» Juvenile Fiction » Change is Good, K.F. [the reading list book TXT] 📗

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she said "See you later" She said then turned to walk in her house.
"Wait Shanelle" Myrie stopped her "Can I call you later?"
"Listen Myrie don't ask me you decide if you wanna call and I'll decide if i want to answer" she smiled then loudly whispered "Don't ask its not attractive" and she smiled. Myrie smiled back.
"Well I thought I was being polite" Myrie said putting his hands up in a i surrender stance. Shanelle smiled thinking "He is so Goergous"
"It was thank you and sure you can call m, I'll talk to you later" she blushed "Bye"
"Bye" Myrie said back and Shanelle walked in the house. Myrie smiled all the way to his house. (Which is five houses across the street). Chapter 8 I Just Wanna Text You

(wat u doin?....$Cash$)
(eatin pizza rollz....Smooches xoxo)
(Sum 1 can eat....$Cash$)
(shut up...u jus couldnt wait 2 tlk 2 meh huh?... :)...Smooches xoxo)
(i guess not... plus u da only person i kno around here....$Cash$)
(excuses...u jus wntd to tlk 2 meh....Smooches xoxo)
(u rite i do....$Cash$)
(u wanna go play ball wit meh....Smooches xoxo)
(u cnt ball....$Cash$)
(how u kno u nevr seen meh play....Smooches xoxo)
(giv me 15 beautiful....$Cash$)
(k txt meh wen u leavin....Smooches xoxo)
(OK....Smooches xoxo)
without texting one another back they both came out at the sametime. They walked to the park and played a few games of one on one.
"Now what were you saying about me not being able to ball" Shanelle said Sarcasticly.
"Yeah I guess you aight even though you only won one game"
"What ever" Shanelle laughed.
"So how you know how to play" Myrie asked "I never seen a girl ball like that before" he thought to himself.
"My uncles and my brother, I guess"
"Well you alright...for a girl" he said joking.
"I guess" she laughed.
"Naw I'm only joking you can really ball forreal" and after saying that Shanelle's Phone rang.
"Hold the praise for jus a sec" she smiled. "What do you want Derion?" Shanelle asked in an irritated tone.
"I just wanted to see what you were doing babygirl" he said flirtatiously and Shanelle rolled her eyes.
"I'm doing me and don't call me that, why are you calling me at all you broke up with me, remember" Shanelle stated matter a factly. Myrie stood trying to keep his composure. He was tired of this Derion guy already.
"Well that dont mean we can't be friends" derion said trying to influence Shanelle into thinking he was sincere.
"Ah I don't know about all that, but I'm with a friend right now so all that bull thats flying out your mouth can stop cause I ain't feeling it"
"What friend?" Derion asked and Shanelle got irritated "what give him the right to try and ask me who I'm with" she thought to herself.
"Thats really none of your business but if you must know it's the new boy at school and I really gotta go he's waiting for me to end this lame conversation so by Derion" and that was it. When she hung up Myrie and Shanelle busted out laughing.
"So I'm guessing you have no feeling left for your ex" Myrie said sarcasticly.
"You guessed right"
"Well alright then Beautiful you wanna come chill with me for a minute?" Myrie said hoping he wasn't being too foward.
"Dang so you just think that since I played ball with you that we cool enough for me to go in your house" Shanelle said giving a stern look.
"I'm not trying to" He said and Shanelle cut him off.
"Stop, I'm only joking, I don't know why but for some reason i feel very comfortable with you" she smiled and they walked to his house.

Chapter 9 Shoulda, Coulda

"Wow this is nice" Shanelle said in awe.
"Yeah I guess but my other house is nicier" he said sounding down.
"You miss being there" Shanelle asked leaning against a wall.
"Yeah I guess I do" he smiled "But lets get off of that I want to show you something" he grabbed Shanelle's hand and led her to the game room.
"Oh my gosh, this is amazing, what does your family do?" she asked surprised.
"I live here with my dad and he make exercise videos and makes and sell exercise equipment"
"So he must be huge"
"Yeah he's pretty big"
Shanelle and Myrie played around for a bit and watched t.v., then Myrie ordered them a pizza.
"I can't believe I'm this comfortable with you and we just met" Shanelle said while thinking "I hope I not falling for him already"
"Yeah I have that affect on people" he joked." I'm just playing, forreal I feel the same way"
"So where's your dad anyway" Shanelle sid noticing he hadn't shown up the whole time she was there.
"I don't know he was here when I left"
"Oh well he's gone now, I kinda wanted to meet him"
"Why?" Myrie asked.
"Because Myrie I'm in his house, he doesn't know me and it's polite"
"Oh you wanna then kind of girls" Myrie said turning away from Shanelle.
"What kind would that be?" She asked confused.
"A good girl" he smiled.
"I guess I am is that a bad thing?" she wondered more to herself.
"No it's just I don't have alot of friends like you"
"Aww we're friends" Shanelle smiled.
"Yeah" Myrie smiled back.
"So I guess that makes you a bad boy huh?" she said more flirtatiously than joking.
"Hum I wouldn't say all that" he said stepping a little closer to Shanelle.
"Well thats too bad I heard good girls always fall for bad boys" she said flirtatiously joking and then turning away to sit on the sofa.
"I wouldn't be so sure, bad boys always hurt good girls" Myrie said and Shanelle instantly thought of Derion then they heard the door bell. "I'l be right back I think that's the pizza"
"Okay" Shanelle said and thought "Oh I'm falling for him am I vunarable or am I really feeling him" then Myrie was back with two cups sprite and the pepperoni pizza.
"Ready to eat?" he asked.
"Once you get to know me you'll learn I'm always down to eat some food"
Myrie laughed "Alright then" they ate and talked some more.
"Oh wow it's 9:30 I think I better be leaving now" Shanelle said looking at her phone "Plus my mom has called me like three times so yeah I'd better go" she said and smiled.
"Yeah I guess so" Myrie said and stood up. "Want me to walk you home?" he asked and Shanelle thought "Aww what a gentleman"
"No to be honest all you have to do is watch me from your door" she smiled and so did Myrie. They walked up stairs to the front door.
"Well Myrie I guess I'll see you tomorrow"
"Yeah I guess so"
"I really had fun today thanks"
"It's cool I had fun too" then it was silent.
"Okay well bye" Shanelle said and turned to walk away.
"Wait no hug you eat most of the pizza the you just leave without giving me a hug" Myrie joked.
"Shut up, and your right you can't be no bad boy you're too soft" Shanelle said with a smile. She walked up to Myrie and he bent down to hug her.
"Boy your too tall" Shanell said still hugging Myrie.
"No it's just your short" Myrie said with a chuckle. Then they just stood in each others embrace Shanelle became lost in the scent of Myrie's cologne and Myrie was just infatuated with being in Shanelle's arms, feeling her skin thinking "Should i be thinking about her this way, we just met and I do still kinda have a girlfriend. Who hasn't texted or called me all day today" They loosened their embrace and juststared at one another.
"Well I'll see you in the morning I guess" Shanelle said staring Myrie in his eyes becoming lost again so she looked somewhere else and then began to think about how it would feel to kiss his lips.
"Yeah" Myrie said looking Shanelle up and down slowly and wondering if he should kiss her but decided against it because it was too soon and because of his "girlfriend".
"See you later, tomorrow" he corrected himself.
"Bye" then Shanelle walked home "I should have kissed him" and Myrie to himself "I should have kissed her"

Chapter 10 2weeks later late Friday afternoon

"So whats up for your weekend Shanelle?" Myrie asked as they walk home from the busstop.
"I don't kno Nae and Jeena might come stay over what about you?" she asked..
"Well Mar and Rell coming by to play some ball in few then after that I'm not sure, maybe after that ya'll can stop by my house and we can all just chill. Do that sound cool with you?"
"Yeah Myrie that actually sounds fun"
"Well okay beutiful text me or call me when they get to your house"
"okay"Shanelle said reaching her house.Shanelle went and changed her clothes and got ready for the rest of her day. Shanelle put on her black jeggings and white fitted tshirt that read "never pressed" on it. She then put on her black hoop earrings and black flats. She threw her hair in a slick ponytail seeing that it grew atleast 3 1/2 inches since two weeks before. 'My hair is growing fast' she thought to herself. her phone began to ring.
"yep, yep" she answered seeing it was Jeena.
"I'm around the corner" Jeena responded.
"okay" Shanelle said then they hung up, then there was a knock

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