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about a travel through a young boys nostrel.

A series about what I think the everyday life of Steve Alexander (also referred to as Leon) would be like. This second entry in the series is about Leon's stories he uses to fill the empty moments of his life.

I called my friend Bun and showed her, who is busy in counting her baggages and luggage in the airport.

So holidays are comming it's time to zip it up... to put some jokes in the pocket... to prepare the christmas tree.... the presents.... and to fix the weather... But it's kinda troubling.

"How can you love someone who doesn't have a heart?" Suzanne doesn't know what to expect when she meets a mysterious boy named Reggae at the local Rec. Center who claims he doesn't have a 'real' heart. From a garage band to a major vocal competition, Suzanne will have to chose between the life she wants and the love she will have to leave behind

Several hog calls and a yodel or two southeast of the Queen City of the Ozarks there's a semi-autonomous region known as 'The Hungry Hills'.

a story basically about a guy name jake that has a creepy next door neighbor . she harasses him everyday . she even apears at his room window every once in a while . so this story is basically being told by jake . hope you guys injoy . if you like comment or not txt me and i will figure out how to make it better

For the past 4 years I have suffered many nights with bouts of insomnia. When all is sleeping you would be amazed what you see, hear, and maybe even imagine from sleep depervation.