» Humor » One Of The Guys..., Bethany Farner [knowledgeable books to read txt] 📗

Book online «One Of The Guys..., Bethany Farner [knowledgeable books to read txt] 📗». Author Bethany Farner

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The story between Landon and Phillip is bad. Only me, Lonnie, and Phillip know who Landon is and why Phillip hates him.

I bit my lip. Jerimey pulled out my diary. Oh great!! Then Peter pulled out a bunch of photos. Oh dear Lord let me live through this I thought. "Guys what th-?" I started but was cut off. "You mind telling me who that is!?" Phillip said through gritted teeth. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. We stood there in silence. "Well there's really no point in telling us 'casue we already know!" Jerry said. Again I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Something inside me fell apart. "You guys are the worst big brothers in the world!!" I shouted. I stromed out of the living room and upstairs to my room. I slammed my door shut. I locked my door. This was a nightmare. "Music I need music!" I said. I went to my sterio. I searched through my CD's. I picked out Chicken Foot. It was already five o'clock. I moaned. Where did the time go. My room was destroy thanks to the dorks downstairs. After An hour went by of me cleaning my room up again. There was a knock on the door. "Dasiy-D open the door please!" Lonnie shouted thorugh the closed door. I didn't listen to him.

I began to sing the lyrics of the song so I could keep Lonnie's beggs and cries out of my head. Focus on the song nothing but the song. Then there was a huge thud. It scared me so much that I jumped. Lonnie busted the door open. "God Dammit Lonnie what the Hell!" I screeched. He walked and picked up the door. "Sorry I just have to talk to you" he said. "Ergg, Lonnie what? I'm not in the mood you and the bozos destroyed my room, Phillip found out about Landon, and now my door is off the hinges thanks to you!" I said. He smiled "Oh Daisy you never changed do you" He said pulling me in a hug. I tried to get free but come on this is Lonnie the strongest guy of the group. "Don't hug me! I'm mad at you." I mumbled. He laughed. "Don't be mad, I just wanna tell you that I didn't tell Phillip about how you and Landon are hanging out and stuff" "ok nthen let me guess they found out by going through my things" I said. He nodded. "Douche Bags" I muttered going to turn my sterio off. "Lonnie?" I asked "Yeah" he said "I'm hungry" I said with a sad face.

"How bout I bring you a slice of pizza?" He asked. I sighed. "Ok fine I guess" I said. He chuckled. "Ok I'll be back in a second!" he said. Then he left. I sat on my bedroom floor. All I could think about was Landon. You see just a little over a year ago Phillip was dating this girl named Sarah. It turned out that Sarah was cheating on Phillip with Landon. The problem was I was best friends with Landon. I told Phillip we stoped hanging out when I found out Sarah was cheating on the both of them but I kinda lied about that. God I'm sure in a pickle. My thoughts were interrubted when Lonnie came back in with a plate of Pizza. He sat next to me and handed me a plate. He also came in with a wrapped box in his hand. "What's that?" I asked "Open it!" He said handing it to me. I ripped open the wrapping to find a shoe box. No it couldn't be. I opened the box to find excactly what I've wanted for almost two years now. My new awesome pair of black high tops with green zebra stripes. "Lonnie how'd you know I wanted these?" I asked giving him a one armed hug. "It's an early birthday present" he said. "Thanks Lonnie, this is what I needed" I said. There was another knock on the door then the door fell down. I moaned again. Why does life got to be so irratating?!?!? I thought. "Sup Daisy!" Said Peter. I rolled my eyes and got up. I picked up the door and leaned it against the frame again . Peter walked right in sitting next to Lonnie. "Sure Come in!' I said sarcastically.

Lonnies (P.O.V)

"So whatcha talkin about?" Peter asked. I couldn't help but smile. "Don't you dare say a word!!!" Daisy shouted at me pointing her finger at me. "Ooh! this sounds good!" Peter said. Daisy moaned. She looked up at the ceiling. "Why just not end my life right now!" She shouted. Me and Peter chuckled. She glared at us. "Please Daisy you can tell me anything!! Please!!" Peter said. "Nothing!" She shouted. She grabbed her ipod and stuck her ear phones in. She layed on her bed trying to ignore us. I turned to Peter. We both smirked evily. Peter rushed to her and got on the bed with her. He grabbed both her wrist and pinned them above her. With his other hand he grabbed her ipod and threw it to me. Daisy tried to struggle but Peter was one the strongest guy we had in the group. He took his free hand and placed it over Daisy's mouth. His knees were against her legs so there was no way she could get out of this. "Ok so tell me Lonnie what were you guys talking about?" Peter asked me. "Well..." I smiled. Daisy struggled harder. Listen I love my Daisy but she's like a sister to me. And when someones your sister. You have to tease them right? Believe me this is for her own good. (Not Really) "You know that kid Landon we found out about today?' I said. Peter nodded. "and remeber when Phillip got cheated on?" I asked him. He nodded again. "That's Landon" I said smirking. "Shut up!" Peter said. I shook my head.

Peter laughed. Daisy tried to talk but Peter's hand was still over her mouth. She moaned. Me and Peter both laughed. "Ow!" Peter shouted suddenly. Daisy bit him.He pulled both hands away. Bad idea! Daisy got out of his grip. She put both hands on either side of his face. Oh Dear Lord this wasn't gonna end well. Daisy head butted him. He fell backwards on her bed. "You son of a bitch!" She shouted. My eyes were wide open. Peter was strong but Daisy was the strongest Phillip always made second place as well. Peter was hurt but paid full attention to Daisy. He pulled it together and got back on top of her. She screamed. "I'M BEING SEDUCED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screeched. Jerry and Bradley busted thorugh the door. Peter was on all fours over Daisy. Which if I was them I probably think that she was being seduced. Jerry burst out laughing and colasp to the floor. Bradleys eyebrows furrow together. "What's going on?" he asked smirking. "Get this ass-hole off of me!!!!" Daisy shouted. Bradley pulled Peter off but he was still smiling. "She has to apoligize for head butting me!!" Peter shouted. Bradley then fell to the floor laughing. "The Big...Bad Peter McLotten...Was Head...Butted By...A...Girl!" Bradley said between laughs. It was weird hearing Bradley laugh again. Bradley used to be funny and full of life but when his mom died his dad became absuive and drunk. So he moved in with Phillip and us. Everyone who lived here had a story on why they were here. Bradley's was because of his father. Then Richie Jerry
and Phillip ran in.

"What the hell happened?!?! All I hear is Help I being seduced!!! Who wants to explain that to me?!?!?" Phillip asked with rage. We all sucked in our lips trying not to laugh. Daisy moaned. She got up grabbed her sweatshirt and ipod and left out of the room. Richie sighed in frusteration and ran after her. I could tell that tonight was gonna be a long night.

Richie's (P.O.V)

I ran after Daisy knowing she was pist as hell. Daisy flew of the handle alot and when she did she was a mad bull who saw everyone as red posts. She was like her brother. When Phillip was ticked there was nothing to stop him from being the angry man he was. My red hair kept getting in the face so it was hard running down the stairs. "Daisy wait!" I said as she shut the front door. Her skatebored was in her hand. She ran out in the front yard. She was furious. Anyone could tell. I finally caught up to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and yanked her feet off the ground. I might be the little comic book worm people known me to be but I was strong and Daisy was easy to pick up. "Let go of me!!" She screamed. She dropped her skatebored. "Richie Duckfeld Put me down!!!" She screeched. She struggle to get out of my grip. The more she struggled the tighter my grip was. "Damn it! Richie as soon as you let go of me your sorry ass will freakin regret it!!!" She said pounding her fist on my arms and hands. I squeezed her waist tighter and she had to gasp for air. "yeah uh-huh whatever!" I said. Daisy growled. "Let's go inside now shall we." I said brining her inside. Everyone was in the living room and Peter and Phillip were going at it. "Calm Down Phillip we were just fooling around!" Peter said. Daisy was still in my arms as I sat down on the couch. She was scowling.

"Fooling around Fooling around Damn It Peter!!" Phillip shouted. "Richie put me the fuck down!!!" Daisy shouted. I chuckled and let her go. "Hey where do you think your going?" Phillip demanded at Daisy. She glared at him. "You know what Phillip you can't boss me around forever." she said before stromed out of the room. Everything was silent until the basement door slammed. Lonnie locked his fingers behind his head looking up to the ceiling. "Go job Phillip! Good job" Bradley said getting up leaving the room. Phillip had a sad ashamed look on his face. "Well this is great birthday present" Jerry said. I threw a couch pillow at him to shut him up. Phillip was already feeling bad he didn't need to hear that. "Phillip Daisy is turning 17 tommorrow, I think she's old enough to handle herself" Jerimey said and with that everyone left ther room except Phillip. I guess today wasn't the best day to go snooping through Daisys room.


Publication Date: 08-30-2011

All Rights Reserved

To All My town Boy girls out there.

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