English as she is spoke; or, a jest in sober earnest, Carolino and Fonseca [ebook reader screen .txt] 📗

- Author: Carolino and Fonseca
Book online «English as she is spoke; or, a jest in sober earnest, Carolino and Fonseca [ebook reader screen .txt] 📗». Author Carolino and Fonseca
Willingly; I have not a most pleasure in the world. There is some
game on they cantons?
We have done a great walk.
The weather.
We shall have a fine weather to day.
There is some foggy.
I fear of the thunderbolt.
The sun rise on.
The sun lie down.
It is light moon's.
For to write.
It is to day courier day's; I have a letter to write.
At which does you write?
Is not that? look one is that.
This letter is arrears.
It shall stay to the post. This pen are good for notting. During I
finish that letter, do me the goodness to seal this packet; it is
by my cousin.
How is the day of month?
The two, the three, the four, etc.
That is some letter to me.
Go to bear they letter to the post.
The gaming.
Do you like the gaming?
At what pack will you that we does play?
To the cards.
Waiter, give us a card's game.
What is the trump?
The club's king.
Play, if you please.
The heart's aces.
We do ought.
This time I have a great deal pack.
With the tailor.
Can you do me a coat?
What cloth will you do to?
From a stuff what be of season.
How much wants the ells for coat, waist coat, and breeches?
Six ells.
What will you to double the coat?
From some thing of duration. I believe to you that
When do you bring me my coat?
The rather that be possible.
Bring you my coat?
Yes, sir, there is it.
You have me done to expect too.
I did can't to come rather.
It don't are finished?
The lining war not sewd.
It is so that do one's now.
Button me.
It pinches me too much upon stomack.
The sleeves have not them great deal wideness?
No, sir, they are well.
With a hair dresser.
Your razors, are them well?
Yes, Sir.
Comb-me quickly; don't put me so much pomatum. What news tell me?
all hairs dresser are newsmonger.
Sir, I have no heared any thing.
For to breakfast.
John bring us some thing for to breakfast.
Yes, Sir; there is some sousages. Will you than I bring the ham?
Yes, bring-him, we will cup a steak put a nappe clothe upon
this table.
I you do not eat?
How you like the tea.
It is excellent.
Still a not her cup.
For to ask some news.
It is true what is told of master M***?
Then what is told of him?
I have heard that he is hurt mortally.
I shall be sowow of it, because he is a honestman.
Which have wounden him?
Do know it why?
The noise run that is by to have given a box on the ear
to a of them.
For to buy.
I won't have a good and fine cloth to make a coat.
How much do you sell it the ell?
We thout overcharge you from a halfpenny, it cost twenty franks.
Sir, I am not accustomed to cheapen: tell me the last price.
I have told you, sir, it is valuable in that.
It is too much dear, I give at it, eighteen franks.
You shall not have what you have wished.
You did beg me my last word, I told you them.
Well, well, cut them two ells.
Don't you will not more?
No, at present.
For to dine.
Go to dine, the dinner is ready.
Cut some bread; here is it, I don't know that boiled meat is good.
Gentilman, will you have some beans?
Peter, uncork a Porto wine bottle.
Sir, what will you to?
Some pears, and apples, what wilt you?
Taste us rather that liquor, it is good for the stomach.
I am too much obliged to you, is done.
For to speak french.
How is the french? Are you too learned now?
I could to tell some word's that I know by heart.
Not apprehend you, the french language is not difficult.
I know it, and she have great deal of agreeableness. Who I would
be. If I was know it! It must to study for to learn it. How long
there is it what you learn it? It is not yet a month. How is
called your master?
It is called N***
I know him it is long; he has teached a many of my friends. Don't
he tell you that it must to speak french?
For to see the town.
Anthony, go to accompany they gentilsmen, do they see the town.
We won't to see all that is it remarquable here.
Admire this master piece gothic architecture's.
The chasing of all they figures is astonishing indeed.
The streets are very layed out by line and too paved.
There is it also hospitals here?
It not fail them. What are then the edifices the worthest to
have seen?
It is the arsnehal, the spectacle's hall, the cusiom-house and
the Purse.
We are going too see the others monuments such that the public
pawnbroker's office, the plants garden's the money office's,
the library.
To inform oneself of a person.
How is that gentilman who you did speak by and by.
Is a German.
Tongh he is German, he speak so much well italyan, french, Spanish,
and english, that among the Italyans, they believe him Italyan,
he speak the frenche as the Frenches himselves. The Spanishesmen
belie ve him Spanishing, and the Englishes, Englisman.
It is difficult to enjoy well so much several langages.
For to ride a horse.
Here is a horse who have a bad looks. Give me another; I will
not that. He not sail know to march, he is pursy, he is foundered.
Don't you are ashamed to give me a jade as like? he is undshoed,
he is with nails up; it want to lead to the farrier.
Your pistols are its loads?
No; I forgot to buy gun-powder and balls. Let us prick. Go us more
fast never I was seen a so much bad beast; she will not nor to
bring forward neither put back.
Strek him the bridle, hold him the reins sharters. Pique
stron gly, make to marsh him.
I have pricked him enough. But I can't to make march him.
Go down, I shall make march.
Take care that he not give you a foot kick's.
Then he kicks for that I look? Sook here if I knew to tame hix.
With a watch maker.
I bring you a watch that want to be ordered.
I had the misfortune to leave fall down the instant where I did
mounted, it must to put again a glass.
I want not a pendulum? I have them here some very good.
Don't you live me her proof againts? I shall not accept that
this condition.
For to visit a sick.
How have you passed the night?
Very bad. I have not sleeped; I have had the fever during all
night. I fell some pain every where body.
Live me see your tongue. Have you pain to the heart?
Are you altered?
Yes, I have thursty often.
Your stat have nothing from lrouble some.
What I may to eat?
You can take a broth.
Can I to get up my self?
Yes, during a hour or two.
Let me have another thing to do?
Take care to hold you warme ly, and in two or three days you shall
be cured.
For to travel.
Where you go so?
I am going to Cadiz.
Have you already arrested a coach?
Yes, sir, and very cheap.
There is it some danger on the highway?
It is not spoken that.
They speak not that may have some robbers on the woods?
It have nothing to fear, or in day neither the night.
Don't we does pass for a***?
No, sir, they leave it to left.
Let us take patience, still some o'clock, and we shall be in the
end of our voyage.
With a inn keeper.
What you give us for to take supper.
Gentlemen, what you will have.
Give us a pigeon couple, a piece of ham and a salad.
What have us expended?
Theaccout mount in little the supper, the bed and the breakfast,
shall get up at thirty franks.
From the house-keeping.
I don't know more what I won't with they servants.
I tell the same, it is not more some good servants. Any one take
care to sweep neither to make fire at what I may be up.
How the times are changed! Anciently I had some servants who were
divine my thought. The duty was done at the instant, all things
were cleanly hold one may look on the furnitures now as you do
see. It is too different, whole is covered from dust; the
pierglasses side-boards, the pantries, the chests of drawers, the
walls selves, are changed of colours. I do like-it too much.
Believe me, send again whole the people; I take upon my self to
find you some good servants for to succeed them.
Ah! what I shall be oblige to you of it!
For the comedy.
Were you go to the theatre yesterday?
Yes, sir; I won't to see the new play in which did owed to play
and actress which has not appeared on any theatre.
How you think her?
She has very much grace in the deeds great deal of exactness on
the declamation, a constitution very agreable, and a delightful
What you say of the comedy? Have her succeded? It was a drama;
it was whistted to the third scene of the last act.
Because that?
It whant the vehicle, and the intrigue it was bad conducted.
So that they won't waited even the upshot?
No, it was divined.
In the mean time them did diliver justice to the players which
generaly have play very well.
At the exception by a one's self, who had land very much hir's
It want to have not any indulgence towards the bat buffoons.
Have you seen already the new tragedy? They
praise her very much.
It is multitude already.
Never I had seen the parlour so full.
This actor he make very well her part.
That piece is full of interest.
It have wondered the spectadors.
The curtains let down.
Go out us.
The hunting.
There is it some game in this wood?
Another time there was plenty some black beasts and thin game, but
the poachers have killed almost all.
Look a hare who run! let do him to pursue for the hounds! it go
one's self in the ploughed land.
Here that it rouse. Let aim it! let make fire him!
I have put down killed.
Me, I have failed it; my gun have miss fixe.
I see a hind.
Let leave to pass away, don't disturte it.
I have heard that it is plenty pardridges this year.
Have you killed also some thrushes.
Here certainly a very good hunting.
The fishing.
That pond it seems me many multiplied of fishes. Let us amuse
rather to the fishing.
Here, there is a wand and some hooks.
Silence! there is a superb perch! Give me quick the rod. Ah!
there is, it is a lamprey. You mistake you, it is a frog! dip
again it in the water.
With a furniture tradesman.
It seems no me new.
Pardon me, it comes workman's hands.
Which hightness want you its?
I want almost four feet six thumbs wide's, over seven of long.
For embarking one's self.
Don't you fear the privateers!
I jest of them; my vessel is armed in man of war, I have a
vigilant and courageous equipage, and the ammunitions don't want
me its.
Never have you not done wreck?
That it is arrived me twice.
With a gardener.
Shall I eat some plums soon?
It is not the season yet; but here is some peaches what does ripen
at the eye sight.
It delay me to eat some wal nuts-kernels; take care not leave to
pass the season.
Be tranquil, I shall throw you any nuts during the shell is green
The artichoks grow its?
I have a particular care of its, because I know you like the
It must to cup the trees.
It should pull the bad grasses up.
The books and of the reading.
Do you like the reading good deal too many which seem me?
That is to me a amusement.
The field.
All the fields that you see thither were been neglected; it must I
shall grub up and to plough its.
The ground seems me a little scour with sand and yet it may one
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