» Juvenile Fiction » Snow Sato, Ai Kagi [cat reading book TXT] 📗

Book online «Snow Sato, Ai Kagi [cat reading book TXT] 📗». Author Ai Kagi

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the door. "Sardis!!" Toby begged, then, the door slammed shut.
Sardis sweat-dropped. Taizen forced back a smile that tugged at his face. Sardis stood and walked over to Rax, in his frozen disposition. "Little brothers are such pains," she seethed. "Yeah, so are little sisters," Taizen added.
"Your room is five doors down the hall," Sardis informed. Taizen bowed and left.
Sardis turned back to her brother and placed her hand on the ice. "Soon, I'll have the power to destroy you," she said and cackled loudly.

* * *

Dageki arrived at the Snow Sato and decided not to go to the Sato Square, because it was still being repaired and wasn't safe. He, instead, landed at the medical side of the Sato castle.
Amai came rushing out with Taizen's pet ferret, Koicho. Dageki removed the protective cocoons and helped Kei and Yuki off of his back.
'Kei... with Yuki... Taizen's not with them!" Amai thought. She watched as Kei took Yuki from Dageki into his arms. Then, she noticed Kei's worried look as he stroked Yuki's cheek with the back of his hand.
Amai now had steam blowing out her ears and her face was red. Kei looked up and tried to smile at Amai, despite his injuries; he failed to make her smile back and she ran off crying.
"Amai!" Kei called. He glanced down at Yuki, then back to the bawling Amai.
Luckily, a nurse ran out and took Yuki inside. Kei nodded to the lady and ran after Amai.
Now in the woods, Kei began to gain on the clumsy Amai. "Amai!" "Get out of my sight! Stop following me!" "Amai!" Kei yelled, a bit unnerved.
He caught up to her and they both tripped when he grabbed her sleeve. They fell onto the snow-covered ground and Kei said, "Amai! Listen to me!" "Get away from me! I hate you! You're a traitor! Amai cried. Kei replied, "What traitor? Me? Taizen betrayed the Sato!" "Well, you betrayed me! You said that you loved me! You really love Yuki!" she retorted back. Kei was shocked at what she said.
They paused for a moment, staring at each other. Then, Amai broke the silence, yelling, "Let me go!" Kei stood up and said, "I'm sorry. Here, let me help you." He reached for her hand, but she stood up and slapped him in the face. She had slapped him so hard that he fell back onto the snow. Now, her felt his rib injuries again and winced, clutching his sides.
Amai spun around and tried to run off again, but she tripped again, this time over a frozen tree root. She got up and started to run again. "Amai!" Kei's voice echoed through the forest. She glanced back and saw him in his horrible state. She pictured him dying and felt bad. With tears in her eyes, she stopped and turned back briefly.
"Amari Soshite Hanpatsu," she said, using her magic. The magic healed Kei completely and put him to sleep so she could escape.
"Amai..." Kei mumbled as he began to fall asleep. He watched her run away and his vision went black.
* * *

Amai had been running non-stop in a direction she didn't know. It took her an about five hours to get... somewhere. She figured that she was still in the Cold Region, because there was still snow, but she was really in the Forest Sato territory.
Amai had used most of her energy and fell down at someone's feet. Her cheek burnt when she felt the cold snow against it. She closed her eyes and let darkness overtake her.

* * *
Kei awoke and found himself in a hospital bed. He glanced around, wondering where everyone was.
He got off the bed quickly and Yuki came walking in. She saw him wobbling back and forth. He noticed her and thought, 'Oh, no. Here it comes.'
Yuki sweat-dropped and started scolding him immediately, "Kei, you need to stay in bed! You're going to hurt yourself!" "I can't! I have to find Amai!" "Kei!" she said with a tight throat, "She's not coming back."
Yuki held up a note from Amai and gave it to Kei. He read it and Yuki said, "See? She said she'll have no choice, but to kill you if you try to interfere."
"How could she join Taizen with the Clan of Desperado?" he asked, looking down at the ground. "She said she knew that Taizen had to have had a good reason to leave and that she was getting annoyed with this Sato," Yuki said softly.
Kei was very angry now and his eyes faded to his 'sun eyes' or 'Metsuki no Hi'. The 'Metsuki no Hi' had various powers, even though its main effect was to temporarily blind. In this instance, it made Yuki start getting dizzy as she gazed into Kei's eyes. Yuki tried to shut her eyes and cried, "Kei! Please, stop!"

Chapter 3- A New Ganjou Arrives

Kei realized what he was doing and turned the eyes off. "I'm sorry, Yuki," he apologized. Yuki was crying and Kei felt that it was his fault.
Yuki was whimpering on the floor and Kei walked over to her, pulling her into a hug. This action from Kei surprised Yuki. 'Kei...?' she thought.
He repeated himself, "I'm sorry, Yuki." He wiped the tears off of her cheek with the back of his hand and smiled at her. She sheepishly smiled in return.
Kei was glad now that Yuki was feeling happier. He decided to ask her something that he knew would be okay, since Amai hated him now, "Yuki..." "Yes...?" she gazed at his face and he looked away.
"Will... Will you... Will you be my girlfriend?" Kei stuttered. Yuki's eyes were wide open and she didn't know what to say.
"Yuki... Please... I love you," Kei said, moving closer to her when she backed away. "I..." she really didn't know what to say.
"Do you feel the same way about me?" he asked. Yuki clenched her hand and thought, 'What I feel? I... like Kei a lot, but how do I feel towards him?'
"I love you, Kei..." she said. Yuki felt that she had acted stupid and smiled. "Of course, I'll be your girlfriend!" she threw her arms out and hugged him. Accidentally, though, she went forward too far and ended up kissing him.
Both of their faces turned red and he asked, "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" "Yes..." Yuki blushed more when he leaned forward and kissed her cheek.
Yuki abruptly stood up, with her hand outspread and said, "Come on! We're having a replacement Ganjou come here today! She's going to fill in for me until I become old enough to be Ganjou." Kei took her hand and pulled Kei up. Then, they exited the hospital.
On the way to the Sato Square, Kei and Yuki met up with Futeki. "Hi, Futeki!" Yuki said. "Oh, hi, Yuki, Kei. Are you going to meet the new Ganjou too?" she asked. "Yes!" Yuki smiled.
Almost everyone was standing in the street. The people of the Snow Sato were chattering happily , awaiting the arrival of their new leader.
The cart was thought to be very fancy, but everyone stood confused when a small, hay cart arrived, containing a farmer. The farmer stood up in the cart and announced, in a squeaky voice, "Dear Villagers of the Snow Sato! I bring you your new Ganjou, Lady Emerarudo!" In response, a red-haired woman with, in green robes, arose from the back of the cart. She stood on top of the hay and bowed. She appeared to be in her thirties and had mysterious green eyes.
The announcer continued, "She comes to you from the Emerald Sato. She is a bit hard to cont-" "AHEM!" she cut in. The farmer shrunk down and continued, "She is a very good selection for a leader. Thank you." The farmer bowed to the people and sat down.
Now, Lady Emerarudo spoke. She looked so majestic and beautiful, even on a haystack. "My dear people, I would like to thank you for asking me to come fill in as Ganjou until Lady Yuki is of age. I have met Ganjou Mitsukai in the Water Sato once before; he was a very respectable man. I am honored to come here," she said.
Everyone was speechless at her great conduct and how she used words so smoothly. Lady Emerarudo saw some advisors coming from the back of the crowd and she jumped down in an unlady-like manner. She landed gracefully, her fiery ponytail trailing behind her.
Kei and Yuki had only been in the Sato Square to hear the speech for a couple of minutes, because they had been late, due to the tight crowd. They watched as the Ganjou and the advisors exchanged bows. Then, they left to go to the palace.
"Let's help them get there faster," Yuki said to Kei. Kei nodded. Yuki used telepathic magic to call Dageki to her.
Dageki had heard what she had to say and flew down to them. Yuki told him what she wanted to do and Dageki bowed his head in agreement.
Yuki, with Kei following close behind her, ran over to Lady Emerarudo. She saw them coming and asked the advisors to stop. "Yes?" she asked Yuki. "I- I was wondering... if you'd like the dragon to take you up to the palace; it'd be much faster," Yuki pointed to Dageki. "Er... Lady Yuki... we-" an advisor began, when the Ganjou interrupted,"Of course, Yuki. Thank you." Yuki smiled.
They all got onto Dageki's back and he flew up to the Sato palace. "Thank you, Yuki, Kei, and Dageki," the Ganjou responded after they reached the top. "Huh?!" Yuki was surprised.
The Ganjou chuckled. "I can read minds, Yuki," the Ganjou stroked Yuki's cheek. "Oh," Yuki said, now feeling rather dumb. "It's okay," the elder lady consoled.
Kei appeared next to Yuki when the
Ganjou and advisors had gone into the palace. Yuki gasped when she felt Kei holding her hand. She looked up at him and he smiled down at her, squeezing her hand a little. Yuki's face blushed slightly and she momentarily saw Kei as Taizen. Yuki made an embarrassed smile and ran away from Kei. Kei was stunned. Where was Yuki going?
Kei then feared that Yuki would leave like Amai had. He clenched his fists and started running after her.
Yuki had already run far into the forest and Kei ran after her as quickly as he could. 'Yuki!' he thought, frantically.
When Kei finally caught up to Yuki, he found her sitting in the snow on her knees. She had her face buried in her hands and she cried softly.
Kei slowly began to walk up to Yuki. She turned her head to him and got up, beginning to run away from him again. "Yuki! No!" he yelled and ran to her before she got away. He caught her arm and pulled her back. He hugged her shoulders as he stood behind her. "Don't leave me... like Amai did," Kei said, for once, sounding like he would break down.
Yuki's eyes fell. "Kei... I wasn't running away," she said. She didn't want Kei to think she would ever run away. "Huh? Then, why did you run?" he asked. "I- I didn't want you to see me cry," she said.
"Yuki... It's okay. You can cray in front of me. What made you cry anyway?" he said. Yuki looked out at the snowy forest; she didn't want to answer him on that question.
Kei turned her around to face him and saw that she had tears in her eyes. "Yuki..." he brushed the tears off of her face and leaned

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