» Humor » Between the Prison and the Sewage Works, Maryline Suchley [interesting books to read in english .txt] 📗

Book online «Between the Prison and the Sewage Works, Maryline Suchley [interesting books to read in english .txt] 📗». Author Maryline Suchley

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she went in so early. However when she recounted the story of how she was late one morning and ended up travelling with the kids and the consequences of such a journey, he agreed that it was probably a good idea to avoid the stress.

Jim had now appointed an acting deputy to take over his job while he ran the school. It was her first day; Steffi was now temporary deputy head. Deon seemed to be in a state of shock. He found it difficult to communicate at the best of times but now he was completely dumb struck and had succumbed to mumbling. As for the rest of the staff they couldn’t believe how she had managed such a deed, the only possible explanation was the tete a tete she had had with the inspectors and the sudden disappearance of the sexual harassment claims against Piles and Boyo.

Jim couldn’t resist dictating to his minions as he briefed everyone on the new order of the school.

‘This place just gets worse,’ Mara muttered to James.

‘Tell me about it I’m not sure I can work under Cruella De Vil!’ he whispered back.

Steffi took her place on the podium next to Joyce who wrote on the board as Steffi read a list of orders one of which was to inform staff of the meeting after school.

Back in the science prep room the atmosphere was equally as pessimistic. Jeremy was now on long term sick; apparently he had been diagnosed with sleep apnoea as a result of his obesity. No one could find a long term replacement for Jeremy so the department had to make do with daily supply teachers and the work would be set by Piles who was back from suspension, and had taken it upon himself to stand in for Jeremy because no one else could be bothered. Roger seemed to be unaffected by what was going on and would often be seen laughing and giggling in his room. The technicians were staring to think he was clinically mad. The science department was now officially a shambles.

The thought of working here another year seemed even less appealing as the day drew on.

Mara left for the meeting after school via the art room to pick up James who seemed the most despondent she had ever seen him; usually the goings on at the Poly were like water of a ducks back to him.

‘Are you okay James?’ Mara asked.

‘Oh yeah, just had a tough day today, feeling quite vacant actually.’

‘Welcome to my world,’ Mara exclaimed.

Everyone attended the meeting even the Manuelle teacher who she rarely saw after three in the afternoon if at all.

Jim came into the room looking very serious.

‘Ladies and gentlemen I regret to inform you that OFSTEAD have come back to us with their findings from the last inspection. Regrettably we are still under special measures and as a school we have been given a series of objectives to fulfil if we are to remain open. We have three more inspections next year in which to prove that we can succeed. I urge people not to panic and to see this as an opportunity to turn around our school.’

Bullshit, you just don’t want the rats to desert the sinking ship, though Mara.

‘Now we still have Six weeks of school left let’s make the most of it.’

It was a short meeting followed by everyone quietly dispersing and going home.

Mara said goodbye to James as he was going back to his own flat as he needed to sort a few things out.

Mara had some real thinking to do; yesterday’s decision to stay was completely blown out of the water with the events of the day.


Chapter Sixteen



After the shock of the first week things were not about to slow down for Mara, the phone rang.

It was Mark the Detective.

‘Hi Mara how’s it going?’

‘Good. What’s wrong Mark?’ Mara asked not really knowing what to expect.

‘Do you mind if I come and visit you this evening?’

‘No not at all.’

‘It’s nothing to worry about I’ll see you in a couple of hours, bye,’ he said putting down the phone.

Mara now started to wonder what this was about; was it Ángelmí or Mat?

There was a knock at the door. It was Mark with another man.

‘Hi Mark,’ she said hesitantly.

‘Don’t look so worried.’

‘Sorry, look can I get you tea or coffee?’ she asked.

‘No I’m fine,’ he replied and the other detective shook his head.

‘This is Detective Inspector Shaw, he’s my Boss. Look I’ll get straight to the point. We need your help.’

Mara could only sit and listen to Mark.

‘You obviously remember the body found in the school.’

Mara nodded.

‘Well we’re in a corner. We think we know who the culprit is but have no real hard evidence to back this up or make an arrest. We need to put someone with a wire into the school to either get the evidence we require or to lead us to what we need.

‘AND THAT WOULD BE ME? Mara asked bewildered.

‘Yep, now it’s not dangerous because we wouldn’t ask you to do anything that would put you in danger and you’d be monitored at all times.’

At this point his boss interrupted.

‘It’s a big ask for a civilian and we wouldn’t do it unless we didn’t have any other avenues, you’re perfectly entitled to refuse.’

‘Okay I’ll do it’ Mara replied not really thinking about what she was agreeing to, just reacting to thoughts in the back of her mind telling her this could actually be exciting.

Both detectives looked relieved and grateful and informed her of all the pros and cons of the operation, and gave her another chance to back out. She was also told not to tell anyone what she was doing. Once sure that she would be good to go, Mark told her that the suspect she was helping to ensnare was Joyce Crest.

‘I knew it,’ Mara said.

Mark’s eyebrows lifted.

‘Yeah, she’s been charging the school for supply teachers that don’t actually turn up.’

‘How do you know this?’ Mark asked.

Mara told him about what she had found out concerning supply teachers falsely employed by the school and Joyce’s suspicious behaviour when she caught Mara looking in her pigeon hole. She did however omit to tell them how she came across this information.

‘Well, I’m not sure why you were snooping in her pigeon hole, but it actually gives us an avenue in. If she thinks you already know something, we can work on that,’ Mark said.

The inspector and Mark left, informing her that early next week they would be in contact with the finer details.

‘Oh how exciting,’ Mara said to herself as she opened a bottle of wine.

‘I said I wouldn’t drink tonight,’ she chastised herself, as she poured a glass of wine.


Chapter seventeen



Time was running out for the poly, there were only a few weeks left of the term and news was spreading like wildfire that people were putting in their resignations. So far the body count was three. However it was rumoured that more would send in their resignations after they had broken up from school. Thus avoiding the wrath of Jim, who was becoming more and more scathing of those teachers he considered not working for the team.

Mara received news that she had in fact passed her probationary year along with Gordon, who was still away on sick leave. Daniel on the other hand had not passed and was disciplined by the Teacher’s Council for his pornographic conduct and informed he would have to redo his probationary year again.

As expected, the end of the term brought pandemonium as both students and teachers could no longer be bothered. The upset to the school through being failed again and the high volume of supply teachers, only added to the anarchy.

Preparations were being made for the end of year function which was being organised by Steffi. Most staff grumbled about having to pay for an end of year leaving function. Steffi had informed everyone that she was making preparations for a ‘marvellous do’ and all would be revealed soon, once everyone had paid their twenty five pounds.

Mark had contacted Mara informing her that she would no longer need to wear a wire as the information that she had given them about Joyce siphoning off money was enough to investigate and arrest her. She had confessed to accidently killing her ex husband Frank because he was blackmailing her. Mara was free to tell all but Mark asked that she keep it quiet, as only the head teacher and board of trustees knew.

Despite her promise she did tell James the whole story. Yet again he was surprised with Mara’s world, asking her if her life was always this exciting. On reflection she agreed she probably had had the most interesting year of her life.

Mara crossed off another week on the diary.

‘Two more weeks,’ she smiled.

Another weekend passed. James was now spending more time staying at Mara’s place; Daniel had been living at James flat because he had been evicted from his own flat for aggravating his neighbours.


Chapter Eighteen



The alarm clock clicked.

‘Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?’ Pastor Cosmos sighed.

‘Mara I’m not sure about this radio station,’ groaned James, ‘it’s a bit depressing.’

‘I suppose. Tell you what at the end of the school year I’ll change it,’ she replied.

‘Nine days left,’ Mara said to James as she was changing; pulling clothes out the wardrobe, trying them on and putting them back in.

‘Having trouble finding something to wear?’James smirked.

‘Mara I’ll be late tonight, I promised to go for a drink after school with Daniel, and besides I’ve got to set up the art room for tomorrows year ten assessment but I can’t do it until the class for useless teachers has finished.

‘Is that still going?’ Mara asked self-righteously now that she didn’t have to attend.

That afternoon Mara left school early; she didn’t have a lesson last period now that the year elevens had finished. She decided to potter around the flat as she knew James would be late back. While tidying she found James’ key under one of the cushions.

The news had just started.

‘I can’t be bothered with the news, think I’ll have a bath.’

There was a knock at the door.

Typical just as I was about to get in the bath he decides he going to come back. Mara opened the door.

To her surprise it wasn’t James, it was Mat.

‘Uh Mat what are you doing here?’ Mara asked now starting to feel frightened.

‘I’ve come to see you’, he said, as he pushed his way in through the door.

‘I want you to leave,’ she said firmly.

‘No’ he replied. Then pushed the door shut.

Mara was now scared; James could be very late especially if he went out with Daniel.

The phone rang and Mat immediately lifted it slightly, put it back down and put it on the bench. She could hear the receiver beeping.

Mat had a glassy mad look in his eyes and she could smell alcohol.

He grabbed her without saying a word. Mara lashed out at him trying to get herself away but it was useless he had managed to twist her arm behind her back and push her on the sofa, he then reached into his pocket and pulled out some plastic cable ties; tying her arms at the wrists. She couldn’t free herself and was breathing furiously, exhausting all her energy trying to fight him, her face was pressed against the sofa and she gasped for air.

Mat grabbed her by the shoulders and lifted her onto the sofa.

She decided that she couldn’t talk or fight her way out of this, so should say nothing and wait for him to make the first move.

He sat silently for five minutes as if trying to compose himself.

‘Why?’ he said.

Mara didn’t reply. She didn’t know what to say.

‘Why didn’t you want to be with me,’ his tone suggesting that this wasn’t actually a question.

‘You led me on, yes you did and then you dumped me,’


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