Genre Humor. Page - 42
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We've all had to learn various laws of nature, like the Law of Gravity, for instance. One of the biggest was Sir Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion. But are these so-called Laws really on the level? Is it possible Mr. Newton was full of it? That his Laws were simply a cover for something else? This, er, thesis of mine addresses that very issue, based on my observations about how things REALLY work.

Clearance was working in his garden when something suddenly came over him. He started running and screaming. His wife and children tried to catch him, wondering if Clearance had lost his mind. Can the good Doctor from Muddy Fork figure out what has come over Clearance, or is he what everyone fears: Crazy? A Muddy Fork Short Story

The neighborhood kids have inadvertently started a young girl's hair on fire at the local theater...and then fled the scene of the crime. Hiding behind the neighborhood library...having the "matchgun" technology explained to two of the boys by the oldest member of the "gang"...the little snot "Dennis" spots them and blackmail ensues. Dennis winds up with the matchgun...:) "Bordering the broad parkway, towering elms stood, perfectly aligned and spaced. They

Sometime around 1976, our Dad began to act in a most unusual manner. Dad was never one for conformity but even we, his family, were surprised by his actions. In short, Dad began to disappear for long periods of time and would re-appear hours later with a satisfied grin on his face and laughter playing around his lips. We knew where he was, of course, but figuring out what he was doing there was less easy. We had a few hints to help us with our puzzle. We knew Dad was in his bedroom, that no-one

Sometimes - unless you were one of those unique individuals born with extra digits - there's not enough fingers and toes on our hands or feet to keep track of number of times we witness stupidity-in-action during a 24-hour period. Sometimes 'sometimes' is ALWAYS! And when those 'sometimes' happen - one mint julep simply isn't enough for this Southern gal to deal with all the lunacy a person must deal with during a given day.