stop as her eyes went wide. Three familiar faces stood as three of the black pawns: Matthew, Leonardo and Gilbert. She gasped, not knowing whether to feel happy they’re alive, or to feel confused and possibly betrayed.

“Leo! Gil! Matthew! Thank god you’re okay! I p-promise we’ll go back home after we beat the Queen!” Alice exclaimed to the other side while waving her hand and trying to act happy, but something was off. All three had bloodstains all over their outfits and they each looked somewhat darker. Matthew was smirking and carrying a bloody hockey stick with his dark purple eyes gleaming with evil, his innocent shy side gone. Leonardo held a large axe and he had wolf ears and a tail. Gilbert had somehow gotten devil horns and a black thin devil tail, his red eyes glowing with mischief.

“Beat Arthur? Frau, you’ll be the one beaten! Can’t you see we’re on this side?” Gilbert chuckled from Alice’s happiness.

“Chica, I was dead because of you before we even got here. After we broke up, I committed suicide but only found out you wouldn’t care a single bit... Then I got power... In fact, everyone here except you has already died and are seeking for that sweet taste of revenge...” explained Antonio with a dark smile.

“We’ve all had such terrible lives... We were just decoys, from the moment you made that wish. You killed us, and now we’ll kill you. So how does it feel to be heartbroken?” asked Matthew as he put his shoulder around the female pawn beside him. Alice felt tears again, they were all lies from the start. Matthew never loved her... Leonardo never meant any of those words... Gilbert never cared... They were never true from the first place, and it’s all because of her.


Maybe if she had never wished or get cursed, she wouldn’t have to suffer this much. Why was life so unfair?

“I-I’m sorry. It’s all my fault, I should have paid more attention.” she murmured as silent tears streamed down her cheeks. They were all lies... She was really all alone. Where did the real Matthew, Leonardo and Gilbert go? Alice slowly lost all hope, knowing her life was just a waste. Even if she got back, three of her friends wouldn’t be there.

“Now dear, words can’t fix everything, now can they?” said Arthur, “One must pay the price for what one has done.” Alice slowly looked up, crystal tears still streaming down her face. A simple game of human-size chess was all she needed to win before going home. Wiping her tears away, she nodded. “Good. I believe you know all the basics of chess, correct?” the Queen asked. Alice simply nodded quietly. “We have until the clocks strike twelve. If there has not been a checkmate, the one who has captured of killed the most pieces of the opposing team wins.” the British man explained.

“You are the king of your own kingdom.” added Oliver as he adjusted his hat with a smile. Again, Alice simply nodded in response.

“Without further ado, game start.” the Queen announced and the candles went dim.


♛ ♛ ♛

“Ladies first.” suggested Arthur like a gentlemen, but before he had a chance to say anything, one of Alice’s white pawns started screaming in horror. A terrible loud shriek that blasted their eardrums could be heard. It was a terrible wail of pain like the cry of a human. The pawn slowly jumped it’s way towards the end of the board, trying to escape. As soon as it jumped off, it disappeared, only leaving the bloody traces behind it. Did that mean those who forfeit will die automatically? The information suddenly transferred to Alice’s mind as she gasped in horror. What had she gotten herself into? From the corner of her eye, she could see a tiny movement on her left. She looked that way, only to see a white rook, moving on it’s spot.

“I warned you...” it whispered with a tiny voice. Alice’s eyes went wide. What that was the rook from the beginning? What if the rook really did try to warn her when she heard the little boy’s song. Alice felt hopeless, as she cried to herself, feeling foolish.

“...But your soul will be kept in a chess piece, and you will be part of my giant collection...” she remembered the Queen say. Alice finally understood. Right now, she was the king for all the souls trapped in a chess piece, playing for her, hoping to defeat the one who captured them. Alice took a deep breath, making the room go silent, only the sound of the clock could be heard. She looked up slowly, eleven fifteen. They had forty-five minutes before their hope is gone forever.

“Time is running out...” the bishop to her right whispered. Alice nodded and stared at the other forty-eight squares in front of them.

“Pawn! D6!” she shouted as one of the human-sized pawns slowly slid to the square labelled D6.

“Pawn, Matthew! D4!” directed Arthur. Matthew stepped forward, hockey stick ready. Alice thought for a while, trying not to make any mistakes.

“Pawn! C6!” Alice shouted in response.

“Knight, Deliciano! F3!” The Italian with the curl sticking out on it’s left jumped four squares, still wearing his innocent bloody smile.

“Pawn! E5!”

“Knight! E5!” Arthur instructed once more with a grin as Deliciano slowly walked over to the poor pawn on E5. Alice’s heart started to beat faster and faster, scared of what was going to happen. With a single bloody stab, the room was filled with the same horrifying cry of pain, leaving only blood pools on the chess board. Alice grew with fear, she was the white king. They were all targeting her. She gulped slowly, trying not to image herself in blood puddles.

“Pawn! E5!” she shouted after thinking for a while. The pawn slowly moved diagonally. As soon as it was right in front of Deliciano, a giant silver floating sword appeared beside the pawn. It was similar to the ones in the Medieval Ages. Deliciano smiled one last time, but a bitter-sweet one this time, before he felt the pain in himself and the red liquid ooze out. Something eventually dropped out of his body with a plop on the board. Alice looked at it, to her surprise, it was a liver. The poor Italian had a dumbfounded face as he disappeared, leaving only the bloody liver in the huge pool of blood. Alice was shocked, she had actually killed him. She had done what she thought was impossible!

“Pawn, Matthew! E5!” the British man broke her thoughts as she saw Matthew smile happily as he moved towards the poor pawn diagonally. His round glasses shined evilly as he lifted his hockey stick in the air and suddenly swinging it to the

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