» Juvenile Fiction » Thug Life, Azmahrie [brene brown rising strong txt] 📗

Book online «Thug Life, Azmahrie [brene brown rising strong txt] 📗». Author Azmahrie

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with open arms and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry....I didn't know how much that I actually hurt you." He said rubbing my head softly.

"I didn't even know where to turn to because you weren't here. Daddy when I needed you most you wasn't even there. Lil Jay was shot and killed because you were nowhere to found." I yelled, sobed and hit his chest at the same time. He continued to hold me tightly.

"Life I'm sorry I had to take your momma somwhere safe, so she wouldn't get caught up in ALL this bullshit. I did it for her...I didn't mean for Lil Jay to get killed. I take full resposiblilty for leaving you in a harsh situation like that, but it was for your mothers health." He said calmly still stroking my hair.


"Come on pumpkin..." He said pulling me towards the large island. He sat me down, gave me a hug, and started cooking. If I could tell you something about my dad it would be that he could cook his ass off. I mean my mom and him can cook on the same level so I love eating his cooking.

When he was finished cooking he made 2 plates one for me and one for him. While we were eating we made somewhat small talk, until he asked who shot Lil Jay. I cringed at the question.

I swallowed slowly,"....Killa..." I said quietly.

My dad dropped his fork which caused me to jump. Anger suddenly took over his face, which was rare because he is normally a calm, laid back person. "Who killed him again...I'm not sure I heard you right." He said seriously.

I cleared my throat, "Killa shot Lil Jay daddy." I said louder.

He then got deathly still, I didn't like that because I didn't know what was about to happen. My dad could be dangerous because his movements were unpredictable. I learned that a long time ago, when I was a little girl and green to the game.

"I swear on my fucking life I'm kill that stupid cunt ass nigga!" He yelled. His eyes looked ravid.

"You don't have to...." I said quietly while looking down at my plate of half eaten food.

"Wait what do you mean I don't have to Life he killed Lil Jay? Lil Jay!" He said looking at me.

"You don't have to because...I already took care of him." I said bluntly.

His eyes grew wide and a evil grin started to creep onto his face, "You took care of how?" He asked.

"Let me explain..." I sighed and put my fork down on my plate and told him the whole story, from beginning to end.

My daddy suddenly errupted in a roar of laughter, he was laughing so hard tears were coming down his face. I didn't know how to respond to that but so I continued to eat. When I finished my food I got up and cleaned my plate and set it back in the cabnet. My father was still laughing while doing something on his iPhone 5. I think he was texting.

A couple seconds later I got a ding on my phone letting me know I had a Facebook update. It was from my daddy. He had posted on his wall, 'Happiest nigga/dad in the whole goddamn world I swear. She done made my fucking day!' I smiled at his status and started laughing at him. He got a few comments asking why and he put 'Call me and I'll tell you.' Not even 5 minutes later, he was getting call back and forth from people.

"Nigga" Nigga, Guess what my baby Life did!" He said excitedly.

Other person talks....

"Nigga she murked Killa!" He said happily.

I started laughing and went upstairs to get dressed so I could go meet Brookey Boo. BB for short. We were going to get our nails done and go shopping. I was happy because it was Brooklyns first day back from her trip to Spain. I know she was excited to see me to. As I started to walk out of the kitchen, my dad asked me where I was going.

"To meet Brook, so we can go shopping and get our nails done." I said turning around.

"Oh ok tell her I said hey, be careful, and have fun. I gotta go." He said getting up and heading towards the front door.

I walked to the door behind him and gave him a hug, "I love you daddy, tell momma I said call me and be careful." I said letting him go. I hated to see him go because I saw him rarely.

"Ok Pumpkin I will. Goodbye." He said walking out the door.

"Bye daddy!" I called out before closing it and locking it back.


I quickly hopped out of the shower dried my self off and lotioned my body from head to toe. Quickly putting on the black laced bra and panty set on I saw I had a text from Brookey. I smiled at looked at it.

'You almos done hoe???' She said.

I quickly texted back, 'Yea I'm getting dressed now lil guhh!'.

I threw my phone back on my king size bed and headed to my closet and grabbed the white romper off of my clothes rack and put it on,(Outfit in Comments). When I finished my makeup and hair I grabbed my laced clutch, threw my phone, lipgloss, and mascara in it. I walked down my winding stairs and headed towards my door. Before walking out I set my alarm and turned my camras on. Smiling I walked out of my house and down to the main lobby. Paul the doorman greeted me as I walked out of the elevator.

"Goodmorning Ms. Monroe you look lovely today, and which vehicle will you be driving today?" He asked politely as always.

"I'll be driving the Ranger Rover today Paul and why thank you!" I said smiling, he always knew how to make my day.

"Great Choice! What color ma'am?"

"White Please." I said.

Paul quickly grabbed my keys and went to get my car, not even 2 minutes later he pulled up with it smiling. I walked over to the drivers side as he got got out and let me in. Closing the door he waved goodbye to me as I pulled off onto the main street.


"Ahhhhhhh! Brookey Boo!" I screamed as I got out of my car. Brooklyn ran over to me and hugged me tightly. I missed her so much, I was fuckin miserable hanging with Sassy, she talked to much shit and she was irrelevent. Anyway as Brooklyn let me go and checked me out.

"Ohhhh swagg loading.....25%....50%.....500%....completed." She said laughing. I laughed with her, and smiled at her.

"Girl I missed you so much, you don't even know." I said as we walked into the nail shop.

"Yes I do girl cause I missed you even more." She said.

"Ok so enough of that mushy mushy shit, lets get down to business. How was yo' goddamn trip!?" I asked excitedly.

"Oh my god girl it was amazing!" She said looking up at the ceiling.

"Ok so tell me about it." I said.

"Well I met with the new spanish connect we needed and they are cool as fuck." She said then continued, "they will be suppling us with 15 bricks starting off for two hundred eighty-five K." She said in a low tone.

"Damn, Brook, we can't get 'em for fifteen stacks a kilo?"

"They said since we new connect and across the world they have pay shipping cost wit' that two eighty-five, well at least a little. But other than that its because they ain't familiar wit' us yet." She said sipping the wine the lady had just handed her.

I took my red wine Mascato and took a little sip, thinking about what she had just said, "Ai'ight, I'm coo' wit' that. But did you meet anybody or get some spanish dick while there?" I asked with a smile on my face.

Brooklyn started blushing hard. "Yeah...maybe." She said.

"Aweee shit, get it! So tell me about him and y'all night or nights. I mean you was there for a week and 2 days." I said asked. I looked down slightly because the foot scrubber tickled a little.

"Well his name is Chresantos...and he is the son of our spanish connect." She smiled like she was thinking. "He's 6'3, 21, beautiful curly hair, sexy ass lips, deep eyes, a fine ass body, and his dick....Lawd lets not even go there!" She squealed. I started laughing at her. This Chresantos sounded fine, but not really my type.

"Well I'm glad you are happy, but-" I Gco, by the sounds off bullets shattering the glass of the nail salon. Brooklyn and I both ducked down behind the nail dryers, luckly out nails were dry otherwise I would've been mad as hell. Brooklyn quickly grabbed her 9 and started firing back at the gunmen. I soon followed her actions. I grabbed my Cobra from my clutch and started firing, I heard a blood curddling roaring like scream so I knew I hit a target. I quickly got up and aimed straight for the gunmens head.


Bullseye. Perfect. Did I meantion my aim game was perfection. I hated to say brook and I lil date had to end early but some shit was about to Pop Off Tho....




Life's P.O.V.

"What the fuck just happened back there...?" Brook yelled full of anger.

I looked around at the screaming pedestrians running for cover and trying to protect their children. Sirens were able to be heard in the distance, at that rate i say we had 5 minutes to get out of sight. I pulled brook my her hand to her car.

"Brooky Boo! Get a fucking hold of your self! We have less than 5 minutes to get out of so get yo keys and meet me at T-Aye's place. Ok?" I said kind of shaking her.

" careful." She said gettin in her car and pulling off. I know shes kind of shooken over what just happened but I know later she's gonna be ready to pop some domes. Thats why I love her. She's so goddamn Bi-polar.

When I got to my car and pulled away, the police were just getting there. I sped around the corner in just enough time, before they suspected anything and tried to pull me over. I drove down the highway quickly and got off on my exit, heading toward T-Aye's spot. I slowed to a stop as I turned on the radio and listened to Love Song. When the light turned green, my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and smiled. It was Brook. Her call confirmed that she was safe

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