» Juvenile Fiction » Marina the Vampire, Catherine Burton [good books to read in english txt] 📗

Book online «Marina the Vampire, Catherine Burton [good books to read in english txt] 📗». Author Catherine Burton

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in darkness all day. But I will be with you all day. We will do whatever you want to do,” I explain.
Ryan replies, “Can we now have sex?”
“Sure,” I tell him mentally.
When we are done we then just sleep throughout the day. But at midnight I get dressed and take Ryan hunting. We go to the ally I was captured and look for any pray that we can eat. I find five and Ryan finds ten. We run into Zame. “Hello, Fran, who is this, your brother?” he smiles.
“No he is my best friend, Taylor. He is like a brother but not officially,” I answer. Ryan looks confused. “I use fake names so that your identity is still a secret. It is a safer way to go about other vampires. But you have to remember the name when it has been a while.” We look at Zame and I notice that there are two other men behind him. One is the guard I just learned his name, Josh, that tried to poison me, tall, five o’clock shadow, and muscular. The other man is the one who tried to have sex with me, Frankie, skinny, blonde, and cute. Zame, tall, well built, tan skin, short brown hair. The only thing the three and Ryan have in common is their black eyes. I have silver eyes because I am the first of my kind. I love my eyes. That is how they know who I am. I wonder what they are doing here. I notice that they have weapons.
They notice that I see their weapons and they attack. I say to Ryan, “With me being the first that means I am the best. Enjoy.” I am fifty percent stronger, faster, and better with my powers than any of these guys. I run to Josh and grab his weapon against him and stab his leg with his pipe. Then I bend it on both sides so it is harder to get out and he bleeds more. I look up and smile at him. I go for Frankie next and he has a knife, one of mine. He tries to sneak up on me but I am quicker. I turn but he still gets me in the arm and it hurts, but his mistake was that he pulled it out. I heal fifty percent faster than any vampire ever made. I turn and grab my knife from his hand and lick the blood off of it. I then stab his arm with it and Frankie yells out in pain. I turn to Zame and grab his neck and I ask, “Why are you here?”
He says, “I was told that you would come back and stay with us forever by my Queen.” I let him go and I follow him with Ryan at my side.
I do not wear a blindfolded this time. We go down winding halls, but without our guide we would have gotten lost anyway. We go down a hall and we are told that we are to stay here until the Queen is ready to see us. We are accompanied by the other men that were in that room with Frankie. “Hay, you were that chick that was nude with us. You guys remember her. Hay, what’s your name?” he points to Ryan.
Ryan replies, “My name is Taylor and I am her best friend.” He hugs me and I hug back. It is good that he remember his fake name and status.
“You two should date because you look cute together,” one of the men says.
“Thanks, and do you know why you are here?” I ask.
“I heard that we are going to be changed and become vampires but Frankie is not joining us. Would you know why he is not joining us?” someone asked with worry in his voice.
“I will tell you the truth; I met up with him at the entrance and hurt him badly,” I say honestly. Some of the men look away but others keep on looking at me.
Someone comes to the door and says, “Fran and Taylor, the Queen awaits.”
Chapter 6
We enter the room and the Queen is dressed in a long gowned. “Hello Fran and Taylor.” She says. The guards leave but I think that they will stay by the door.
“What do you want?” I ask.
She replies, “I want you to join us. You can stay here as citizens. I will just need to know if you want to join us.”
“I am not interested in what you have to say. I am sure that you are doing this because of the meeting in five days. So, I can’t be there and not kill any of your citizens,” I reply
“Well, then you will be our prisoners then. If you like you can be in the same cell,” she says with a smile. Zame and twenty guards enter the room and they chain us, blindfold us, and they take us away.
I wake up, Ryan is below me and he is still asleep. I jump down and try to wake him up. He gets up and he looks happy to see me. “Hay Mar, we are in the dog house now,” he says.
“Ya and I believe that I can get us out of this,” I say. I go over to the bars and break four bars and tell Ryan, “Come on we are getting out of here as long as we don’t run into Zame.” I smile and we run out of the cage and went towards the Queens room, I know the way out from there. We run past it and people notice that we are not in the cell. We run to the exit and we continue to run until we are home.
“Where were you two?” Heather asks.
“We were in the under city because the Queen wanted Ryan and me to join them. We said no and they put us in a cell. I got us out but they probably are coming for us right now,” I pause, “They have a strong army but with me we might be able to fight them off. We need all the strength we can get. Heather, do you have any friends that could come and help us?”
“Ya, I have plenty. Here are the numbers,” she replies and hands out a phone book with cell numbers highlighted. In ten minutes twenty of Heather’s friends are here to help. I thank them all for their help when they come inside.
“Thank you all for coming. The enemy is coming and I am surprised they are not here yet. We will make sure that everyone here will be here at the end. I owe you more than I can give you. I am just not sure if it was a good idea to ask you to come. I was just going to fight them but thanks to you all we have a greater chance at winning,” I say to all the helpers that came.
We are told that they are coming and we all get ready to fight. They arrive and they are well armed. “To stop this you just have to come back with us Camsie of the beginning,” said the Queen. All the people who came to help us turn and they look scared.
“I will come only if you promise to leave them alone and let me go to all council meetings” I say looking down at the ground.
Ryan turns to me and says, “No I won’t let you do this. I love you and I am not leaving you. So if you go I go.” I turn, kiss his cheek, and nod my head.
“Fine with me that you come along too,” says the Queen. Ryan and I go to the Queen and we are surrounded by guards who lead us away.
Then Erin runs and kills three men she also hurt five men. All the others attacked as well. I turn and rip off a guard’s head. I return to the others with Ryan. We fight for hours and it seems like no one will win, because we were evenly matched. We are close to the back so I go up to the Queen and rip off her arms. She yells out in pain. Zame comes over, grabs me from behind, and he holds back my arms. I am helpless now. Erin runs straight over and jumps on Zame. He lets me go and I go over to the Queen. I rip off her head. I throw it as hard as I can at Zame. It hit him in the chest, hard. He falls over unconscious in Erin’s arms.
We are winning and we eliminate every one of the men that came. When the last ones are killed, I notice we had no casualties. We just burn the bodies and go inside so that we can heal and talk.
I head to my room and sleep with my love beside me.

Chapter 7

I wake and Ryan is there staring at me. “Morn’ sunshine, how do you feel?” he asks me as I slowly get up.
“I feel fine, how about you?” I reply. He gets up and stretches his whole body.
“Good, well I am heading down for breakfast join me,” he answers. He comes over and helps me up. I take his hand and we head downstairs. Today for breakfast we have a buffet of many foods due to our many guests.
“Well if it is the last two to come down. I thought that you two would miss breakfast,” says Heather. Everyone waves to us and we wave back. Ryan and I head over to the buffet and take a plate full of food. We eat in silence accept for the classical music in the background.
“I feel like the Thanksgiving turkey, stuffed,” Ryan remarks when he finishes his food. Everyone laughs at the joke. I roll my eyes jokingly then nudge him so he knows to follow me. I head upstairs and Ryan follows.
“Ryan, do you want to join me in the tub or wait ‘til I am done to clean up?” I ask Ryan, already knowing the response.
Ryan replies, “I will join you so it’s faster and easier to clean up.” I smile and turn the hot water handle and plug the stopper in. I put in about twenty cups of bubble soap. A minute later the tub is full of water and overflowing with bubbles. I head into the water and Ryan joins me shortly.
“Well are we just going to sit here are we going to do some talking?” I ask. Ryan throws some of the bubbles at my face. We laugh and enjoy our bubble war.
We finish ten minutes later and we get out of the tub to dry off. Ryan unplugs the tub; we both share a kiss, and head into our rooms.
I put on a dark purple short strapless dress with sneakers on with black tights, too. I walk out of my room and Ryan is there with low jeans with a T-shirt on that shows a little of his boxers, too. He looks at what I am wearing and smiles. I smile at him then we head back down to the kitchen. When we get down all the other vampires are gone and Heather and Erin are cleaning up. “Do you need any help?” I ask.
“No, we are good. But, thanks for asking,” replies Heather. She and Erin finish up cleaning the room. We sit on the couch in silence.
Ryan says, “Hay, does anyone want to go to the mall or something because I am bored.” We all nod

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