» Juvenile Fiction » The Butterfly Effect, Gabby Scranton [mystery books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Butterfly Effect, Gabby Scranton [mystery books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Gabby Scranton

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sort of feel bad for Kara, I mean she did just witness her boyfriend kissing me.


"Hi, Kara." I smile. "I think we got off on the wrong foot before. But in case you don't know, I'm Jamie."


"Yeah, I know who you are." She gives me a once over.


I know she thinks I'm intimidated by her but, news flash, I'm not. Yeah so she has the perfect golden hair with a waterfall of curls down her back, her makeup is down flawlessly, and has on the latest name brand pair of white cutoff short shorts and pink tanktop. Sure, she looks good, but she doesn't have the attitude to match it. At least I'm comfy while I wear my hair in a messy bun, my ex boyfriends sweatpants, and a t-shirt.


I fan myself up and down. I might need to change its hot here!


"Well, are you excited?" I ask trying to lighten the mood.


"Ok, JANICE," she my name really slowly as if she thinks I am a toddler who can't comprehend anything unless each syllable is spoken out clearly, not to mention she can't even get my name right, " Now I know that you kissed my boyfriend so on no means are we friends. Lets lay out some rules here. First, do not speak to me. Second, do not ever talk to Todd again, comprendo? Third,...


I cut her off "Actually KRISTIN," I mock her, "You see, I don't understand how you would think that I would ever kiss your walking STD of a boyfriend. Is your head that thick? Anyways let's do a little review, just incase you forgot momentarily who I am. I am a human being and human beings have feelings. I'm not one of your stupid minions at school, you don't own me, you don't scare me and I certainly don't think highly of you; I actually pity you. So, why don’t we try this whole rule thing over again, shall we?"


She flares her nostrils before speaking to me. Right, because that's really attractive.


"Listen you little bitch..." She starts to say before I cut her off again.


"Moi? A bitch? I think you got your people confused here." I chuckled, amusement filling through me. Gosh, was this girl dense. Surprising, I mean, she is in Honors everything, right?


She glares at me before continuing, "You will follow my rules or else I'll make sure my Daddy will ruin your father's career."


 What a lowlife...using blackmail to get what she wants. I quickly came up with a smart comeback.


"Wow, do you use common sense at all?" I sigh, "Who do you think he invited me to go with you this summer? It was your "Daddy's” idea. And my very dumb father agreed. So, lets follow my terms here, got it? A- I will talk to Todd where I please when ever I please, not that I would ever really want to anyways. And B- You will treat me with some respect.I think that's pretty fair. You shouldn't have any problems abiding by my rules.


"And if I dont?"


"Then I'll tell your father how mean your being to me and maybe throw in the idea to cancel all of your credit cards." I say with a smirk.


"Jamie, you think your so cool don't you? Well, news flash, your not."


"Kara, when did the words 'I think I'm so cool' come from my mouth? Oh right, never! You're the only person in the world who can't seem to get it through their thick pretty little head that other people aren't always going to be your servants. That theyre not going to cherish you, or look up at you and say 'I want to be just like Kara when I grow up.' Because personally if I was a little girl and saw you I dont even know what I would say.


'Fuck you!"


"No thanks, but you can kiss my.." And I slap my ass as I turn and walk away towards the bus.


Just as I was walking away, I turned and noticed Todd and Kara in a deep argument. Hehe, paybacks a bitch and Karma's its sister.


Woah, I don't know what happend back there but I think I just scored.


Jamie: 1


Kara: 0

Chapter 4- Cabin #34

Ha Kara is such a numb nut. I mean for a supposedly smart girl she's not all that smart. “I've been sitting on the bus for a good hour and it is so hot. You wouldnt even believe it. But the beatiful, breathtaking veiw makes up for it. It's absolutley gorgeous.


Finally we arrive. As I step off of the bus, I realize that the view isnt the only gorgeous thing. All around me are the most attractve looking guys I have ever seen! I felt my mouth open in shock and out of nowhere Kara popped up.



"Close you mouth, your drooling." I roll my eyes and wait till she's gone intil i reach up and check my mouth. Liar.


I walk towards the regestration desk with all my luggage to go get my information. They gave me my cabin number, key, and some other pieces of paper. As I trail off towards #34, my cabin, I notice under my name it says James instead of Jamie, but it must be a typo.


Ugh, I feel so disgusting. As soon I get to the cabin I look around. There's quite a few beds, some dressers, a small TV, and a bathroom in the right hand corner. Exausted, I throw my stuff onto the nearest bed and lay down for a second. I close my eyes and close my eyes. I try to take a nap before giving up and realizing that I'll probably have to change before I die of heat stroke.


I open and rumage tthrough my bags. I grap a tanktop and a pair of shorts and take off the unbearabley hot sweat pants and sweaty T-shirt. I have the shorts in my hand when the door flies open.


"Woah, dude, why is there a naked girl in our cabin?" a cute boy asks, frozen with his mouth open.


My hands instinctivley hide my body while my face turned the color of a fire truck.

“Umm... errr...” I stutter.


"'Why are you in our cabin!?" One of them screams at me.


"Why am I in your cabin? Why are you in MY cabin??"


“Why are you here?!” Another one asks.


"Why am I here? Why are you here?!" This was just going to go in circles.


"We're here because this our cabin."


"No, this is my cabin... " I realize I never put on a shirt and turn around and do that quickly. My face is flamming hot. When i'm done I reach into my bag and show them paper with the information on it.


"Well, obviously there has been a mistake."


"No shit, really?"


"Anyways, hi I'm Matt."


"Nice to meet you, I'm Jamie Dutton. Now if you don't mind I'm going to straighten this out.”


As I walked through the camp I noticed Kara and she gave me an evil smirk. WTF? That's weird. As I finally reach the regestration desk i go up to an older woman. "Excuse me, I have a little problem, could you please help me?"


She finished typing something before looking up and smiling. "Sure, what seems to be the problem?” I tell her what happened.



"Oh dear. I would change your cabin in a heartbeat but everything is packed solid. We don't have any empty cabins, I'm sorry."


Grrrr. "Do you have any idea how they messed up my name."


"Well, we did recieve a call earlier, something about messing up the name of a Mrs. Dutton. Is that you."

"Yeah, do you have any idea who called."


"Yes, I believe she said her last name was Reyes."


That little bitch! No wonder she was smirking at me! She did this on purpose. Oh, she will pay!



"Oh thank you." I smile sweetly before turning around and walking back to the cabin.




Kara: 1


When I reach the cabin i go inside, and plop on my bed.


Another guy steps forward. "What are you still doing here."


"Well, there's no more room so I guess I'm stuck with you guys. OK, now that we're past this can you please all introduce yourselves?"


Matt steps forward and brushes the blonde hair out of his light brown eyes. "Well, you already know me, I'm Matt."


Another boy with brown hair steps forward. "Hey, I'm Spencer."


Two more people step forward, "Hi I'm Chris and this is my twin Kirk." Chris tells me with a wide smile but Kirk just nods at me.


Then Todd step forward, "Hey sweet thang, didn't know you had such a cute little body."


"Leave me alone Todd," I snarled at him.


"You know this guy?" Matt questioned


"No!" Toss said a little to quickly.


"YES, sadly! Todd over here harrassed me on the plane."


"Dude, not cool..." Matt said shaking his head. I coud tell Matt and I were going to be good friends.


"Did I mention in front of his girlfriend?" I gave Todd the dirtiest look I could muster.


"You know what that means don't you," Chris said with a sly grin on his mouth. "Someones sleeping outside!" he sang.


All the boys burst into laughter.


His face was priceless. "WHAT?!"


"Outside dude, it's the rule once you mess with your cabin family." Chris said happily.


Todd just hung his head before heading outside. "Whatever! It's not like I care."




Todd: 0


Is it just me or am I getting seriously good at this game?


Matt starts talking again, "There's another guy but I don't know where he went, his name is Landon."


"Where did he go?"


"I don't know sorry, but don't worry about him, he usually has a stick up his ass anyways, and not to mention a total player."


"Oh niicee, can't wait to meet him!" I said sarcastically


That earned me another round of laughter from the guys. I have a feeling I'm going to get along with them.


But I just can't get my mind off of this mysterious Landon guy. Where did he go?

Chapter 5- Landon's Story

Landon’s ~ POV


Today was just like any other camp day I’ve experienced over the past few years at camp; I woke up and played football with my best buds. But everything changed when we went into our cabin that hot summer day. There was this girl that I couldn’t quite place, she had something different to her and I just had to find out more about her, I just couldn't get myself to look away.


Matt opened the door and just froze.


What the hell, I said to myself snapping back out of my bubble. I look back at the girl and realize she’s half naked, how could I not notice, a beautiful

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