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Chaz is an ordinary teenage girl in 6th year and is battling her exames will she get the pass mark ?

All I ever wanted was to have a happy ever after. To have my knight and shining armour rescue me from the evil bad guys. To be swept off my feet by some hunk. To get that one kiss that will change my life forever. But instead I live the reality version of Twilight. With the exception of hot shirtless werewolves, but there are some really smoking hot vampire hunters. Oh, did I mention that I lived in a family of hunters? Yep, messed up isn't it? Well here's my story.

"Beyond Cow Burgers" is a short story from my first comedy book "How My Butt Cheeks Got Stuck In A Toaster". *******************************

Growing up in the South we have a 'thing' for food. Today I very rarely eat anything fried but Lord have Mercy...when I was a kid, I don't think a day went by where I didn't have at least ONE fried something at EVERY SINGLE MEAL! Quite frankly, I'm surprised if I cut my finger when I'm cooking today that my blood doesn't ooze out like Crisco! Yum, yum! Some of my best childhood memories come from those moments when we'd sit around our great big round kitchen table and eat our meals...and it

Stefano and his co-worker are in a pickle. Kayle says she didn't order the mustard! who did? was it you? read to find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The room erupted with laughter as Jackson had lipstick smothered on his face. this is a funny story in which one boy is lauged at and taken a picture when this happened.

This book is just about things i really dont like and things that make me mad hope u like it ENJOY!!!! :)

This is what everyone expected.Alexandra Beth died because of self harming.She was cutting and wearing black make up and clothes.So that wasn't really unexpected.But when Delia Ronny died too the whole school got confused.Delia was one of the popular girls at school.Now it all depends on Demi Lovato:The detective of the town.But her life isn't that easy at all...Will she manage to find out why this happened?