» Juvenile Fiction » Blown Away, Faith Gunter [books to read to be successful .TXT] 📗

Book online «Blown Away, Faith Gunter [books to read to be successful .TXT] 📗». Author Faith Gunter

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We all walked out to the limo quickly piling in ready to get to the 'Big Baby'. The limo was sleek black on the outside. The interior of it was sooo raw. It lookes like a club in the limo. the seats were red. There was a flat screen T.V. in here, a minifridge. There was even a diso Ball. It was so sick. It only took us thirty minutes to get to the club. When we pulled up I saw an all to familiar sports car. To be precise it was Damien's car. He was climbing out and giving the valet the keys as we pulled up. As they started walking up the red carpet one of his friends saw our limo and alerted the whole entire group of boys. They were still on the carpet when our driver pulled up and opened the door. Beth was the first one out followed by Erica, Stacy, and Malinda whose face lit up when she saw Paul. As I was getting ready to get out I told the driver to stay close by, but go relax and we'll call later. Then last but not least I climbed out. Damien was the first one who I saw as I climbed out. Then I noticed that most of the guys were staring at me. Then Brad walked up to me and gave me a hug. "Hey what are you doing here?" Brad said. "I came to have some fun with my friends. Duh!" "Okay. But I want the first dance!" He said as his face lit up. Brad grabbed my hand and led me into the club with his friends the girls and Damien following behind us. The club let us all in staming our left hands as we passed. I walked over to the bar and ordered us all Virgin Bloody Mary's. They bar tender told me that our drinks would be sent over to the V.I.P. section in just a moment. Brad ushered me over to the V.I.P section having to go through the huge crowd of people. When we got there I sat down and Brad sat down next to me. He put his arm around my waist. So I stood up and sat down on his lap. Then I remembered that Damien was with us. I turned aroud for a quick second to see him staring back at me with the death glare. I brushed him off and started talking to Brad. We talked about prom. I told him all about my dress. He actually was excited to see it. Our drinks were there in record time. I chugged down my drink in a few minutes. Then Brad and I stood up and worked our way to the dance floor. We started dancing. Not the cleanest dancing. But still dancing all the same. I was really enjoying myself. I continued to get death glares from Damien but I could care less. He could be a sour puss all he wanted. He eventually gave up the staring contest and found a girl to dance with. Ironicly she had long hair linke me. And a purple dress like mine, and black heels on. Wow, he would pick a girl who looked similar to me. Talk about sad. I don't know whats up with him. Like why does he care all of a sudden about my love life. It's not like he loves me. Anyway eventually I got tired and had to sit down. I checked my phone which I hadn't really used all day. I had seventeen missed calls and twelve text. All of them were from Nick. Ugh, I really don't feel like talking to that douche bag of an ex boyfriend. Then the waiter who brought out our drinks thhe first time walked up to me. "Hi mam. Would you like another Bloody Marry?" He said trying to talk over the music. "Yeah, and more for my friend too please." I said equally loud. It took about ten minutes before our drinks go here.But when they did we chugged them down like it was nobody's buissness. Then after four drinks it dawned on me. We were all acting crazy drinking like it was nothing and Damien calmed down. The waiter gave us Bloody Marry's, not VIRGIN Bloody Marry's. Oh crap. It's a good thing that we girls didn't drive. After another loopy hour of dancing and laughing. We finally went home. The driver, who was still sober had to help us in and out of the car. Malinda and I laughed our way into our building and up to her floor. I yelled goodbye to her as the elevator doors closed on its way up to our floor. I wasn't that drunk so I wasn't like flopping all over the place. So I went into my room and laid all my stuff down on the floor next to my bed. Then I heard a loud slam of the front door. Then in walks a very drunk Damien stumbling into our room.The way he was walking made him look like a noodle. "We need to talk." He slurred. Chapter 23

Chapter 23

"Damien don't. Your drunk. Just go to bed." "No,shut up Allyssa! Now you listen up. I don't know why you hate me. I did nothing to you. No, I don't think that the world revolves around me. I'm a nice guy. I really want you to like me. I've never been not liked before. Everyone likes me. You might think that I don't like you but I do. I like you alot. That's why I don't want you to go to prom with Brad. He's a jerk and a player. He doesn't deserve you." He continued to slur. Then Damien ran into the bathroom to vomit. Eww. Then he came back in and laid down on his side of the bed still fully dressed. "Damien. Brad is sweet. You're not that nice of a guy. You're a player and a jerk too. And finally, you don't deserve me either." I said slowly and in one monotone. He turned over to stare at me red eyed. He was mad. This outta be interesting. "You don't get it do you! I don't want to go to prom with Jessica I want to go with you! Brad is more of a player and jerk than I'll ever be! You know, he's in a pool with the football team that says you guys are going to hook-up at prom?! Allyssa you don't get it! I LOVE YOU ALLYSSA BAY BLAIZE! WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME??!! WHY?" He broke down into tears. H rolled off the bed and fell to the floor while he was still sobbing. I felt a pain in my chest. He actually loves me. All this time I thought that he didn't love me and he did. Sadly that doesn't chamge anything. People say alot of things that they don't mean when they are drunk. I climbed down from the bed took a shower and put on my favorite sweat shirt and some short shorts. I climbed into bed. I looked over to where Damien fell off the bed. He was still lying on the floor. I turned over and fell asleep. Today was a long day. We went to the beach. Icried over nick. Damien kissed me. We went to the club. We argued. Damien confessed to liking me. Wow, very eventful day. The next morning I woke up well rested. Well, actually it was noon. Damien was still passed out on the floor. I got up and got dressed and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on a tank top that said ' I'm not paranoid. But stop staring at me.' I put on some jean shorts and some rainbow flip-flops. I pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail and walked into the kitchen grabbing my purse on the way out of the room. I grabbed a hemo shake out of the fridge and set it on the counter. My phone went off in a fit of vibrations. I looked at my phone to see that I got a text from Malinda. 'Pauls hammered and doesn't want to come to the bookstore with me and Stacy. Wanna come? :-P.' I text back after reading the message. ' Suree I'll come. Meet you in the parking lot in a few. :-)' I shake and wrote a note for Damien telling him to take a Tylenol when he wakes up. I also told him where I was going and what he told me last night. He better read this before I get home. He's gonna wanna talk his way out of this one. I grabbed my keys and headed for the door when I heard a little moan. "Allyssa. I that you?" Damien grunted from the bed room floor. I just slipped out the room before having to talk to him. Just to have a little fun I slammmed the door. I heard a loud groan before walking down the hall to the elevator. I walked out of the building of my dorm to feel a little nip in the air. It was still a little early so that's probaly why it was so cold. I saw Malinda and Stacey waiting for me over in Stacy's Ford Impala. It was the newer version. The 2011 one I think. I climbed into the back seat as Stacy pulled out of the parking lot. We sung along to the radio and talked about junior Prom. "So Stacy what color is your prom dress?" sked Malinda. "My dress is like a tealish blue color. It stops at my knee's and is strapless. It has a white ribbon going round the waist with pretty jewels in the front. I love it!" She squealed. "OOlala! Who's taking you to Prom?" I asked Stacy. "Josh from the football team. He's so Dreamy." We all giggled at that last comment. Only Stacey would say something like that. I had fun hanging out with them at the bookstore. Malinda bought three mystery books and one romance novel. Stacy bought the whole entire hard-backed Twilight Saga and a cook book. Ugh the Twilight Saga is a terrible portray of us vamps. I don't know what possesed her to buy it. I bought a fashion book, two romance novels and a book about the art of male torture. Literaly the cover said 'How to torture the Male Species'. I think Damien will....hate this book. Good then I'll get my money's worth. We stopped at a local diner for something to eat. We all ended up geting pancakes and sausage. It was really good. The pancakes were so soft and fluffy. They were to die for. Stacy still had to write her civil rights paper so we ended up going home earlier than planned. Which was fine with me. The laundry service already came yesturday and did my laundry. so that should be waiting for me in my hallway when I get home. We pulled up into our parking lot said our good bye's and went our seperate ways. I rode up the elevator to my floor only stopping to drop Malinda off on

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