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Genre Humor. Page - 27

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An awful morning a disturbed morning with regular event.this is my starting write I wrote simply and not much serious subject.but later I will come with serious topic.

you may request anyone and i will make a fanfiction on them but it must be yaoi and you may be like mike x foxy or male chica x male reader or male chica x male toy chica it dosent have to be thease pairings they are just

“Do you know when the ruling party will collapse?”

Have you ever wondered what cats and dogs must be thinking? Just pretend for a moment that they are people too. What do you think they would say? About us, themselves, and the world around them if they could talk and we could understand. This book is fun for kids and adults too. To read and laugh. To kick back and just feel carefree. Be a kid again. So read, laugh, even cry if you must. It will be hard to put this book down of cute doggy and kitty sayings.

you may request anyone and i will make a fanfiction on them but it must be yaoi and you may be like mike x foxy or male chica x male reader or male chica x male toy chica it dosent have to be thease pairings they are just