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a girl named shadow meets a guy named Justin, who is a vampire, and they fall in love

Opaline had run away with her dad from the Covenant's protection, just to wind back up there. In those 2 years away, she had fought demon's, but no one knows, except a few select people. She now has to train with 2 incredibly hot guys, and is forced to choose one of them. Along with that, she's one of the most powerful girls in the Covenant's history, which will help everyone, considering there's an unnatural power lurking behind every corner. Determined to right everything, Opaline has to do

A boy do everything that he can to keep his love with him, but due to some circumsatances girl leaves him alone when he needed her more.

Tex the dog finds his family. This is a 14-page book about how Tex finds his adopted family, and the characters he meets along the way. This book is set in Dallas Texas and is the first in our series Big Tex and Friends.

The Story of how an old blind man was robbed by two young boys and the aftermath of the deeds... The Beggar’s Money LONGTIME AGO, there was an old blind man living in the village few kilometers away from the city. According to report, the old man became blind as a result of terrible disease that he had when celebrating birthday at the age four years old. This blind man was highly gifted in the art of singing, drumming and dancing. He used to move round the city that is near the village where he

Tex the dog finds his family. This is a 14-page book about how Tex finds his adopted family, and the characters he meets along the way. This book is set in Dallas Texas and is the first in our series Big Tex and Friends.

The McAllister family decides to go camping and hiking in a Northern California animal reserve--despite the fact that Eve would rather be surfing in Hawaii. However, they chose one of the animal reserves belonging to Howard Richard Deacon II and his son--who are rumored on internet conspiracy sites to be werewolves.

The beginning of summer, the Bruchenhaus family has gathered together for their annual family campout, this time at Yellowstone National Park. Keeping their eyes out for bears, none of them would suspect a pair of werewolves hunting that full moon in the same park. Luckily for them, they are civilized werewolves—Howard Richard Deacon the Second and his son 'Rick' Deacon. It is even luckier, because Rick personally knows Audry Bruchenhaus and would do anything to keep her safe.

Tex the dog finds his family. This is a 14-page book about how Tex finds his adopted family, and the characters he meets along the way. This book is set in Dallas Texas and is the first in our series Big Tex and Friends.