» Juvenile Fiction » Calling All Assassins, Artemis Nightshade [sight word readers .txt] 📗

Book online «Calling All Assassins, Artemis Nightshade [sight word readers .txt] 📗». Author Artemis Nightshade

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didn’t like him at all.

“Who are you?” Kaito asks back crossing his arms against his chest. “You didn’t answer my question. Now who is he?!” Demetrius asks the same question nearly shouting this time.

That’s Thatcher, one of our boss’s henchmen. We only know a little about him.” Uruvion explains as Demetrius shakes his head in disapproval as he went to get himself a cup of coffee. ‘This is going to be a long day.’ Demetrius thought watching everyone like a hawk and drinking at the same time.


Not looking behind him, Xander knew who was going to enter his room. “Are the others coming?” Xander asks as Harailt closes the door behind him without saying a word while he did.

“Well sir from what I heard, another is on his way.” Harailt explains placing his hands behind his back and waited to see if Xander would reply. Almost everyone who really knew Xander knows that he doesn’t always reply to everything. Once in a while he did.

"Another? Who?" He asks as Xander shook his head for he did not know.

“I’ll be waiting anxiously for his arrival. Now, I wish to be alone now, I have business to take care of.” Xander explains as Harailt excuses himself out of his boss’s office without a word.


Everyone thought Demetrius was cocky, and he had shown that he doesn’t like working with other people every well at all. For when the other assassins arrive, their boss told them they must work as a team. Are there any others who are like Demetrius? “A Lone Wolf” and ‘Cocky’?

After finishing his coffee, Demetrius started looking to where he could place it and Hall pointed to where he could set it. Growling, he placed the cup down, Demetrius then looks up to see Leighton getting up and taking out two knives. ‘What the heck is she doing?’ He thought as he sees Kaito walk with her, Braze Knuckles at the ready.

That’s when he knew, they are going to fight, train, without their guns. ‘This should be interesting.’ Demetrius thought crossing his arms, waiting to see the show.

As the two started fighting, Demetrius realizes that they take their fighting seriously, like him. He also noticed that Kaito used martial arts movement. ‘Hm must be a ninja assassin… lame.’ Demetrius thought secretly glaring as the two stop for a break.

“Hey where are you going?” Uruvion asks after Leighton places her knives back and walks towards Xander’s office. “We’re not allowed to go in there.” Hall explains but Leighton paid no attention to them.

“What the heck is she doing?” Demetrius asks not moving form his spot and not relaxing his glare. Hall shook his head not knowing as Hall glances at Demetrius before he could catch him watching.


“Leighton, what are you doing here?” Xander asks as he watches Leighton close the door behind her. Not saying a word she went to embrace him and he embraced back. Xander asked again what she was doing in her so she told him.

Smiling, Leighton excuses herself back to her fellow assassins. When she came back, they said nothing to each other but continued on to whatever it is they’re doing.
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Hardly anyone slept that night, in fact they were all busy, busy working, training, and thinking why the hell they were all summoned here.

‘This is bull!’ Demetrius thought but unfortunately, he said it out loud.

All eyes turned to Demetrius who gave them a cold glare.

“When are the others coming? “ Uruvion asked.

“Who bloody hell knows when they’re coming.” Leighton snapped, sipping some coffee and ignoring Uruvion’s irritated huff.

No one spoke to each other afterwards; the only sounds were the firing of guns, the clicking of blades, the “thwump” of an arrow, and the occasional grunt of an assassin.

“Well I’m going. I’m bored waiting for them, I want to find something to do!” Demetrius muttered as he headed for the door, only to be stopped by Kaito.

“Your not going anywhere, let alone any of us.”

Demetrius growled at him “I said I’m leaving.”

“Over my dead body.” Kaito growled back, not moving a muscle.

Smiling, Demetrius punched Kaito in the stomach, causing spit to come out of Kaito’s mouth. Kaito quickly regained himself and punched Demetrius in the mouth, blood dripped down from Demetrius’ nose.

Now seething with rage, both Demetrius and Kaito started tussling with one another. No one stopped them at first; they didn’t care actually.

“You two are acting like children.” Harailt said in a bore-some tone.

The others nodded their heads in agreement but didn’t stop the two from fighting.

Oh for the love of...hell’s bells, Hall thought as he tried to break up the two, preventing them from “killing” each other.

Hall tried to put himself between the two, only to be hit in the jaw by Demetrius and in the throat by Kaito.

“That’s it, I don't give a stinking crap, it’s war!” Hall shouted but before he could land one on Demetrius, they were all grazed by a bullet on each of their shoulders by Leighton.

“Stop this now or I WILL kill you all with no mercy whatsoever.” Leighton yelled, glaring at them, gun still in her hand as Hall, Demetrius, and Kaito covered their wounded arms

“Trick!! Are you crazy?!” Demetrius screamed as he held his grazed shoulder.

Leighton’s eyes widened for a brief moment, before she could say another word the door opened..

“What the blazes is going on?” Xander demanded, looking around as everyone froze.

“Sorry sir, it was all my fault. Demetrius wanted to leave but I wouldn’t let him.” Kaito explained, raising his hands up in a surrender position. .

Demetrius continued to glare at Leighton.

“Is that true?” Xander asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, I wanted to leave .” Demetrius admitted but didn’t turn around to face Xander, who gazed at him thoughtfully; like a father does to a son caught red-handed.

“Alright, then what happened?” Xander asked.

“You can pretty much guess,” Iain said and Xander nodded his head in agreement.


“You’re going to Earth,” he said, his back to the assassin.

“Why, in the name of Sayon, am I going?”

“Business, Cassian. Strictly business, understood.” it seemed more like a statement then a question.

The assassin sighed and leaned back in his leather chair, slipping his gun out of the leather holster.

“Who’s it this time?” his voice was cold and calm, yet had a dangerous edge to it.

“Zane a criminal mastermind, internationally wanted throughout Earth. A high price has been put on his head by the American government. But you’ll need to be careful. He’s as ruthless as they come.”

“Of course,” the cold voice responded. The man stood up, his fair hair catching the light, causing a halo appear for a moment. “Shouldn’t be a sweat.”

He paused, the light gleaming in his icy blue eyes.

“So when am I leaving?”



“Who or what do we have to wait for?! Let’s go already!” Uruvion growled, slamming his hands in frustration.

“We can’t and I don’t know who or...what’s coming. Just sit back on your ass or I’ll kill you.” Hall ordered as Uruvion exhaled irritatedly and went back to ‘sleep’.

“Oh for the love of,” Hall mumbled to himself as he followed Uruvion to make sure that he wouldn’t go into trouble; not like as if he goes looking for trouble, trouble seems to follow him.

“I’ll be on my way then Harailt. Iain, Thatcher, come.” Xander commanded as the four move from their spots and follow him to his office.

“Do you think they’ll show up Leighton?” Kaito asked as Leighton stood up and glanced at him, her face cold as stone.

“I’m sure they’ll come. Even if they didn’t want to, what choice do they have?” Leighton asked, shrugging her shoulders as she headed towards a different room.

Where does she go? Kaito wondered as he started his martial arts. He swung around on the ball of his foot, snapping the board of wood in half with a satisfying crunch.


“But they...” Iain started but was stopped by his father, who placed a hand on his shoulder.

Before Xander could go on, the phone rang. Their leader leaned forward and pressed the speaker button.

“Yes?” he asked, leaning back into his chair.

“What’s taking you so long? I’m getting impatient.” a male said, his voice sounding frustrated.

“We’re waiting for more if they show up.” Thatcher replied, not moving from his spot.

The man paused, the sudden tension beginning to escalate. Finally, after what it seemed like forever, the man finally spoke.

“Alright but remember, if this doesn’t work out as planned, you’re all dead,” the man hissed, his voice cold and stinging like a biting blizzard wind.

Before anyone could say anything further, he hung up.

Everyone looked at each other in silence but then nodded their heads, understanding.

Getting out from her seat, Leighton turned toward the window; it was still raining outside but the rain had lightened into a soft pit pat, the rain drumming gently against the glass .

Sighing, Leighton took one more look of the city outside before turning around to leave.

She walked into the well lit room, half-smiling at her comrades.

Just as she sat down, Xander strode into the room, the atmosphere of the room suddenly taking a turn for the worst.


He eyed Leighton before proceeding. “I’ve received a call from an old friend of mine. He wants us to assassinate a local drug dealer who goes by the name, Thane. Unfortunately, this Thane has given information to the CIA and now they’re hunting for my friend.”

“So....” Demetrius interrupted, his eyes on the gun he was cleaning.

Xander’s face twitched slightly, his lips almost seeming to curve into a snarl. But just as quickly as it came, it was gone, leaving behind the usual calm demeanor of their leader.

“Demetrius, just shut up!” Kaito snapped, his eyes flashing.

Xander raised his hand, the calm once again settling into the room.

“Make me.” Demetrius growled and started to stand up.

“You’re part of the assassination, Demetrius,” Xander said sharply, stopping the man in his tracks.

Demetrius looked at him slowly, his eyes meeting with Xander’s grey eyes, who was

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