» Juvenile Fiction » Beautiful Faces, Cece Roland [bearly read books .txt] 📗

Book online «Beautiful Faces, Cece Roland [bearly read books .txt] 📗». Author Cece Roland

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Chance and I are standing in my living room staring each other down at this moment I'm so done with this relationship

"Dont give me that look Aaliyah ever since you found out you've been avoiding me more than ever" He looks at me with pain in his eyes but I don't know what he wants me to do he's right ever since the incident I can hardly stand to look at him cause I know what is going on I'm not stupid.

"How long has it been going on Chance?.

"What are you talking about?" He says looking guilty as ever

"How long have you been seeing Ida behind my Back Chance and don't tell me you haven't cause I've known for quite some while now ."

"Aaliyah I think your confused "

"CHANCE don't lie to me I already know so just admit it."I really don't even know why he's lying to me

He finally sighs and sits down on the couch

"Look I never ment for it to happen this way after me and you started dating Ida tried to start to talk to me it wasn't anything special we just sorta clicked. But me and you will never have what me and her have baby I'm sorry I'll stop seeing her I just want to be with you I-" I raise my hand to stop everything else from coming out of his mouth I can't believe what I'm hearing but I knew that it was too good to be true

"Get out we're done. Don't come back again ugh your no different from any other dude you make me sick." I saw him breaking in front of me but I don't care he cheated on me with my best friend so consider us even. He stands up and walks towards the door but pecks my cheek first were tears are streaming down my face

"I really hope we can work this out" he says as he wipes another mindless tear from my face I swat his hand from my face he gives me a slight nod and walks out the door when I hear it shut I let everything I've held in rush out as I lay into the punching bag in my room.



I’m sitting in my office looking at my right hand and the man who is I being accused of screwing me over at the moment he’s in one piece I pull up a chair and sit in front of him.

“Wanna tell me your side of the story? He just stares at me because we all know how this will end

“There is nothing for me to say sir it is for you to decide whether I am a rat or not” he says and his stare does not waver a bit. I kind of like this kid but I cannot let that cloud my judgment family fucks me over all the time I really can’t trust anyone.

“So how did the cops know where the package was coming from if it was your department that was to take care of it and make sure everything went smooth?”

“I have been nothing but loyal to you but I know how you work so how about you just do your job I just hope you don’t regret my death when you find out who really sold you out.” He keeps his eyes forward locked on me maybe just maybe I could use him he has worked with me since the start

“here’s the deal I’m willing to make with you, If you can find the rat and get all my money back within two weeks I’ll let you live but don’t mistake my mercy for being soft I’ll have you and your whole family sliced and buried in a box of the soft understand?”

He gives me a slight nod and stand.

“Your two weeks starts at midnight don’t make me regret this decision” with my last sentence he’s out the door. 

               Apart from transporting I also own 12 underground fight clubs and 10 dance clubs to say I make a lot of money is an understatement. I am one of the most ruthless gangsters in the Bay area from Seattle to California but lately my empire is falling apart there’s a lot of rats roaming around but they will never catch me slipping. I start to pack up the office for the night have a fight club I need to check up on before I call it a complete night

               As I walk in through the warehouse I get respect I walk straight through and up to my office my office overlooks the whole arena so I can see, as I sit in my chair three beautiful girls come in to wait on my every need one starts to massage my shoulders while another pours me a drink and the third climbs onto my lap and starts to kiss all over me but I’m not really paying attention to them, as I’m waiting for the next fight to start I see this short, thick, fine ass girl step into the ring I find it kind of funny because she’s so small but I then see her opponent, he has to be at least 6’3 I mentally wish this girl all the luck

As the fight starts I stand up and walk closer to the window the short girl wastes no time she delivers a right hook and immediately delivers a left she dances around him a little bit he’s angry but she looks completely fearless he lunges for her and she doges him she delivers and uppercut and two more right and left hooks and it’s over she has brought down her six foot opponent. Long hair swinging beautiful smile short and got a nice body I turn to the three girls in the chair and very clearly state my question

“Who is she?”




               I wake up the next morning completely exhausted. I need to find Nankeem I swear if he’s not here I’m locking him out the house. When I check on him in his room his big head just happens to be there mhm he got lucky. As I’m walking to the kitchen I hear someone banging around I look over the corner and see a half-naked female cooking food how you going to only be in your bra and panties attempting to cook oh no boo you have got to go after I’m done mentally cussing her out barge into the kitchen

“Bitch you have until the count of ten to state your name, number and social security before I get all up in that ass!”

“No bitch the question is who are you?”

“Excuse me? I’m the one who pays the damn bills and I happen to be the bitch that buys the damn groceries that you seem to be cooking”

“What are you talking about this is Nankeem apartment and I’m his girlfriend” she says flipping her fake as hair and crossing her arms this bitch got me fucked up so I go back down the hall snatch Nankeem by his nappy ass hair and drag him to the kitchen and by the time we get there he’s wide awake

“I swear to god Aaliyah you better have a good reason for why you woke me up so damn early”

“Nigga shut the fuck up who is this bitch who is claiming that yo ass brought her here and this is your apartment nigga since when last I checked I pay the goddamn bills”

“What bitch are you- he stops and looks at the girl who’s pretending to not hear us when she hears the sudden silence she turns around and tries to kiss Nankeem but he pushes her away before her crusty ass lips reach his.

“Bitch do I know you” he says rubbing his temples like he has a headache he going to have more than that in a second

“Bitch? Really baby you’re talking to me like that after last night “

“Last night was a onetime thing point is what are you still doing here? I told you to get the fuck out the first time you woke up”

“But baby I thought you were just being crabby I thought that I was your girlfriend like you said I was last night”

“Girl I know this isn’t the first time nor will it be the last I just wanted to be IN you not with you see the difference?”

When I tell you I have never seen a hand slap someone so hard that’s exactly what I mean. I swear the right side of my face was burning and I didn’t even get hit I was trying so hard not to laugh.

“You broke ass wanna be Bow Wow little nigga that’s exactly why your dick is small and you hit it like a bitch living with your damn sister oh and you might wanna get some real Jordan cause we all know yo punk ass is rocking shit from the goodwill” she picked the bowl of pancake batter and poured It all over him and while he stood there shocked she put on the clothes grabbed her keys and left it was when I heard the door slam that I decided to let out my uncontainable laughter fill the apartment he was still in the same position he was in when she slapped him I cannot breathe right now oh my god. I jumped from my position on the counter and started walking towards my room before I close the door I tell him to clean that mess up. I start to get ready to go back to the hospital but I can’t be there for too long because I have another fight tonight I know I’m going out looking basic in just jeans and a shirt but who cares it’s a hospital aint nobody going to be looking at me anyways I grab my keys and start to head for the door but not before I make sure Nankeem cleaned up the kitchen cause

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