» Juvenile Fiction » I'm A Nobody, Cade [e reader comics txt] 📗

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beat up nobody care no ones ever cared. "Leave him alone Sara." I said loud enough for everyone to hear and I was glade that my voice was steady insteady of shaky like I was feeling on the inside.
Sara turned her death glare on me and I held it not showing any of my emotions on my face like I rarly do. "What did you just say to me you Bitch?" Sara qeustiond.
In a emosionless voice that to me souded like I didn't care about what happened to me which I don't care I repeated myself but only rearanged some words,"I said to leave him alone my Slutty Bitch of a sister." Every one gasped and stared at me in shock. Saras face turned red with anger she walked over to me with her hand raised and I knew that she was going to slap me but I didn't care the nombing pain inside of me was spreading.
I stood up and the pain in my back wasn't there anymore so I stood all the way up to meet her slap. Just a few seconds after I stood up her hand hit me in the face making my head slam sideways really hard, but I didn't feel it all I felt was the numbness that has spread threw out my body. I turned my head back around and see Sara getting ready to slap me again but someone grabes her arm and holds it still. I look to see who it was to see Harry staring at me with concern in his eyes. If I didn't have this numbness I would probly feel inbarised and run off but instead all I say is, "Don't give me any sempathy. I no you don't really care. No one ever cares besides my one and only friend." and then I just walk out of the classroom without my stuff and walk right out of the school. Chapter Two

Harry's POV

I jump awake when I hear Liam say, "Harry mate. Stay awake." I open my eyes to see I'm in the lemo with Liam, Zayne, Louis, and Niall and remember that were on are way to some stupid school.
"Sorry I can't really help it. It's like I think 7:40 or something in the morning. And what are we going to this school for exactly?" I ask while sitting up and streching.
"We are tired to Harry. Its like we haven't been up this early before. And the answer to your other question is, we are going to this school to try to find some people with a talent for singing, someone who has a really lovely voice." Says Zayne trying to rubing the sleep from his eyes.
I shake my head to get my hair out of my eyes and looked out the window as the limo started to slow down. I saw a big school and lots of kids outside talking in there own groups. I saw a red headed girl take off running inside the school and a brown headed boy look at her running figure before looking over at the group of football players and shook his head before he to walked into the school building.
As the lemo comes to a stop every head turns in our direction. "Come on mates get ready to run if we have to.", Says Liam as he opens his door and climbs out with Lui and Zayne behind him. I open my door and get out with Niall right behind me.
As we get out of the Lemo all the girls in the parking lot start surrounding us shouting out things like, "I Love You" or "Will You Be My Boyfriend" or "Can I Have Your Autograph". I try to find a way to get out of the circle all the girls made around us, but couldn't find one. I look over at the rest of the guys and see they have the same problem.
Then there's a shout saying "Move out of my way". I look over in the direction the shout came from and see a girl with blond hair walking towards me with three other girls following her. "Look Sara there here it seems your bitch of a sister doesn't have to go get the autographs for you." Says a light brown headed girl.
"Actually we could send her there so your brother and parents don't have to deal with her for awhile, but make it a challenge for her by not giving her the tickets." A dark skined girl with pink hair says.
"That's not a bad idea now shut up so I can talk to Harry." Says the blond haired girl that shouted to the crowed to move whitch like her friends has way to much makeup on. She walks the rest of the way to me and says, "You didn't hear what we said did you Honey?"
I act like I don't no what she is talking about and shake my head no so she doesn't know that I heared them then say, "Its Harry not Honey."
"Yes it is cause your my boyfriend remember?" She asks with a fake sad voice, like she's sad that I forgot we were dating. Trust me when I say that if I was dating her I would remember that.
I look at her with disgust and look for a way to get away from her. I see a break in the circle from were they made people move out of her way and take a break for it. Once out of the circle I had a groupe of girls chasing me. I run accross the parking lot all the way to the school enterince and run inside. I am running down the halls with the girls not to far behind me. I see a classroom door open and run into the classroom just in time to end up seeing the same redhead that I saw running into the school walking to her desk and somebody trip her. Everyone in the classroom starts laughing and nobody trys to help her.
As she starts picking up her things I walk over and start helping her. All the people that were laughing starts to whisper and I have no idea why. Well I have an idea of why, I'm famous and people tend to whisper to there friends when they see me, but this is something else, like everyone thinks its foreign.
I give her a freindly smile and know my eyes are full of worry and ask her,"Are you alright? I saw you fall I hope your not hurt." She doesn't say anything only gives me a weak smile then begins to slowly pick her things up. She looks so depreased and I don't no why. "My names Harry whats yours?" I ask. Her eyes go wide but she still doesn't say anything. "You don't talk much do you?" I ask and she gives me a little nod.
"Hey Harry why are you talking to that nobody. You shouldn't have to talk to her when you could talk to me. She's nothing but a little nerd and if you are with me you can have all this." I hear the girl from the parking lot Sara, I think her name was, say.
I look up and see the redheaded girl make a disgusted face and think of how cute she looks like that. She doesn't see me watching her, but then her exopresion turns sad for some reason. I look up at Sara and make a soft disgusted sound that I don't think anyone heard and say to Sara in a disgusted voice, "Thanks, but no thanks." I hear everyone gasp including the redhead and geuss that no one as ever turned this Sara girl down. My question was answered when Sara said, "And why not Mr. To Good For Me." but I just ignore her and help the redhead pick up the rest of her things. "Hey Mr. Harry Face answer me!!" Sara yells. Does this girl not take the hint when I said I don't want her?
I'm about to tell her to go mess with somebody else when I hear the most beutifull yet calm and emotionless voice I have ever heard say, "Leave him alone Sara." I look up to see that it was the redhead that said it.
Sara turned her death glare on the redhead and she held it not showing any of her emotions on her face and doesn't even flinch when Sara questioned her by saying, "What did you just say to me you Bitch?"
The redheads (Man, I need to figure out her name. The redhead is not the name she diserves to be called.)  expresion does not change even when she says, "I said to leave him alone my Slutty Bitch of a sister." everyone in the room gasps in shock when she says that and her expresion still has not changed. So these two are sisters and the redhead is who Sara plans on giving a hard time. I look over at the girl Sara and see her hand raised ready to slap the redhead and the redheads expresion still does not change. Sara walks closer to smack the redhead and the redhead doesn't even try to back away she stands up to meet the slap. When she stands up I see that she is an inch taller than Sara and I can tell how skinny she is. As she is standing I can see that her outfit looks like a designers the way the cuts and rips are in the jeans, shirt, and sorta in the jacket. I hear a loud snaping sound of the redhead being slaped and look at her but her exprion has not changed, she didn't flinch,and she is not even on the verg of tears.
Sara raises her hand to slap the redhead againg, but I grab her wrist and stop her. I look over at the redhead and see that her left cheeck is really red and I stare at with consurn for a moment and examin her from head to toe. Then I see an old bruise on her right cheek, I look down at her hands and see burn marks on both wrist. I look back at her with my eyes full of concern then she says in an emoshionless voice, "Don't give me any sempathy. I know you don't really care. No one ever cares besides my one and only friend." then she walks out of the classroom.
I let go of Sara's wrist right when I see that brown headed kid that was with the redhead outside walk into the classroom with his school stuff for his classes say, "What happened and why did Vera leave the room?" he asks. So thats the redheads name its a beatifull name. He looks right at Sara and asks in an angrey voice, "What did you do Sara? What did you do?" he looks in the direction of the door and I can tell he wants to go look for her, so I'm geussing he is the friend Vera was talking about.
Sara says, "Nothing besides telling her that her outfit is the ugliest thing ever." Sara makes a face so it can

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