» Juvenile Fiction » My Skater Girl Love, Abby Cochran [novels for teenagers txt] 📗

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school”. I jog into the school to my locker shoving my board into while grabbing my camera bag also shoving my book bag into my lock slamming it shut then turns almost running into a well-built chest. I jump back accidently smacking my head into my locker.
“Owe James! That wasn’t nice you shouldn’t sneak up on a girl like that” having to tilt my head back as far as I can since I’m only 5’5 and James is a towering 6’6. He just laughs and leans down to kiss my head, I smack him away laughing.
“Oh Stacey you are always hurting yourself don’t blame me, anyways we” points to him and the guys next to him “have something to ask you”.
“Um ok what’s up?” I ask calmly raising my eyebrow at them knowing something is up.
“Will you be our date to the masquerade ball?” they all say at the same time looking sheepishly at me.
“Awe guys, you guys are to sweet to me! But no I will not. You guys have to ask out atleast one girl and if they turn you down then I will be your dates” I state in my “don’t argue with me tone”. They all groan at me with playful glares are there faces.
“But Stace! Non of them are even close to your hotness!” Shane yells making people turn and stare.

“Shhhh! Shut up Shane, god. Do we have a deal or what?” I ask crossing my arms over my chest tapping my foot wait for an answer.
“Deal!!” James screams grabbing me up in his arm for the second time today and spins me around laughing a deep soothing laugh. When he finally puts me back down I rap my arms around his waist giggling because I’m so dizzy, thanks to him. In the corner of my eye I see something, I turn to see Chad glaring at James in way that if looks could kill James would 6 feet under. ‘I wonder what that’s about’ I think to my self before letting go of James turning to Finn and Gavin.
“Ok you two we cant be late for AP photography 3 again you know how Mr. Jo is” I say as I grab their hands pulling them away from the group tours the art wing. We run inside just as the bell goes off, we take our seats waiting for Mr. Jo to tell us our next project.
“Good morning students isn’t it a peaceful day today? Well today we have a new project that is something a little different-“ before he could finish what he was saying the door opens and a bunch of kids file in. I recognize them from the art 4 class and as I roam over the faces of the people in front of me I spot Chad in the group. “As I was saying, this project is a little different because we are combining this photography class and this art class together. You will be assigned a partner, the photo kids will be taking pictures of their chosen art partner now they can be drawing or posing but it has to be them and the art students will be drawing their partner in any way they want. So without further interruptions lets get you guys paired up!” he claps his hands then grabs the clipboard and starts to call out names. I hear Finn get paired of with a very cute shy guy named Kevin, I see both guys blush then quickly looking down at the floor. ‘Hmm I wonder what that was about’ I thought to myself. I see Gavin get pair with Aradia also known as his fuck buddy to his close friends and me. I tune out the rest of the world humming softly to myself.
“Stace Willow and Chad Tyler” well that jerks me out of my trance as I look over at Chad and smile. I skip over to him then jumping up on the workbench.
“Hey Chady how are you this lovely day” I ask as I pull out my supplies and start to think of what pictures ill want to take as I jot down some quick notes in my work pad.
“Well its better now that you’re next to me” Chad mumbles softly making me jerk my head up and stare at him wide eyed.
What did he just say?


‘Shit! Did I really did say that out loud?’ I peak out of the corner of my eye and seeing her eyes widen in surprise, ‘ok, ok I can do this! Just act like nothing happened’ I thought to my self after mentally slapping myself.
“So do you mind if I start doing some quick sketches?” I ask calmly not looking up my art pad.
“Uh…oh! No, sure go for it” she stares blankly at me making me laugh. I reach out my hand then pause.
“Do you mind if I move u around so I can draw you better?” I ask softly looking into her beautiful eyes. She shacks her head no staring into my eyes. I already feel my body reacting to just that as my eyes move down her face to the soft lushes pouty lips of hers. I slowly place my hand on her chin turning her face to the right letting my hand stay there for a little longer then necessary. Then begins to draw. That period went by way to fast I want to keep staring into those eyes and staring at those beautiful lips, ‘ugh why can’t she just love me!’ I think angrily as she slides off the workbench she had been perched on.
“You know Chand your kind of fun to talk to, we should do it more often” she laughs softly as she bends over to put her photo journal away. I can’t help but stare at her ass as she bends. I mentally smack myself turning around putting my stuff in my bag trying to get my heart to stop pounding so hard into my rib cage that it hurts.
“Ha-ha ill have you know I have always been fun to talk to your just to busy to even notice me” I say with a little bitterness leaking into my words.
“I guess your right so when should we-“ before she could even finish her sentence her friends Finn and Gavin come over bickering like two old ladies. Stace turns to then poking them both in the rips making the both squeal at the same time.
“Owe ok not cool Stace what did my poor rib ever do to you?!” Finn glares at Stace I immediately feel the need to protect her and tell him to back the fuck off but I resist the urge. Stace just laughed waving off his glare by giving them both a hug at the same time then make there way to the door, Stace pauses by the door turning around to give me the most amazing smile I have ever seen then waves before disappearing out the door. I shake my head then glide out the door to my math class.
When I get there, I go to the back of the classroom to my normal seat that next to all the other jocks, I sit in the middle right next to Devan. I was talking to Devan and Frank when someone had wiggled there way onto my desk exposing way to much to me than I would have liked. I look from the skirt that was barely contain the boney ass that it was rapped around to the black Vneck that had boobs almost all the way out of the shirt up to the make up covered face of non other then Amber.
“Hey sexy I missed you all morning!” Amber whines stretching out ‘all’, her voice was like nails against a chalk board to my poor ear drums.
“Sorry Ambs I was in my art class you know that” smiles my sexy smile watching her eye glaze over slightly then blinks at me leaning forward pushing her boobs into my face even more then they already were. Out of the corner of my eye I can partially see my friends drooling. ‘Well I haven’t gotten much action recently might as well have some fun’ I think smirking to myself. I lean forward almost kissing her making her gasp softly.
“Excuse me its time for your butt to get off my homework Amber” just as I whisper those words the bell rings and our football couch/math teacher come running in.
“Amber! You have 5 minutes to get off Chads desk before you find yourself with a detention for the third time this quarter.” He barks glaring at amber that is faking a pouting, as she sashay’s her way to her desk.

The day passes slowly and finally the final bell goes off. I slowly make my way to the truck to get my football bag, stopping to talk to people as I go. When I finally make it out to the truck I see that almost no one is left in the parking lot. As I get closer to the truck I see Stace leaning against the truck her hips swaying to a song coming from her iPod, I slow down watching her. An image popped into my head of me dancing with her swaying my hips with hers as we feel the bass pumping through us. Just as I was about the make a move to go say hi, James comes running over to her. He grabs her by the waist pulling her to him and starts dancing with her. Anger boils in me, ‘I want to be dancing with her! He shouldn’t be touching her like that.’ I hear her laughing as she shoves him away shaking her head at him. I slowly start walking again feeling sad that she will never be mine. As I get closer I hear the end of the conversation.
“So ill be picking you up for the mascaraed ball?” James ask leaning against the truck staring into her eyes then slowly moving his eyes down her body while she was changing the song on her IPod.
“No James I told you I’m coming but I’m riding solo and you know it” Stace replies glaring at him playfully, that’s when she saw me coming and smiled brightly at me like she was about to die if I didn’t show up. I smiles happily back at her then stare coldly at James who was glaring right back at me.
“Chad! That god you’re here do you have the keys?” she asked me sweetly giving my puppy dog eyes that no one and I mean no one could resist.
“Uh…yes I do why?” I say casually as I lift my eyebrow at her.
“I left my wallet in the truck last weekend and I need to go dress shopping for the dance thing that’s Friday” I can see she’s about ready to jumping up and down with excitement. She might be “one of the guys” but this girl loves to shop. I unlock the door for her and she nearly knocked me on my ass when she jumped into the truck searching for her wallet. James left about five minutes after I showed up not looking happy at all. She gives a happy yell as she hops out of the car hold her wallet while she throwing her backpack on and grabs her board. She turns to me smiling.
“Chad you are my life savor its already Thursday and I haven’t gone dress shopping” she says sweetly already pushing off on her board.
“No problem girl!” I yell after her watching as her turns her board out of the school parking lot. That’s when it hits me. UGH! How could I be so stupid and not think of this sooner! I think
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