» Juvenile Fiction » Deadly Afterlife, Artemis Nightshade [10 ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Deadly Afterlife, Artemis Nightshade [10 ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Artemis Nightshade

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soon loose sidetrack and stuff. ‘How long?’ I wondered as Evin caresses his hand up and down my chest making me “breath” harder than ever.

After what seems like an hour or so, we heard a loud knock, a frantic knock. “Who the cruddy heck disturbs someone’s fantasy coming true?

Even if it was a dare? Seriously?! Who does that?!’ I wondered as Evin breaks away and goes to unlock the door.

Running inside, Lexi and Amy went to hide behind us. Walking out slowly, we notice that Don and his friends are coming, raging mad.

“Stay here girls.” Evin says eyes on me. We walk out of the room closing the door, Antonio was ready to fight if necessary.

“Open the darn door you wimps!” I hear Don shout out as he and his “posse” pounding at the door with full force.

“They’re gonna have to pay for that plus more.” Evin whispers to me apparently angrier than when he heard of the news that Don was coming.

Finally, the door opened and slammed against the wall making a mark. Now Evin is getting really fed-up by the fact the “Don” has literally ruined his wall. It’s a wall! Not something to be all worked up on I think.

Smiling, Don steps in first then his friends. “Aw, I think we ruined their fun boys.” Don says as the boys snicker, making all of us fed-up.

Still, we did nothing, as we wait to see who will charge first. Tony, Don’s right-hand man came first, charging at Antonio who flipped him hard. Apparently they have forgotten that he’s a third degree black belt.

The next one, Jake, charges at me knowing that I am hardly a fighter. Closing my eyes, not wanting the witness the pain I heard a slap and open my eyes slowly.

Evin backfired the punch and Jake is struggling to be free so he can finish what he was about to.

“Try and hit Josh, you will have hell to pay.” Evin threatened as he shoves him hard against the wall but he wasn’t finished with him yet.

I was wondering why Don came here then it struck me, Lexi. And you know why? Because I heard him say her name duh.

“Lexi Sheffield Baxter!” Don shouts out. ‘Wait, Lexi’s middle name is Sheffield?’ I wonder as Don enters Evin’s room and drags his sister out of the room his hand tightly around her upper arm.

“Don!” Lexi shouted as she tries her hardest to resist but it didn’t work.

“SHUT THE HECK UP BRAT! SHUT UP!” Don shouts out, gripping her arm harder making Lexi whimper and yelp like a dog after being kicked in the gut.

Everyone was busy and I am not much of a fighter, I said it before but then something happened and I began whispering rapidly. All of a sudden, everyone stopped and looked at me.

“Poltergeist, we weren’t supposed to do that until the third month.” Jake whispers but loud enough for Don and Lexi to hear.

Smirking, Evin explains that this is something none of them were good at but Josh was an expert at.

“He’s very smart, and a quick learner but sometimes things happen and he, himself, doesn’t even know.” Evin explains now fully smiling, showing his teeth.

Everything in this room is flying everywhere. Everybody but me had to duck or get out of the way.

“This is impossible.” Don says letting go of his sister and she ran towards Antonio to hide behind him for protect and hopefully a little comfort.

After what it seems like more than an hour, I finally stop, dropped to my knees and start breathing rapidly and heavily. Never in my life have I breathed this hard.

“You okay?” Evin asks helping me up. I wanted to say no and see if he’ll take care of me but I nod my head instead. Looking up slightly at the scene, I notice that his house is even messier than it was when we got here.

“Don’t worry about it.” He says smiling a bit as he helps me to a safer spot so I won’t be a victim of when or if Don and his friends strike.

“Now, shall we finish this?” Evin asks raising his right hand, to summon ghost dogs and wait until they come.

“Why don’t we wait until some other time?” Don replies stepping back, not grabbing his sister this time. He and his friends ran out of the house before the dogs came so Evin had to make them return.

“I swear if he does that again. I’m gonna kill him again!” Lexi explains hugging Amy tightly who looked like she was about to cry or something.

Why can’t Don just leave us alone for one day? But forever would be nice. This is like living all over again, being alive! Or maybe it’s bad, very bad… yep. But, what could be worse than this?

Meanwhile at Don’s so called “lair”------

“Well that was a total failure.” Don says to himself pacing around his large room.

His friends were pacing as well, it was necessary for them to do what Don was doing except they made sure he was doing it better.

“Can ghosts even die?” Jake asks stopping his pace. Stopping his pace as well, Don looks at him and says, “Yes, ghosts can die. But how is the question and is it possible or impossible?”

“Well thanks for inviting us.” Lexi says hugging us a good-bye as Antonio left without saying good-bye. We are used to it so it didn’t matter, he can say “hello” or “good-bye” whenever he feels like it.

“Wait, didn’t you invite yourselves?” I ask smirking as the two girls’ faces turn red with embarrassment and without saying another word, they waved good-bye and departed.

I was about to too until Evin grabs my shoulder lightly but firm. I turn my head around to look at him in the eyes. They look like as if he was saying “stay here” or something of the sort.

I was hoping he will drag me in with him but unfortunately he didn’t. He let me go and we said good-bye before departing.

‘Why did I let him go?! I am so stupid!’ Evin thought to himself as he plops himself on the bed before taking a nap.
Chapter 3: Wraith PT 1

Still night, I was in real pain, like I never had been before. Well… I shouldn’t say “never” I have been in pain but man, this hurts. Poltergeist before we learn it? Oh man.

Gathering the rest of my strength to finally get on my bed, it didn’t take long for my eyes to drop and for my whole body well “soul” to fall asleep. R.I.P: Rest in Peace me.

“Josh, you coming or what?” Lexi asks motioning me to come along with them. The wind was blowing pretty hard and the smell of the salty ocean was coming up my nose.

As I start running towards them, I stopped myself, ‘Wait, I know this place. This is… oh man, this is California! What are we doing here?’ I thought looking around.

I notice that Lexi, Evin, and Antonio were leaning over the Golden Gate Bridge and out into the view which will be getting foggy anytime soon.

Then, I see Don! I want to shout out to them but no words came out, I try to move, run to them to save them, but my feet were firmly on the ground.

With no way to help them the only thing I can do, was watch in horror. As I watch Don go behind Lexi, my eyes widen as he pushes her into the water, then Antonio, then lastly Evin.

My heart immediately stopped when I saw Evin fall. I thought maybe I was next so I close my eyes not wanting to witness.

When I open my eyes, Don was gone. Where was he? Then, I saw another person, a seventeen looking year old guy on top of the rail looking down then up then straight away. I hear people running after him and shouting, “Get off of there!”

When the guy turned his head around I’d realize that the guy on top of the rail was me. Before I decided to ignore the people and jump to my death.

“Get away! You don’t matter to me anymore! You all abused me, taunt me, and other things! Well I’ll show you!” the “old” me shouts out before I or we or ugh! Jumped into the cold water.

‘What!? I said that?!’ I thought looking out in horror. I remember jumping but I don’t remember saying that before. What’s happening!?

The world started spinning then all of a sudden I was in a graveyard, my funeral I’m guessing. My family was crying, the priest was saying vows and stuff, and Don was there, no tears, just pure happiness. He’s happy that I’m dead.

Again, the world start spinning and I’m… in a street?! Cars moving at a pretty fast speed it seems like they want to get out before traffic starts. I notice Don in his “babe” (car) and has the music on WAY too loud my ears almost went deaf, I cover my ears but kept my eyes firmly on Don’s car.

With the music on pretty loud, Don decided to turn it up higher. With his eyes closed and one hand on the steering wheel, he didn’t pay attention and one car made a turn.

It was a red light where Don was but he went on right trough it and they both crashed. The man in the other car survived but Don went spinning out of control and finally his car went upside down.

We all went to see if Don was alive but I knew that he was dead. No one could have survived a crash like that one.

Once more the world spun. Seriously! If this happens again, I’m gonna throw up!

Waking up, but not getting up yet. I start panting and thinking was that a dream or a nightmare? Going back to sleep, all I dreamt was that dream/nightmare I had earlier. I just wish that doesn’t happen again.

Waking up slightly in the morning, I didn’t really want to get up but hey, what the heck? As I start getting up, I hear the bell rang, that, made my run after it.

It must be a curse for me to answer every single bell ring.

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