» Juvenile Fiction » Ruins, A.L.P.D [best time to read books txt] 📗

Book online «Ruins, A.L.P.D [best time to read books txt] 📗». Author A.L.P.D

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that fate wanted it to happen. It was like Fate had something for his little brother that he didn’t know.
A knock came at the door of the room that the Naveen brothers shared.
“Who is it?” Leroy called.
“Massie,” the girl said.
Leroy got up and walked over to the door.
“What do you need?”
“Can-Can I see Drew,” Massie asked.
“He was Scratched by a Darkling, he may be changing into one,” Massie explained,” I can tell by the signs,”
Leroy yawned and nodded, he was really tired and it didn’t help that he was worried about his brother. He let Massie in.
The girl who looked to be twenty-one walked over to his brother and laid her hand on his forehead. She gasped, tears were in her eyes when she turned to him.
“What is it?” He urged
“Drew will either change into a Darkling or die,” She whispered then went silent for a moment.” Though there is something different about him, its probably in you too. He will most likely live through the change but he will be more powerful and better than the other Darkings. He will have control over his instincts and urges, Drew will be the prince over all of them,”
“Is that good?”
“Very, with Drew it’ll be easier to get the Darklings to stay away from your group,” Massie smiled,”Leroy your brother will need your love and patience, when he starts changing make sure you are good to him or else he’ll become evil,”
“Thank-you,” Leroy whispered then the girl vanished into thin air.


The next morning all five of Drew’s friends wanted to see him, but Leroy said they couldn’t see him yet. Drew was still sleeping and he started developing a fever, but that would yield to exist soon enough so Leroy didn’t bother with it.
Leroy stepped outside of the building and glanced around he shut and locked the big metal door. He ran to the right he wanted to get to the usual spot where his friends usually met up to make plans or just to hang out with each other. As he did so he saw some of his brother’s best friends playing sword like they usually did, he still didn’t know how they could stay out in the heat like that.
Drew would have been out there too, but he wasn’t it made Leroy’s heartache and he hoped more than anything that his little brother would feel better soon very soon.
When Leroy got to the door he tapped the code and his friend Axil let him in, as he walked in all of his friends looked up at him. Stefan and Ian were playing Tic , tac , toe . the others looked like they were just talking.
“How is Drew?” Ian asked.
Leroy took his usual chair that was designated just for him no one else was allowed to sit in it. He sighed, and rubbed his eyes.
“It looks like, the worse we expected has happened,” Leroy informed them,” Drew is changing into a Darkling though I was told that he will not be just a normal run of the mill Darkling, he will be better than all of them, I am hoping that is true,”
“We are hoping to,” Axil said as he took a spot next to Darrick.
“Should we tell our brothers?” Sake asked.
Leroy thought for a moment and nodded, Drew’s friends deserved to know what was happening to their friend.
“Tell them, but they need to keep quiet about this until Drew is awake,” Leroy told them, they all nodded in agreement, and the conversation was over.


It was a week before Drew was able to get up, and Leroy told him what was happening to him. He took it well, but he felt it inside him the coldness the change brought. Drew hoped the cold would go away and it would probably do just that.


Drew sat up in his bed he heard noises creaks from the old building, but also more he heard the moaning of the Zombies from outside and screaming from other kids. He got out of bed and walked quickly to the door he opened it . He ran down the four flights of stairs and walked over to the big window that was unbreakable.
Drew was now completely changed and he had no idea the extent of his power or what he could do, he looked down at his naked feet. He smiled and then opened the door and then shut and locked it from the outside, he and his brother were the only ones who had the keys to unlock and lock the doors for all of the door of the building. The three keys hung on his neck they were hidden in his shirt so that no one could take them from him.
He looked right then left, he lets his hearing wonder until he heard the screams again. They came and he followed, he realized once he got close enough to the zombies and the two nine year old boys, and a girl ; he forgot his sword. He shrugged something told him that he didn’t need that weapon his fingernails would be enough. Drew suddenly felt a growing in his fingers, he glanced down his nails were growing into claws.
As he stepped out of the darkness a zombie blindly lunged at one of the kids who tripped and fell. Drew whistled at them, the boys looked at him. The girl spun on her heel to look at him she looked his age.
“Run!” Drew shouted, as he knocked the Zombie off of the boy,” Run!” he hissed at them, his eyes glowing bright green. The three looked at him, he growled under his breath as he sliced the head off of the two zombies, more were coming.
“Follow me,” Drew told them then started running toward the building, his nails shrunk back to normal he felt one of the boys staring at him. He stopped running and looked around they were fine for the moment. “ Who are you three?”
“I’m Jill, These are my brothers Nick and Vail, they’re twins,” Jill told him, he nodded.
“I’m Drew, come with me,” Drew said,” I have a safe place where you can live,”
“Nowhere is safe,” Nick chirped
“Yes, there is, ever heard of the gang Naveed?” Drew asked, they all nodded.
“Their gang is suppose to be safe,”
“ I’m one of the leaders, now C’mon the stupid zombies are soon going to be upon us,” Drew warned, they nodded.
As they started running they could hear them getting close, Drew made them sprint for awhile. They slowed down at times, but they always kept a steady pace.

When they got to the building, Drew opened the door and rushed the kids through the door.Drew shut and locked the door. He looked behind him and saw Leroy standing in front of him, his arm were crossed and he looked angry.
“Drew what the hell!” he snapped,” You scared me, where were you,”
“ He saved us, Mr.,”Vail declared.
“That may be, but we have a strict policy,” Leroy informed,” Drew you know you are not a loud out of the building until morning,”
“So, Leroy I had to save them, I heard them,” Drew explained as quickly as possible.
Leroy closed his eyes and rubbed them. He nodded, “Okay Drew just next time leave a note or something kay,”
“Will, do,” Drew said, Leroy smiled and nodded then looked at the three kids Drew had saved.
“So who are these three kids,”
“Vail and Nick. They’re twins then their sister Jill,” Drew introduced them,” and guys this is my brother Leroy,”
“Wait,” Jill said,” So you’re the leaders of this gang, how many kids do you have?”
“Thirty, but that includes us and our friends who we don’t take care of, without that we have twenty,”Leroy told her
“You don’t have many do you?” Nick stated.
“Now if you stay we have twenty-three,”Drew said,” and yes we do have very little people, but that’s only because its hard to find our place,”
“Aw, okay,” The twins chorused.
“ Now how about we get some shut eye before its daylight,” Leroy yawned.
“Where do we sleep?” Jill asked.
“Drew what room is open?”
“room nine, but the windows broken, thought there’s another one its next to ours you know room 78,” Drew said,
“Okay let’s give them that, and then in the morning we need to patch up room 9’s window,” Leroy said, he turned to the kids and said,” we’ll make sure nothing has crawled its way into that room, since its been locked,”
“When was the last time you guys looked in there?” Vail wondered.
“Uh, maybe three years ago, we’ve been here for twelve years,” Leroy said,” Now, C’mon I’m tired,”

When they got the three into their new room for that night, Leroy and Drew stumbled into their room.
As they sat on thier beds they started talking.
“Drew, have you talked to your friends yet since you’ve been feeling better?” Leroy asked, Drew shook his head, “You should, I’ve heard from their brothers that they’re worried that you don’t care about them anymore,”
“I do care,”Drew said,”I-,”
Drew rubbed his eyes, tears were running down his cheeks, but it wasn’t normal tears they looked blue bright blue, it also glowed in the dark like his green eyes.
“I have bad news too,”
“Jason has been attacked by a zombie, and killed,” Leroy reported,
“Why haven’t you told me?” Drew sniffed and started crying freely. Leroy walked over to Drew and hugged him close. “Wha-what kind was it?”
“A bitter,” Leroy told him, Drew nodded.
“I told them to stay away from those,”
“I know you did,” Leroy said,” Lets go to sleep,kay”
Drew nodded and layed in his bed numb, how dare they take away one of his best friends. They’ll die.
Chapter 3

The morning light woke Drew, he sat up in his bed and looked around he heard hammers hitting the wood downstairs.
So he’s been turned into a Darkling, Jason is dead, and now they have new kids to look after.
Drew got dressed and opened the window and jumped, his hands caught the other building that was beside this one and clambered on top it, he sighed he’d have to work on that. He walked across it and then jumped off

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