» Juvenile Fiction » Take it to the Grave, Katherine Pentecost [e book reader pc TXT] 📗

Book online «Take it to the Grave, Katherine Pentecost [e book reader pc TXT] 📗». Author Katherine Pentecost

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in front of the two french doors. Opening the doors I stepped out onto my balcony. It was my own personal balcony, and since I was on the second floor I'm able to get a nice view of everything. However, the first thing that I have always seen every time I've ever walked out onto this balcony is the lake. Ah, the view of the lake itself was enough to take your breath away. "Just think this is all yours now." I tell myself. Beyond the lake is the Elkin Woods. You couldn't ask me how far back those woods go because I couldn't tell you. However, I could tell you that if anybody were to wonder off the trails in those woods then they would most definitely be lost. If anyone was to get lost then who knows if they would be out there for or if they would ever even be found.

After the long hot shower I had just taken, I grabbed a pair of black sleep shorts and a plain white tank top. I get dressed and flop down across my bed. Stretching my arms and legs out as far as possible. Only now did I realize just how tired I actually was. The breeze started blowing through the balcony doors, that I had decided to leave open so I would see the lake.

Tomorrow, Abby was coming over to see me. Apparently, she had a full day planned for us, so that we could catch up. I know all this because she decided to leave me a fifteen minute long voicemail explaining it all to me. Unfortunately I had missed her call because I had been in the shower, and as much as I really wanted to talked to her I was just way to tired to call her back tonight.

"Sorry Abby, I'll give you a call as soon as I get up in the morning." I say out loud. Pretty sure that right after I said that I fell asleep because I most certainly don't remember doing anything else.


A strange noise from across the room woke me, a little earlier than when I actually wanted to get up. At first I tried to ignore it but then I quickly realized that it wasn't going to stop anytime soon. I sighed as I through the covers off of me and stepped onto the floor. So glad that I have thick carpet in my room. Otherwise, I'm almost a hundred percent positive that my feet would be beyond freezing right now since I decided to leave the doors open last night. But that's when I noticed where the strange noise was coming from. It was coming from the two french doors that were now closed. Guess dad must have came in sometime while I was asleep and closed them for me because he didn't want me to get cool.

Slowly I walk up to the two doors, and I tried to peek around the curtain to see if I see anything. In Elkin, it wasn't very uncommon for people to walk outside, and see a bear or some other kind of wild animal in a tree in their front yard. So you can obviously see as to why I'm basically sneaking up on my doors. I don't see anything, but the noise still hasn't stopped so I decide to go ahead and open the door. Plus it was a small noise, so surely nothing too big is going to try and eat me. Opening one of the doors carefully, I creep out onto the balcony. Next thing I know I'm getting pegged in the forehead with a pebble. And let's just say it wasn't exactly a small pebble either.


Below the balcony I hear a muffled sound. Obviously they were laughing at me and trying to cover it up. Whoever it was, they were doing a terrible job at it. "Sorry!" They call back at me, but they were still laughing. As soon as I heard the voice I knew who it was.


"The one and only."

"Oh my gosh, what are you doing here?"

"Can't you tell? I'm here to be your wake up call, duh. Did it work?"

"Yeah, I think so." I reply back while rubbing my head from where the rock hit me. "Hey, wait how come you didn't just use the front door?"

"I figured we could sneak you out the way we use too." Grinning from ear to ear I remembered all the many times we use to climb down the fencing that went up the side of the house. My mom had put it there back when we first bought the place. Over the years, she had added flowers to it, which have grown every year since. Abby and I had always used that fence to get past my parents whenever we wanted to go to a party.

I couldn't help but laugh at this. "Okay, just give me a minute."

I raced back inside and put on some jeans and a light pink short sleeved shirt, along with my pink converse. Looking in the body mirror that was hanging on my closet door, I figured that it was good enough. Now all I needed was a bit of make up. So I added a tad of foundation with powder, and then my eyeliner. Eyeliner, I never go anywhere without it. Making sure I put the perfect amount on. I liked it thick, but not to thick that it seemed as though I had just stepped out of some horror movie.

Okay, so climbing down the fence wasn't quite as easy as I remember it being. Although, after checking to make sure that every place I put my foot down wasn't going to end me with a trip to the hospital, I finally arrived at the bottom. Where Abby had been waiting on me patiently.

Trying to forget all the laughs and snorts from her on my way down, I give Abby a tight squeeze. Both of us trying to keep our voices down so that we don't wake my dad up. He always was a late sleeper.

"Come on. We'll talk once we get out of your dad's hearing range." She says to me. All I do is nod my head at her as we take off towards the other side of the lake.

Once we get there she begins bouncing while she has tiny little screams come from her lips. Her curly brown hair kept falling in her perfectly round face as it whipped off her shoulders from all her bouncing she was doing. Yeah, she's excited. "I can't believe you're actually here, and for good this time too!" She said to me followed by one of those little screams again. "I know I can't believe it either." I say as I join her in her awkward bouncing pattern.

"So have you registered for school yet?" She asks me as our bouncing finally comes to an end. "Yep, sure have."

"And?" When she looked at me I could practically see the question marks in her big brown eyes as she waited for me to answer. Which I didn't do right away because I knew it would annoy her waiting on the suspense of it all. Naturally I was right. I know Abby like the back of my hand.

"Hello?" She said with a very impatient tone.


"Are you going to answer my question?"

"I don't know. Could you repeat it please?"

"Natalie!" Even though she just yelled my name at me, she couldn't hind the smile that made it's way along her face.

"And, I start Monday." As soon as I said that her smile fell. "Monday?" I nod my head at her, and then she started shaking her head back. This made heart fall. Did she not want me to go to school with her or something?

"Yeah, Monday. Is something wrong with that?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course there's something wrong with that. That means I only have two days!"

"Two days for what?"

"To prepare you."

"Prepare me? Prepare me for what exactly?" I asked. "Hello! For school, what else? I mean we've got back to school shopping to do for you, and I still have to tell you who's who in school these days." That's when I busted out laughing. "Seriously that's what you're worried about. And here I was thinking that you didn't want me going to school with you or something." Now it was her turn to laugh.

"Why would you think that? Of course, I want you to go to school with me. It's my every birthday wish since I was six every time I blew out my candles."

"You spent your birthday wishes on me? That's so sweet Abby. I wish I could say the same, but I can't." I say this with a completely straight face. Mentally I gave myself a pat on the back for hiding my smile so well when I saw the disappointed look on her face. Yep, that's right that's pay back for the school thing.

Finally she asked me. "So what did you use to wish for then?"

"Heath Ledger." After saying that I assured her that I was just getting back at her for just a little bit ago. "Abs, hello? Of course I wished the same thing."

Once we sobered up from our giggle fit she asked if I wanted to go to a party.

"A party?"

"Yes, a party. I think it would be a great way for you to begin you moving here with a nice kick off. Besides this party is going to be huge!" When she says the word huge, she makes a motion in the air using her hands, just to show me how 'huge' she was talking about.

"What kind of party are we talking about here?"

"A Jason Roberts party." She replies back smiling at me.

Jason Roberts always was having big parties. I have to admit they were never a let down either. Plus Jason was really

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