» Juvenile Fiction » I Hate You!, Krystal [ebook reader for laptop txt] 📗

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laughing " can hurry y'all asses up" she asked but it sounded more of a demand but we all knew she was serious. We quietly went in the living room and sat down and it was this awkward silence. "so why was I called here for" I said breaking the ice "oh yes I forgot all about that well you see" Jaeda said nervously while playing with her fingers "babe I could do it" Riley said softly "no I have to" after taking a deep breath she rushed out and said "impregnantpleasedonthatemeiknowisaidiwontbethatdbelikethosegirlsand...a-and...a-aa-and I got pregnant!!!" she said sobbing now tears falling uncontrollable now. I sat there shocked catching on every word she said. Yes it's true we promised until we have a steady job and a career we would start a family or even get pregnant at a young age (A/N: no offense to those who got pregnant at a young age) and couldn't take care of their child. Right I was in tears and not because she broke that promise it just her parents are gonna kill and separate her and Riley even though they don't even give a fuck about her. I wasn't even sad now I was mad she now has to take care of her baby with Riley with no parents and her parents might even kick her out and they're asses are never home. It's a good thing Riley's parents love her and fully support them because they already told them about the possibility of having a baby. "ALANNA....ALANNA!!!!" somebody screamed "huh? What?" I say looking around confused "you just completely zoned out" Jaeda says "I'm sorry" I said she laughs and says why and I say "they are gonna kick you out" I say looking at her with a pitiful look "don't worry girl my mom caught me with the test and said I have a week to get all my shit out" she laughed humorlessly "and my stuff already is at Riley's I'm just glad you're not mad at me for breaking it" "why would I'll be mad accidents happen" I laugh "yea they do" she giggled "not to be rude but are y'all done with all this mushy shit" Trey said with Riley laughing. "Shut the fuck up dumbass" I said "I'm just saying" he said smirking. My phone vibrated and I got a text from Jayden **GET YOUR ASS HOME NOW!!!** What the fuck I did now **why** I sent not even a second later he text back **Little girl idk who you questioning but I said get your grown ass home NOW!!!** he's always so damn annoying **im busy** I text back. While all four of us laughing the door bell rings and Trey gets up to answer "hey Alanna!!" he yelled "what" I said getting going to the door only to find my brother standing there looking pissed off "oh hey big bro how's it going" I said sweetly but it ain't working this time so being the scared little girl i am I run back in the house have him hot on my trail. DAMN!! He's going kill me!!!

Alanna's POV

We make it to the house but I'm kinda scared cause ain't no body talking no radio no noise just the engine but other than that it was completely silence and I can't take that shit. As soon as the car pull up to the driveway I ran in the house scared for my life because I already know what's gonna go down. When I walked in the living room everybody was sitting in there except Xavier and Reaquan i guess they playing basketball. Wow really what did i do now even Drake in here with a serious face and when hes serious hes not a asshole. "Alanna sit yo ass down we need to talk" Jay said "look Jay I -" I said but being cut off by Chris "Alanna he said to sit yo fucking ass down so sit" Now you see Chris is like my second brother and he act just like Jay I swear they can be twins. I roll my eyes and sit down waiting for them to continue "go on I'm waiting" I say with a attitude I'm not really the type to act like that but I didn't do nothing. "Yo ass can stop with the attitude" Kevin said. He's like Chris and Jay too and they all treat me they same and take back what I said about Chris and Jay being twins cause with all them together they some damn triplets. Wait I forgot Drake too they actually quadruplets. "okay we gone ask questions and you gonna answer telling the truth no lies okay?"'Drake said and I nodded "okay first off where was you this morning?" Jay asked "um I was at Jaeda's house" I replied "naw before that" Kevin said "no where" I said calmly but I'm scared shitless in inside "Ohhh really? okay so why you left looking all cute and shit cuz on when you home you wear sweats and a tank and plus you left smiling n shit rushing out of here" Chris said " just w-wanted to look c-cute to-today-y that's a-all" I said stuttering OMG!! I'm dead cause one thing about these boys is that they don't play when it comes to boys. "c'mon don't lie I said we don't wanna here lies" Drake "I'm not lying!" I yelled "lower your damn voice girl!" Kevin said "okay im giving one more chance to tell me cause you didn't even tell me you was leaving so you wrong right there" Jay takes a deep breath and says "one more chance Alanna" "i said I went nowhere"'i said but they know I'm lying and I know fear is in my eyes. In one quick motion I feel a sting on my thigh and i scream cause it hurts I look up to see Jay with a belt in his hands, when and where he got I don't know but that hit was hard right now. Yea I know I'm 17 and y'all thinking what 17 year old gets her ass whoop with a belt but y'all might know my brother Jayden. "no I'm giving yo ass ONE more time to TELL me where the FUCK your ass was this morning before i whoop your ass bcause no matter what or how old you is you a LITTLE ASS GIRL!!" he screamed in my face. Right now I was crying and I know they know where I was but he want me to tell him "I *sniff* was at *sniff* his house" I said "now we going somewhere!! Who house?" Chris said "......." I couldn't say it they would kill me "alright we know who but we need to hear c'mon" Kevin said softly and tears start falling fast "Diego" I whispered "There we go!!!" Jay said clapping his hands together "now all I want to know is what y'all was doing and then we can go to stage 2" Drake said I looked at him scared with my eyes wide open shaking my head no. "no? You telling us no?" Jay said I looked at him then looked at the rest of them and I spot Xavier and Reaquan sitting on the sofa and they look at me with sad eyes "don't look at them they can't help yo grown ass" Chris said I took a deep breath and said "we were kissing with me sitting on his lap" "hmmmm so basically y'all was doing what I saw that day at the park" Jay said and I nodded "we done with this stage now let's go to stage 2 and that's how we gonna tell you your punishments" Chris said "alright give all me the electronics and put in this box" Drake said the box was metal and big and the only was to put a 10 digit code that only Jay knows. "Alright let's go get the rest of them upstairs" Kevin said "and Xavier and Reaquan bring this box upstairs on her room" We made to my room and I gasped "this what's happen when you wanna be grown and X (xavier) and Ray(reaquan) this would happen to y'all if y'all wanna be grown too" Drake said. Everything was gone even my computer desk and the extra decorations i put even my bean bag. The only I had was a bed, clothes, shoes, accessories, books and makeup. THEY OVERREACTING!!! "okay we have everything we need now we gonna tell you the rules" Jay said "one of us not including Xavier or Reaquan will take you and from school" Kevin said "you must do your chores and yea the ones I let you slide with not doing and yo homework too and you better not be failing,skipping or misbehaving in any class" Jay said "no friends over here and don't even think about talking to them with the house phone either or somebody else own too" Chris said "also if you have to stay after school on of us must know and you can't leave this house without one of us knowing and there must be a good reason too" Drake said. All did was nod "now stage 3!! The last stage!!!" Chris said "but we gonna tell you in the morning....any questions?" Kevin said "yea um how long is this punishment?" i said "Its two weeks" Jay said "okay" I said with a tear rolling down my face followed by many others "aye y'all take this box down to my room and let me talk to her" Jay said. Everybody hugged me tight but said things like "I'm really sorry" and "this is just for the best" and "I love you but I have to this". Jay locked the door and sat on bed "come sit" he said I sat down but far away from him
Jay: look im sorry im really am but I'm scared
Alanna: scared of what?
Jay: you growing up and fucking other dudes
Alanna: I don't fuck everybody you know
Jay: I know but I saw when you went into his house and it strike me like damn that's my baby sister
Alanna: I'm not little anymore hell I'm not even a virgin!
Jay: I know!! And thats what scares me cuz...cuz
Then Jay did something unexpected. He starts crying but not in the sobbing out of control way but in the way where his eyes gets glossy and tears one by one falls. I never really thought I see the day Jayden cry because he stop crying a long time ago.
I was sitting on the stairs listening on my parents and Jayden. He was about 10 that time "son were leaving" dad said "we some important things to do and we won't be back in a awhile" "I thought you were going stay my birthday

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